West Bank’s weekly protests demand an end for the Oslo agreement

[ PIC 15/09/2012 – 09:33 PM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, the weekly protest against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in, causing scores of Palestinians and international activists to suffocate.

The Popular Committee against Wall and Settlements said in a statement that “Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas and stun grenades at protesters and sprayed them with wastewater mixed with chemicals when they arrived at the liberated territories of Abu Lemon nature reserve near the apartheid wall”.

The Committee added that dozens of demonstrators suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, while one of the solidarity activists was shot by a gas grenade in his head.

The protesters held a symbolic funeral ceremony for the “Oslo peace agreement”, and carried a mock coffin of the agreement that was “killed by Israeli missiles, bulldozed by extremist settlers, and crushed by tanks”.

They also chanted against the Oslo agreement, and stating that the Israeli occupation was never committed to any of the signed peace deals, and continued its violations and illegitimate activities.

The Popular Committee against Wall and Settlements added in its statement that the protesters called for cancelling the Oslo agreement and the agreements that followed, as the Paris Protocol, and demanded to put an end to the suffering of Palestinian captives and to release them from the occupation prisons.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers attacked, on Friday, Kufr Qaddoum weekly protest against the closure of the main road that leads to the village and arrested three citizens and a number of solidarity activists.

Media Coordinator of the weekly protests in Kufr Qaddoum, Morad Shtewy, stated that dozens of soldiers raided the village, since Friday early hours, preventing the worshipers from reaching the Mosque of Omar bin al-Khattab for Friday prayers.

He added that the soldiers fired tear gas, causing dozens of residents to suffocate, as violent clashes erupted between residents and occupation forces which used poison gas grenades and wastewater, as he said.

The IOF installed roadblocks at the entrances of the village, since early hours Friday, and declared the village and its lands as closed military zones.

They also broke into the home of Adnan Ali, and kidnapped his three sons, Ehab, 35, Baker, 24, and Humam, 16. They also detained two peace activists.


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