US Blocks Investigation into Army’s Massacre in Kandahar

March 31, 2012

The defense lawyer for Robert Bales, who is accused of killing 17 Afghan civilians, is blaming the US for blocking his team’s fact-finding mission into the Kandahar incident. He says he can’t interview witnesses and prosecutors won’t cooperate.

John Henry Browne claims US forces in Afghanistan obstructed him and his associates from reaching the injured civilians at a hospital in Kandahar province to interview them about the incident, Reuters reports.

Brown also said that after investigators interviewed the injured, they let them go freely with collecting any contact information, making it virtually impossible to find them. He further charges they are not sharing the data which was obtained from the witnesses with his team. He says Bales’ defense has only managed to talk to US soldiers in Afghanistan, but not the actual victims of the attack. 

Browne explains that the military prosecutors who filed the charges against Bales have been possibly been unwilling to cooperate because “they are concerned about the strength of their case.”

The lawyer complained of an “almost complete information blackout from the government, which is having a devastating effect on our ability to investigate the charges preferred against our client.”

Browne’s statements raise even more suspicion about whether the US really wants to punish the guilty party to the fullest extent of the law, or if the government is concealing some ugly truth about the Kandahar massacre.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

An independent Afghan probe into the killings alleges that up to 20 US soldiers were involved. After analyzing reports from witnesses and survivors, an investigative team sent by President Hamid Karzai firmly stated that “one soldier cannot kill so many people in two villages within one hour at the same time.”These suspicions are shared by President Hamid Karzai, who also said that the delegation “did not receive cooperation from the USA regarding the surrender of the US soldiers to the Afghan government.”

In response to the incident, Karzai demanded a full withdrawal of coalition troops from Afghan settlements, further ordering that they be confined to military bases.

US officials still insist that only one soldier was involved in the shootings. They showed their Afghan counterparts images captured by a surveillance camera on a blimp above the base, which allegedly shows Bales returning after the shooting. But the investigators, for some reason, withheld the surveillance video from Bales’ lawyer.

Robert Bales was originally held in military custody following the incident, only to be hastily evacuated from Afghanistan. The suspected homicidal soldier’s identity was revealed only after he was reported to be en route to a military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

For the time being, Bales will have his psychological condition examined. Officials also say that due to security concerns, Bales is likely to remain at the Fort Leavenworth, and will not be transferred to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center outside Washington, DC. The psychological exam, officially called “board 706,” is par for the course when it comes to such instances of mass murder.


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13 Responses to “US Blocks Investigation into Army’s Massacre in Kandahar”

  1. Who let him off the base. Wouldn’t you think at night they watch all the walls, inside and out. O hell you got how many troops to stand watch.
    If the Officers in control of the troops , sale out Bales that’s it.

  2. The Afghan eyewitness survivors say that the US soldiers had close helicopter support. This was not a drunken binge by rogue soldiers; it was a well-planned, organized, and sober raid.

  3. If SSgt Bales couldn’t have attacked both of the two villages in the space of an hour, neither could “up to 20 US soldiers”. Which means that there may have been up to 40 US Soldiers that attacked the two Afghani villages.

  4. The early word on this one was that they were going to go with the “Lone Gunman” myth and mass market it globally. Just the very idea of letting the world know that a band of well more than a dozen drunken soldiers went on a revenge killing and murdering spree, burning many innocents too, would be “bad” PR for the UN Army. It was also done with the complicity of certain CO’s, however, telling the truth would be wrong. Troops never go on revenge binges and rape women during a “war”. Tell myths. It is trendy. It also debases the rest of the US Army. After what happened to Pat Tillman, people expect fact finding? Just keep saying to yourself, “It was only Bales, only Bales”, take a few more shots and repeat it again as you fall asleep.

    Consider the Afghan War “over”. Now it is growing and shipping opium and grabbing all the mineral rights possible. Wow what a fine job. Team America: World Police on duty.

  5. ameriKa sucks juicy ballz.

    • Wrong. The government of Amerika “sucks juicy ballz.”

      • Wrong again.
        How simple minded must these soldiers be that when the commander says jump they say how high.
        Stand up for what you believe in you thick unthinking american soldiers who have made security in america WORSE not better.
        They maybe able to court marshall one soldier of deriliction of duty but they cant when ALL!!!! the soldiers stand up together.

  6. RON PAUL is the only answer to end this never-ending madness.

  7. I have been accused of a lot of things, but I have never been accused of being a good Christian.

    That we might be delivered from wicked and unreasonable men, for not all men have faith.

    • ?

  8. The guys wife is also insisting that her husband wouldn’t do these things. He has 2 kids.


  9. “one soldier cannot kill so many people in two villages within one hour at the same time.”

    That one makes sense to me.

    And they said before : “He shot them while they were sleeping”
    Wouldn’t you wake up if you heard an M-6 blasting away ?…

    “images captured by a surveillance camera on a blimp above the base, which allegedly shows Bales returning after the shooting.”

    A blimp? What kind of “blimp” is this?
    from the sky every soldier looks the same with a helmet on,
    unless they got wicked resolution focused cameras with Face Recoginition
    or RFID chips in each soldier… ?!
    And it covers the events, being at the right place at the right time?
    Or is it a Global Eye blimp that sees every square foot of Afghanistan?

    “But the investigators, for some reason, withheld the surveillance video from Bales’ lawyer.”

    How nice. Whats on the video that they do not want anyone to see,
    also if the Prosecution can use this as evidence, the Defense has a right to have
    the footage being presented to prepare his defense.Right?

    • You pretty much sumed it up, they know something we don’t and I think they want to keep it that way.

      But alone with this bullshit of not presenting the video alone gives away that something really is faul and we are being lied to.

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