What If the Government Rejects the Constitution?

Andrew P. Napolitano
April 13, 2012

What if the government never took the Constitution seriously? What if the same generation – in some cases the same human beings – that wrote in the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech,” also enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to criticize the government? What if the feds don’t regard the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land?

What if the government regards the Constitution as merely a guideline to be referred to from time to time, or a myth to be foisted upon the voters, but not as a historic delegation of power that lawfully limits the federal government? What if Congress knows that most of what it regulates puts it outside the confines of the Constitution, but it does whatever it can get away with? What if the feds don’t think that the Constitution was written to keep them off the people’s backs?

What if there’s no substantial difference between the two major political parties? What if the same political mentality that gave us the Patriot Act, with its federal agent-written search warrants that permit unconstitutional spying on us, also gave us Obamacare, with its mandate to buy health insurance, even if we don’t want or need it? What if both political parties love power more than freedom? What if both parties have used the Commerce Clause in the Constitution to stretch the power of the federal government far beyond its constitutionally ordained boundaries and well beyond the plain meaning of words?

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64 Responses to “What If the Government Rejects the Constitution?”

  1. Government: men and women providing services at the barrel of a gun. If they were really there to protect you and your property, they wouldn’t be the first to use deadly force and confiscation. ~ Marc Stevens

  2. Unfortunately, most of our politicians have been manipulated for decades, and probably ever since BEFORE the constitution was ratified. It’s been going for over 200 years now in the USA. Old world money, mixed with new world money. Now with technology at the level it has been developed, and the depth and scope of corrupt politicians, it is just about impossible to make this country as free as it used to be. I don’t think there ever was a particular point in American history where all people have been justly treated, and totally free. There have been injustices since the beginning, everywhere in the world. There has been corruption, and corrupt rulers since the beginning. The USA was the worlds first, mostly free country. It is an experiment in freedom started by good people who yearned for freedom from tyranny, but evil has always been trying to work it’s way in to undo that good work. Things are progressing the way Jesus said they would in the end time. We may not be that close yet, but we may be. Just keep your eyes open, be as prepared as you can, stand up for your rights if they are violated, and above all ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR, and you will be ok. No one gets out of this life alive.

  3. heroes like alex jones? i like him and all but people are not going to listen to any of this stuff because the for one the gov already put it in peoples heads that this is just silly non sence and nothing like what alex puts on here is true. as long as people have football and soap’s on the tv and movies and get fat at mcdonalds every thing is just hunky dory and life is great. im sory but people dont give a shit anymore untill those things go by by then they will bitch about whats going on and by that time well it will be to late. well not me i would and will fight for my freinds family and my american brothers and sisters out there. just along story short alot of people wont do shit until its to late or its right at there door step.

  4. Repeat after me….,
    Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now.

    Repeat after me….,
    Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now.

    One more time….,
    Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now.

  5. It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not. The ten commandments are excellent standards to live by. It is said our original government was built off of those sacred rules. If our government falls apart, it’s because we turned our backs on those rules. Now witness your godless government in action. I do not see things improving anytime soon, sadly.

  6. What If the Government Rejects the Constitution? Answer in one word “Anarchy”


  8. What If the Government Rejects the Constitution?
    The military government, free from Presidential control, has already rejected democratic government for a harsher kind of devilish nNazi type of dictatorship! If U sign up, they own your ass!!

    • most americans are stupid and will shoot thier own families so you figure it out……..you are fucked so face it and shut up.

  9. The best way to preserve the Constitution would be to go into areas of inner city urban decay,
    pulverize these areas, which consist of decay, create farms and ranches,
    interspersed with tracts of land, with habitat for game and bird hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities.
    This will FLUSH the big city corruption, encourage a spirit of Freedom and Independence, self-government, as well as clean up the mess.
    You’d have to be alert for Agenda 21, Federal, State, County, and city Government land grabs.
    Prohibit any EPA, government, or any other BS regulations.
    If you think about election maps, New York, Detroit, Chicago, LA, etc. A lot of possibilities to obliterate urban decay. These projects really are, SHOVEL READY.


    It’s time for the States to take their power back and hold the Federal Government in contempt of the constitution. Sheriff Arpaio has the right idea.

    In a Republic, the STATES are suppose to be above the Federal Government.

  11. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to THROW OFF such government…”

    —Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

  12. Remember, the constitution created the government.

    So, if the government rejects the constitution, the government by extension rejects itsself and it’s own legitimacy to rule, along with it’s right to collect taxes or even exist. (duh.)

    This is the central idea of the new declaration of independence.

    • What if – that were the case?

      Would the government then be considered rogue?

