‘We could see repeat of LA riots’

On Wednesday, ahead of Sunday’s 20th anniversary of the beginning of the LA riots, the University of California Riverside held an event entitled “Riots, Uprisings and Unfinished Business” in which the director of UC Riverside’s Young Oak Kim Center for Korean American Studies, Edward Chang, said the unfinished business includes narrowing the economic and educational gaps that still exist, which led to the riots.

Chang said there is a high possibility of racial riots breaking out in coming years — in Southern California or elsewhere in the US — unless disparities are resolved.

The LA riots started on April 29, 1992 when a Simi Valley jury acquitted four LA Police Department officers of wrongdoing in the videotaped beating of African American Rodney King. Over the course of six days, the unrest spread quickly throughout the city and left at least 53 people dead, about 2,500 injured, and over $1 billion in property damage.

At the time of the riots, police brutality and bigotry was the order of the day for the LAPD, according to a significant segment of the African American community.

King was 26 years old when a group of white police officers brutally beat him as a bystander videotaped the incident from his apartment window on March 3, 1991. A year later, an all-white jury acquitted the four police officers of assault.

King said on Friday, “I still suffer from headaches to this day and walk with a limp, but after the beating, with me, a lot of things changed.”

“People looked at civil rights and my situation and said it was time for a change.”

Meanwhile, about 200 people gathered for a three-hour discussion on the unrest in Los Angeles on Friday.

Pastor John Hunter cited the circumstances that led to the violence as being the King beating, the high rate of unemployment, and the LAPD’s callous approach to policing.

He expressed doubt as to whether the city is in a better place now than it was then.


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