UK boasts of plan that splits up poor

The Home Secretary has confirmed that Britons who fall in love with someone from outside the EU will be unable to bring them into Britain unless they earn at least £18,600 a year.

This is while that, in the Conservative Party’s manifesto, Britain was to become the most family-friendly country in the whole of Europe.

With their coalition partner, the Liberal Democrats’ agreeing, the Tories declared that Britain needed strong families to help the society work well and that they would support families wanting to stay together.

After all these pleasant promises, the British government now intends to proudly tear thousands of poor families apart each year, especially if a foreigner is involved.

It was concluded on Sunday by Theresa May that British people who bond with individuals from outside the EU, will not be able to bring them into the United Kingdom unless they earn at least £18,600 annually. This required income would automatically rise if a couple were to have children.

Furthermore, foreign partners are likely to be stuck in a probation period in the UK that would last up to five years instead of the general two.

Ian Birrell, a writer of the British national daily The Guardian accused the UK government of being liars, regarding their manifesto claims about building the society and also reinforcing the Conservatives caring only for the rich by picking off the poorest families.

Since the start of Britain’s Tory-Lib Dem government in 2010, it has become increasingly difficult for foreigners to live and settle in the United Kingdom.

This comes as the Liberal Democrats section in the cabinet has not yet had an apparent voice as a coalition partner. Whereas, the right-wing Conservative party constantly rules and makes the real decisions with its ideas generally aiming to support the rich and abandon foreigners, along with the working class.


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