UK disabled workers vote for strike

Members of the GMB and Unite unions who work for Remploy voted for strike action by a majority of 79.5 percent and 59.7 percent respectively.

The unions have warned that the government plans to shut 36 Remploy factories, which provide sheltered employment for 1,500 disabled people, will lead to the closure of all such plants in the long run, making 2,800 disabled workers jobless.

“We now have the prospect of Remploy workers taking strike action to defend their jobs. By taking strike action they are trying to avoid their certain destiny of being chucked on the economic scrapheap,” Kevin Hepworth of Unite said.

GMB national officer Phil Davies in turn said the government’s move to “destroy thousand of disabled workers’ jobs in Remploy” has led to the “overwhelming vote” for strike action.

“To close a factory that employs disabled people in the present economic climate is a sentence to life of unemployment and poverty,” Davies added.


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