US, China doing lot on emissions: Garnaut

Climate change adviser Ross Garnaut says most Australians and local policymakers are unaware of the steps the world’s two biggest polluting nations, the US and China, are taking to reduce their carbon emissions.

The Labor government’s price on carbon emissions came into operation on Sunday.

It is Australia’s scheme to slow the rise in the nation’s carbon emissions.

Professor Garnaut released his climate change review to the Labor government in 2008 and an updated version three years later.

He said the US and China were doing “quite a lot” to slow their rise in carbon emissions, but those messages were not being relayed to Australians.

“There is just no place for real analysis of international developments in the Australian policy discussion on this matter,” Prof Garnaut told ABC Television on Monday.

Prof Garnaut said the US government was supporting low emissions technologies, while China has introduced a pilot scheme for an emission trading scheme in five cities and two provinces.

He said the discussion of climate change in Australia should occur within an international context.

“We are the highest emitter of greenhouse gases in the developed world,” Prof Garnaut said.

“We should be a little bit sensitive to that fact and sensitive to what others are doing.”

There was no dispute among economists that the best way to lower carbon emissions remained through a market-based scheme rather than governments picking winners, Prof Garnaut said.

“It is of the nature of market operations that businesses find ways of doings things at lower cost that no bureaucrat will ever think of,” he said.

“That is why in general market-based solutions are more efficient than direct interventions and central planning.”

Under Labor’s scheme, 294 big polluters will pay the $23 per tonne price on carbon emissions.

The fixed carbon price transfers to a floating emissions trading scheme in 2015.

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