Uganda bans 38 NGOs ‘for promoting homosexuality’

A previous bill called for the death penalty for repeat offenders, although
the new version is expected to drop this clause, as well as calls for life
imprisonment, after international condemnation of the proposal and threats
to cut off aid.

Lokodo said the local and international non governmental organisations would
be deregistered for promoting homosexuality.

“I have got a record of meetings that they have held to empower, enhance
and recruit (homosexuals),” Lokodo said.

On Monday, he ordered the break up of a gay rights conference being held at a
hotel just outside the capital Kampala.

Police officers sealed off the venue for several hours, detaining gay
activists from around the region.

“They claimed they (were) investigating a security threat,” Pepe
Julian Onziema, an activist with Sexual Minorities Uganda who attended the
conference. “(The minister) is just trying to intimidate us.”

Around 15 activists from Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania were questioned
and later released without charge.

“They were questioned on what exactly they were up to and the assembly
they were involved in,” Kampala Metropolitan police spokesman Idi
Senkumbi said.

Mohammad Ndifuna, the director of Human Rights Network Uganda, one of the
organisations to be banned, said the minister’s threat was part of a larger
attack on civil society in Uganda.

“We know that they have been all kinds of threats coming towards the
(NGO) sector for different reasons,” said Ndifuna.

In May, Uganda threatened to deregister the British charity Oxfam over
accusations of government involvement in violent land grabs in the country.

Source: Reuters

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