US-led Libyan abuses worse than Gadhafi

Since the U.S.-led violent regime change in Libya, Hassan El Amin, chair of Libya’s parliament human-right committee told a U.S. newspaper reporter than rights abuses are worse there than during Gadhafi’s leadership.

“I have so many concerns about human rights violations in Libya, it is getting to a stage where it is even worse than during Gadhafi’s time,” El Amin told the Washington Times. “A lot of facts have become clear about human rights abuses [by the militias], the continuous attacks on the government, the kidnappings, and all of this is setting off a warning bell for the Libyan people.

Barack Obama began a war on Libya without Congressional discussion or approval. The U.S. supported a transitional government that replaced the Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi

The militia is the transitional government’s armed forces, according to USA Today.

Many Libyans are under the threat of militias that compete for territory and terrorize those without arms to fight back, according to USA Today in January.

[See: Warning: NATO War Crimes Against Libyans Graphic Photos]

“The people are fed up and there is a lot of awareness that something needs to be done.”
El Amin resigned and fled to London, claiming militias threatened to kill him.

“The whole country is full of armed men, many of them are hanging onto their guns because they still feel the revolution is not safe,” El Amin said. “Many of those militias are totally out of control.”

El Amin received menacing phone calls and warnings scribbled on walls in Misrata, his hometown in western Libya.

Washington Times reports that militia leaders in Misrata threatened El Amin when he demanded families be allowed to visit imprisoned relatives.

He said he could not do his job in the circumstances power often lay with militias.

El Amin said rogue militias are throughout Libya and that the situation was particularly rampant in the Benghazi area.

Human rights groups accuse some militias of torturing any detainees that they think were pro-Gadhafi.

A reader commenter Geneww1938 suggested searching Libya Man Made River, a $35 Billion self funded 40-foot diameter, 2500 mile aqueduct from their most pristine wells to irrigate their people and the Fertile Crescent, cosponsored by Egypt.

The Fertile Crescent food production was to start in 2014 and feed North Africa and Southern Europe. They refused IMF finance [from UN’s One World Bank owned by NeoCon New World Order leaders] and assistance from Monsanto’s GMO seed bank and fertilizers.

You can not rule the world when you have leaders that are not dependent upon the One World Leadership. So the[y] outed Egypt’s and then Libya’s leaders, now Syria’s and next Jordan’s.

Chemical gases were known shipped from Libya to Syrian rebels and now they are attempting to blame the established regime for the gas attacks. Watch how all this plays out.

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