Vic district nurses win new pay deal

An 11-month industrial dispute involving Victorian district nurses, who visit patients in their homes, has ended with them accepting a new wage and conditions deal.

Nurses from the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) and Community Care Aides ticked off on the agreement after voting to accept it on Wednesday.

Victoria’s acting secretary of the Australian Nursing Federation, Paul Gilbert, says the new agreement ensures RDNS nurses, who visit 35,000 patients in their homes, have safe patient workloads and improved wages and conditions.

They will receive a 2.5 per cent wage increase every year over the next four years as well as a new annual pro-rata allowance of $700 to help with their re-registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

They have also won an extra one-off $200 payment in the first year of the agreement while the Community Care Aides will be paid an annual pro-rata allowance of $300 for the life of the agreement.

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