U.S. Defense Department Announces Another Step Toward Finalizing of the North American Union



Another step toward the North American Union (NAU) was announced on
Tuesday March 27th, by the U.S. Department of Defense in its press release noting
the “inaugural trilateral meeting
of North American defense ministers in Ottawa, Canada. ~ Bob Adelmann

It was attended
by Canada’s Minister of National Defense Peter MacKay, Mexican Secretary
of National Defense General Guillermo Galvan, and Mexican Secretary of
the Navy Admiral Mariano Mendoza, along with U.S. Secretary of Defense
Leon Panetta.

The communique was all about “defense,” “threats” and “security,” key fear-based watch-words decided upon years ago to sell the idea of the NAU to the American people:

By virtue of our geography, our peoples, and our trading relationship, our three nations share many defense interests. Threats
to North America and the hemisphere are increasingly complex and
require non-traditional responses.

Building upon the trilateral
collaboration under the North American Leaders Summit process, we share a
determination to enhance our common understanding of those threats and of the approaches needed to address them…

We know that transnational threats require transnational responses…

Our meeting today has established the framework necessary to build
North America’s resilience by pursuing a practical agenda built on
sustained trilateral cooperation on issues related to defense.

[Emphasis added.]

The press release continued on in the same vein, stressing the need for trilateral coordination to provide defense against various threats. Note carefully the deliberate use of these words: “As part of our initial work plan, we intend to:

Develop a joint trilateral defense threat assessment for North America…

Explore ways to improve our support of efforts of civilian public security agencies in countering illicit activities in our respective countries and the hemisphere, such as narcotics trafficking…

Continue to work together to strengthen hemispheric defense forums…

[Emphasis added.]

These words were chosen secretly in advance and were revealed when
Wikileaks published a secret 2005 email from Ottawa signed by
then-Ambassador Paul Cellucci. Alex Newman of The New American analyzed the email’s contents carefully here,
noting that efforts to move forward on the NAU would have to entail a
process of “gradualism” and “incrementalism” in order not to frighten
American citizens into realizing that their national sovereignty was
being threatened. A key part of the secret email explained the process:

Our research leads us to conclude that such a package should tackle both “security” and “prosperity” goals. This fits the recommendations of Canadian economists who have assessed the options for continental integration…

A stronger continental “security perimeter” can strengthen economic performance…

Cooperative measures on the “security” side, a critical focus of current bilateral efforts, can deliver substantial, early, and widespread economic benefits…

[Emphasis added.]

Following the inaugural meeting, Defense Secretary Panetta used those same key words in his support of the NAU’s inch-by-inch surrender of national sovereignty:

This is the first trilateral meeting of defense ministers from
the United States, Canada and Mexico…[providing] an unprecedented
opportunity to try to bring together our nations in a common approach to
continental security

Looking ahead, the U.S. is exploring other ways to improve our defense collaboration and to focus on areas like cyber security and defense support to civil authorities such as law enforcement agencies…

[Emphasis added.]

Singing from the same sheet of music was Canada’s MacKay:

When it comes to the security of North America, none of us can
afford to work in isolation, and that has been an easy conclusion to
arrive at. Our discussions today began with what I believe is an
important dialogue on security and defense in North America that we will continue through regular meetings…

Through our discussions today, we were able to better identify a number
of opportunities to better coordinate our efforts on issues related to
national defense. We discussed the need to advance a common understanding of the threats facing North America…

All of these steps herald a new era of defense cooperation on this continent. A new effort that I believe will advance security in the Western Hemisphere and around the world.

[Emphasis added.]

Panetta finished off the chorus:

Our nations are more than just neighbors. We are friends, we are
partners, we are one family — una familia, un famil — committed to
forging a better and more secure future for our people.

[Emphasis added.]

Dr. Gary North was quick to note the flimsy basis for such an overreach of trilateral defense cooperation: “Narcotics trafficking? That is the enemy?”

Anthony Wile of The Daily Bell has repeatedly reprised the theme the
forces of internationalism use to scare people into giving up essential
liberty in order to gain temporary security. Concerning the efforts to
build the NAU using the same strategy used to create the European Union,
Wile said:

There is ample evidence in our view that the powers-that-be seek continued global convergence and control…

The Daily Bell itself point[s] out on a regular basis how elite fear-based promotions
are initiated and configured to permeate Western culture. Each of these
promotions has its goal…the formation and expansion of world
government. The pattern is not hard to detect, we believe. One does not
have to be “paranoid” to do so.


Bob Adelmann – March 29, 2012 – TheNewAmerican


Related article…

Defense Boss Panetta Touts “North America” After Canada Meetings




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