      Would it be operating without a helm, extrajudicially, outside of law?

      Could it be – that is reason the government now believes it is a sovereign?

      Wouldn’t It be . . . dangerous to all?

    • Bingo! Exactly!

      It is not the Constitution which is harming us.

      It is the criminals illegally operating in the public servant offices! You got it!







    On Oct.13, 2011 I had a first time ever possible “PROPHETIC” dream that said; “For every 5,000 Christian Martyr’s killed, a city shall be destroyed. The First, Pittsburgh.”

    I have just made and uploaded two videos to youtube.com. “Save Pittsburgh and Yourself” (45 min.) and “2 Saving Pittsburgh Bible Code Proof” (52 min.) under the moniker chicagomiracle.

    The first video sets up the context of everything regarding the second video. In the second video, you can see the evidence for yourself that the Bible Code computer program that looks for hidden codes in the Bible supports my contention that Pittsburgh is under threat. And you’ll see it is the Bible Code that suggests the possible dates. In the video I show the Bible Code at work as I look at words surrounding the main term “5,000 killed”.

    I had wanted to march to Pittsburgh, fasting and praying to raise awareness of this threat but I was prevented from doing so by the same physical ailment that occurred the day before I tried to start fasting on March 1st and then again on March 20th. I looked at the Bible Code to see if God was behind this and what did God want me to do. It seems from the Code that God was strongly opposed to me fasting (perhaps for my protection) and that God wanted me to, perhaps metaphorically, “escape”. From what or how, I don’t know.

    I have had a few “spiritual experiences” in my life and have used the Bible Code program since 2002. It is my strong belief that if my dream is true, then the destruction of Pittsburgh could be the key pivotal event that leads to some kind of worldwide calamity and catastrophe. Billions may die, including you and me. And that’s what I mean when I say “Save Pittsburgh and Yourself”. This event may lead to the return of Jesus and Judgement Day. But it says in the Bible God does not want to bring Judgement. God is always warning us to change before it’s too late. I take my dream to be a warning.

    If you watch the video as I work the Bible Code, you will see the truth within the Code. In Sept. 2010 I had what I believe was a sign from God that suggests I can RAPIDLY (within a year) find a cure for paralysis and spinal injuries by using clues found within the Bible Code. If you watch the videos you’ll see a connection between curing spinal injuries and breaking down the word Pittsburgh in Bible Code terms. Look up “pithing” or “to pith”. Think PITH-BURG.

    Jesus proved He has authority to forgive sins on Earth by healing a paralyzed man.

    I want to meet with the “Elites”, the men with the power to start and stop wars, and get them to help me find the cure for spinal injuries and paralysis in less than a year’s time by using the Bible Code. And when that happens they will know there is a God and that if they change their ways from destroying Mankind to loving one another instead, they will be forgiven of all past offenses by believing in Jesus and following God’s way. Then hopefully there shall be love, peace and prosperity for Mankind. Hopefully, we can put off the Judgement Day God does not want to bring.





    • What if – everybody better get the heck our of Pittsburg!

      What if – continued false flag attacks are not out of the question.

    • Please tell your Psychiatrist to put you back into the padded room!!

  14. What if everyone got tired of this regime and decided to do something about it themselves?

  15. What If the Government Rejects the Constitution?
    The military government, free from Presidential control, has already rejected democratic government for a harsher kind of devilish nNazi type of dictatorship! If U sign up, they own your ass!

  16. I’m afraid that it’s not the government’s fault.
    I’m afraid that it’s the people who reject the constitution and don’t take it seriously.

    Americans have fallen into consumerism, convenience, materialism, greed, envy etc.

    The American people don’t believe in the constitution and in the responsibilities necessary to preserve their freedoms.

    Why should the government respect the constitution if the people temselves don’t respect it ?

    And when the government does something right, like the Pentagon enforcing the separation of military and politics by dismissing politically active service members, the people back fire.

    • Here, here!

      Bravo to oneirotrader for hitting the target right on the bullseye!

      What if the people are the government, and the government has failed, then who is it really who has failed?

      • People haven’t failed till they’ve given up. And Alex Jones hasn’t given up, for one–neither have I and lots of other Christian soldiers and heroes. So “Lord Mac,” just cut ur bullshit and read my below essays and get ur ass busy, eh?

        • Reply to apollonian;

          My “questions” are intended to get folks thinking and looking past the mis-information and outright lies. No one is forced.

          If you were under the impression I said the People have failed, I did not. I simply asked if they thought they had.

          What if: the People need to realize they have the power?

      • Or, what if the people were the government, until they stopped caring about government, opening the door for a bunch of paranoid control freaks to pick up where the people left off? ? Gasp!

