Vic man rescued after crash explosion

A P-plate driver has been freed from his crushed van after it smashed into a taxi, sparking a fiery explosion that flipped both vehicles.

The driver in his 20s crashed into the back of the taxi as it exited its centre street parking in Lonsdale Street in Melbourne’s CBD, police say.

Senior Constable Stephen Warr said the taxi’s gas tank was hit, sparking a fireball and flipping both cars about 6am (AEDT) on Tuesday.

The fire was put out by a night manager at a local business, who pulled the middle-aged taxi driver from his car.

The cabbie was taken to hospital suffering shock.

Const Warr said the van driver was trapped for more than 45 minutes.

Emergency crews freed him just after 7am and he was taken to hospital with burns and leg injuries.

“It appears the fire was very large. Some of the footage indicates it was a significant explosion,” Const Warr told reporters.

He said it appeared the van driver was speeding.

The man will undergo drug and alcohol testing before any charges are considered.

Const Warr said the injuries could have been worse.

“I think we’re lucky it happened at this time in the morning with no pedestrians around,” he said.

“Both drivers are lucky to have gotten away from this accident unscathed.”

Police are also investigating the presence of a third vehicle, a black sedan caught on CCTV footage at the scene.

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