U.S. Army Admits Troops Conducting Law Enforcement Is Illegal

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Yet it continues to happen across the country on a routine basis

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

As military vehicles roll down streets and highways in St. Louis, Missouri amidst rising concerns about martial law, the U.S. Army has admitted that having troops conduct law enforcement duties is illegal in the United States.

Residents in St Louis were shocked last week to see heavily armored U.S. Army vehicles patrolling neighborhoods, part of an exercise that runs until Friday. However, the local media responded by featuring ‘vox pops’ interviews with people who supported the use of the military in order to “cut down on crime,” despite the fact that using the Army for domestic law enforcement is forbidden under the Posse Comitatus Act.

Advocating that America ape foreign countries where troops patrol the streets, one resident told Fox 2, “I think it’s the same way when you go to other countries…they don’t have police officers they have troops, and I think it kind of scares a lot of people…it might cut down on a whole lot of crime because they don’t know if they’re military or the police.”

“I think it’s fantastic because it might slow down some of the crime rate,” added another.

In a separate KSDK report, although acknowledging that some had expressed fears about martial law, the news channel emphasized how other residents had vowed to “stop and salute” the tanks as they rolled by.

However, in a KPLR St. Louis report, Capt. William Geddes of the U.S. Army Reserve is quoted as saying it’s, “Actually against federal law for them to do police patrols.”

Perhaps someone should remind Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno that it is illegal for troops to conduct law enforcement domestically.

In a recent Foreign Affairs piece, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, Odierno suggested that the army be “transitioned” into a more “flexible force” by deploying in situations normally reserved for domestic law enforcement officials.

Indeed, the Army and other branches of the military have already been deployed domestically for precisely that purpose on innumerable occasions.

Military Police were tasked with conducting crowd control at the 2009 Kentucky Derby. Photographs showed MPs detaining a man who had run onto the track.

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In March of the same year, U.S. Army troops were dispatched to patrol the streets of Samson, Alabama, after a murder spree.

In December 2008, the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatched troops to work with police on checkpoints in in San Bernardino County, California.

In April 2009, we reported on the deployment of 400 National Guard Combat Support Battalion troops to “maintain public order” at the Boston Marathon.

In the same month we highlighted how uniformed soldiers were involved in handling a car wreck in El Paso, Texas, during which a local ABC news reporter and his cameraman were arrested simply for something they routinely do every day as part of their job – filming traffic incidents.

These are just a handful of the incidents we have documented over the last few years where the military has been illegally involved in domestic law enforcement.

Back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.

Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”

If troops conducting law enforcement duties is completely illegal, as Capt. William Geddes confirms, they why is it happening on a routine basis across the country?


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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12 Responses to “U.S. Army Admits Troops Conducting Law Enforcement Is Illegal”

  1. Yeah so it’s all okay because the Army admitted it was happening. Desensitization at it’s finest.

  2. The SNC/PARTY agenda is: 1) circumvention of the Bill of Rights, 2) collapse of US domestic and economic infrastructures, 3) occult rendition which sets an international legal precedence for resourcing human ritual sacrifice with “products” acquired in the US, AND 4) double bind propaganda.

    al-Qaeda is CIA what cover is being used to conquer the Middle East, and the Zetas/Sinaloa will serve the same function for North America.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 27th, 2012 at 9:20 am

    last sentence.. YES (said it in AZ thread too)
    it explains the 200m + 450m orders of hollowpoint bullets.

    big invasion from South America to wipe North America out,
    then return to South America wealthier and out of the way of Fukushima fallout?
    all as planned by bungholio-bama’s handlers?
    why there was no international effort to help Japan contain it?

    Germany’s influence in South America is well known, plan of San Diego anyone?
    CIA formed from WW2 operation paperclip nazis, that runs the “drug cartels”..

  3. There is going to be a Nuclear false flag happening on 7/4/2012 in the U.S., possibly Washington D.C. and maybe some other cities. But what you must research is the fact that nuclear bombs are fake and meant to keep people in fear and to bring in the NWO. They have been doing the same predictive programing and preconditioning for the attack that will happen on 7/4/2012 as they did before 9/11/2001. They also have been hinting that they will hit the london underground with chem or bio weapons, and possibly a false nuclear attack on the Olympic stadium on 7/27/2012. And this whole contest about Obama as Dictator is to predictively program you into accepting him as our dictaitor. Also the attacks on the Olympics will help bring in the NWO.They will blame the attacks on Religion, and especially Catholics and it will be like pagan rome on steroids.

    coastx Reply:
    June 27th, 2012 at 7:51 am

    You’re aren’t convincing anyone. Decode the following set of numbers by substituting a letter for the question mark, or shut the fuck up: 62 92 91 62 ?

    Not a Drill! Reply:
    June 27th, 2012 at 8:16 am

    But this time we will know who the real terrorists are won’t we?

  4. There you go America, exactly what The Declaration of Independence states that you were never to do again. You defend and exercise the wrong damned document. The Constitution of the United States of America is worthless and defenseless if you do not exercise the firs signed document.

    So, what is next America? Are you going to start housing these highly trained murderers?

    And, what is the difference between local cops and the military? They both are police, one does it locally and the other is a world cop. They both have the means and firepower to annihilate you in the event that you do not obey their pharaonis commands. I seriously believe that you all better stop worshiping and idolizing any of these things. They are not heroic in the eyes of the Lord, they are murderers, killers and oppressors.

    I had a man once state to me that what am I going to do when I find out that there is no God. Now, back at all of the non-believers, what are you going to do when God is finally revealed to you? When this happens, it will be literally too late. I have seen God and stood before Him.
    I seriously think that the military and law enforcement world wide better wake up.

    “What you all will do for money, the root that leads to all evil!”

    (And, that triangular entity that is brushed matte-black that blanks out the stars and blends with the night sky is larger than what you think and is not man made. It is triangular in shape, not a chevron.).

    A warning to the rich oppressors:
    Cry and whimper because of the wretchedness that is coming your way. Your wealth is decomposing, and moths are eating your clothes. Your gold and silver are decomposing. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like the rust formed by canker. You have hoarded wealth in the last of days. The wages that you failed to pay the people whom worked so diligently and hard for you are crying out against you. The cries of those that you oppress have reached the ears of the Father God, the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened your selves in the days of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you.
    [The rich oppressors are not just limited to the millionaires, billionaires, congress and the governments].

  5. Al-Qaeda is to Osama as the PLO is to Carlos the Jackal.
    Compare and contrast the response to these two
    then and now.

    If the military knows and understands that their actions are illegal, then a time will come when each individual will be held liable.

    We are not Germans and this is not social collectivism where no one will say anything and let the smoke float overhead and when the smoke clears, the American people will not experience collective shame for allowing it to happen while being forced to smell the stench.

    And like the Iraqi’s, we have opened and working Civilian courts and will judge our own first.

  6. Hey, Alex!! This comment section is messing with my posts!

    grandpa free man Reply:
    June 27th, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Two tries on prisonplanet, but at infowars 4tries at posting were refused. The lunatics running this asylum are censoring this website.

  7. Oh, I feel so much better, we’re still free and free as the wind blows….tee hee. They just want some training so in case they have to drive over to Afghanistan or Iran, they know how to stop at the stop lights….wink wink. I guess they want to see how they can dodge pedestrians when they’re running across the streets ?

  8. i hope they do i need a clear head shot .i cant wait come to the woods of east texas we can hide where you cant see us .

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