WA police fear ATM bombers will kill

A gang of “trial and terror” bank bombers have no idea what they’re doing and will kill or injure someone if not stopped soon, West Australian police fear.

The gang has blown up six automated teller machines (ATMs) in suburban Perth during the past 11 days – including three explosions on Monday – leaving a trail of destruction and making off with an undisclosed sum of cash.

But while the powerful blasts may at first have appeared to be the work of professionals, police say the thieves have no idea what they’re doing and are using a “trial and terror” approach of ramping up each blast.

“We are very concerned because the offenders are using unconventional methods and do not appear to know what they are doing,” Inspector Bill Munnee told reporters in Perth on Monday.

“They’ve been successful in some (blasts), but not so successful with others.

“It’s just a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or dies.”

Insp Munnee said police were “throwing significant resources” behind their investigation and were not ruling out a link to similar ATM robberies in NSW.

While the Perth blasts have escalated, the bombers are believed to be using increasing amounts of explosives to ensure success, with a report one of them may have been injured in a recent explosion.

Police would not comment on the amount of cash stolen or the likelihood one of the bombers had been injured, but said they were working with the Australian Banking Association to increase security.

The most recent bombings began with a blast at a National Australia Bank ATM at Cockburn Shopping Centre in the southern suburb of Success at 1.40am (WST) on Monday.

About 20 minutes later, a BankWest ATM in Canning Vale, also in Perth’s south, was rocked by an explosion.

The most powerful blast occurred at 3.30am (WST) at a Westpac ATM in Whitfords in the city’s northern suburbs, blowing a hole in the facade and knocking over internal walls.

Police are still investigating recent blasts at ATMs in Secret Harbour, Willetton and Riverton, all in Perth’s southern suburbs, and are calling for witnesses.

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