Watch and Learn… The Truth About Gaddafi and Libya



The corporate whore media would have you believe Gaddafi was a tyrant and had to be killed. Hmmm, couldn’t have had anything to do with Libya’s rich natural
resources… could it? ~ Jacque Fresco – Video

Or the fact Gaddafi was about to dump the US dollar
(soon to be worthless petrodollar) in favour for his newly implemented
African gold dinar for payment on commodities, that would have enriched
all of Africa.

Funny how the first thing the ‘rebels’ did after they killed Gaddafi
(with the aid of NATO) was install a central bank in Libya, owned by the
Rothschild family. Since when did rebel fighters do central banking?
Have I missed something here?

The attacks on Libya were a sham. Just like in Iraq. Just like in Afghanistan. Just like in Syria.
How many more innocent people have to die before we wake the fuck up and stand in unity against this criminal new world order?


Watch this short clip and judge for yourself…


Ever wonder why a video like this never makes the main stream media?


Jacque Fresco – April 26, 2012 – HangTheBankers




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