US drone strike kills three in Pakistan

The incident took place in Miranshah, the main town in Pakistan’s troubled North Waziristan tribal region.

North Waziristan and other tribal regions in northwestern Pakistan have been frequently targeted by US drones over the past few years.

Washington has increasingly turned to unmanned aircraft to carry out strikes in several countries, including Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

On January 31, President Barack Obama confirmed that the United States used the unmanned drones in Pakistan and other countries.

The US says the operations target militants, although surveys show most of the victims are civilians.

According to a Pakistani human rights lawyer, Shahzad Akbar, over 2,800 of the 3,000 people killed over the past seven years in non-UN-sanctioned US assassination drone strikes in Pakistan were civilians.

That means that “over 2,800 people were civilians, whose identities are not known, and they have just been killed on suspicion of being militants,” Akbar said.

The aerial attacks were initiated by former US President George W. Bush but have been escalated under President Obama.


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