UK govt’s panic to rise fuel by 10p

Some garages are reportedly taking the advantage of the crisis, as they increased the prices to make most of high demand and low supplies. Some garages will not expect any top-ups until Friday, when people will leave the cities to make use of the Easter weekend.

The head of Retail Motor Industry Petrol, Brian Madderson, stressed that petrol crisis would be intensified as he believed garages would increase the prices to 10 pence a liter in some regions, with climbs of four to six pence turning out around the UK.

“Motorists are paying a significant premium because the wholesalers know they are on to a good thing. It’s the law of supply and demand,” he said.

The RAC Route Planner, a motoring organization, warned that several people have decided to stay at home as they might not be able to find enough petrol for their Easter vacations.

The AA Route Planer also said that 54 per cent of the people anticipated to take a road trip during the long Easter holidays, but that three-quarters of the drivers would not make a long distance journey following rising concerns over fuel costs.

A possible strike is also expected, after thousands of tanker drivers said they would go on strike and blockade refineries and gridlock motorways if the Unite union called for a tanker strike.

However, despite a week of triggering panic by ministers, Foreign Secretary William Hague insisted that ministers, including Francis Maude who called on people to fill up their jerry cans and keep them at homes, had done “absolutely the right thing.”

Coalition government has come under fire after ministers warned people to store fuel at home to tackle the possible impacts of the threatened tanker strike. The warning led to a disaster after a woman from York suffered serious burns to her body when she was transferring petrol between canisters in her kitchen.

The Labour opposition party claimed that the government had played “political games” in handling of the strike, and deliberately provoked petrol panic to distract attentions from anti-Tory headlines over the cash-for-access scandal.


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