        • Problem is the People who “are the gov’t” at the moment

          are the WRONG PEOPLE who have CROOKED their way

          into power by HACKING and STEALING VOTES.

          The BUMS are ILLEGITIMATE FRAUDS just like the pretend

          “negro” (who isn’t a negro at all), in the White House.

          The GIGANTIC TOILET called Washington DC needs to be

          FLUSHED until all the TURDS are GONE, then START OVER.

  17. I don’t think we need to ask, “what if the government rejects the Constitution?

    GWB called it, “a G’ damn piece of paper” and Obama refuses to pledge the flag. And if anyone recals, shortly after Obama took office he wanted those that serve to take an oath to the president, rather than to defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC.

    With all the recent legislation that strategically usurps the Constitution by design, that about sums it up. Our government without exception, now fully and unequivically, rejects the Constitution Of The United States Of America.

    • Can we say:

      Duh, didn’t they (the public servants) pretty much reject the Constitution on or around eighteen sixty-five, right after America lost the war of globalist-funded northern aggression?

  18. What makes America America is the constitution. Their deception is it is better to be alive slave than a dead patriot .What were our loved ones fighting for in all thses wars if not to liberate people so that men could be free. All these contrived orchestrated events are to hang one strand of constintina wire at a time. There are a hand few of billionaire elites who rule the world and they are all satanist.It can be proven on paper that there are 13 familys that rule the world and the top dogs are the Rothschilds.

  19. I’ve been trying to wake people up to this, and they don’t want to listen.

    Does anyone have ideas of what information to give them? Like a list or something. I send out emails everyday, though I make sure not to submerge them with too much info too quickly, I’ve been doing this for a year…. and no one seems to care. They think life if great…..

    The best line I’ve heard so far from a professor and my two family members who are teachers is “Obama is ending all the wars, he’s cleaning up the messes that Bush left him.” — WTF!?!


      I take it you do-not listen daily to the show?? Alex Crew host some exquisite-guests which transform the mediocre banal…into INFO-WARRIOR-CLASS-FIGHTERS!

      For instance just by listening, daily, I learned from Alex, Mostly;1. Family are the last you might sell or awaken, find complete strangers in mals shopping lines;become”… loquacious, verbose,…chatty(the rock)…”…2. make dvd documentary infowars copies, there’s no copyright, so you can_even Terrorstorm is non-copyrighted to copy_even if says not with FBI warning, as Alex has said that was put there in error.

      3. Even if you need to recoup your investment you may ask costs for the dvds, as donations for the cause…watch out for the creeps at the Rev.

      4. Make handouts from printoffs…5. “So much to do,….so little time….”(as NOWHERE-MAN SAYS-Yellow Submarine movie:BEATLES) Start a home signal re-broadcaster so your town might have Infowars on their local radios…about 2k$ I recall…

      6. Get people off TV as carrier waves are brainwashing hypnotising your friends neighbours…

      7. GMO foods are killing with cancers…hand out warnings!

      and so on…

      Wear a 9/11 Inside Job Tee…

      Finally: Your teacher parents, having done the University-thang, are VERY-LIKELY “Cross-Minded”individuals…they are near-impossible to awaken, as this is what is mainly-wrong with government, schools, institutions, as is that they are cross-minded,…i.e.their primary eyeball is across their posterior from their primary-use hand…i.e Left handed…Primary eye(the one that seems more in charge of their thinking when asked a stumper) being Right side;Therin they have given-up their creativity for following orders! Professors cruel-teachers have abused them mentally/emotionally in past such that their minds truly gave-up gave-in! They could be alikened to alcoholics whom have burned-out their frontal-lobes wherin their self-or other-conceptions, or perceptions are just GONE! Or even Nazi-intellectual-soldiers, from 1944, whom are just following orders! Or even Profs whom don’t want to “make-waves” since they just wish to get their piece of the pie and “play-along to get-along” so no attentions are drawn to them. No sense making waves…as they say. They cannot understand that all hell is breaking-out all around us! They just always maintain the status quo,…
      Olde’BAALma is a prime candidate for this science, he is a Left handed, Right hemisphered man, whom as it shows can only apply orders or follow formulae, already provided, or else they cannot function. A good test is to ask them a question for which there is no-answer, no correct-solution. They will go MAD AS HATTERS trying to solve the problem…whereas a Creative-individual will simply make serious efforts and then state it’s impossible or a “dumb crazy question~creatively acquiescing” But even as I watched a traffic light get a lightening strike one day downtown at rush hour. I saw first-hand…They don’t know anything about cars for the most part and so need new cars always…But the knocked-out traffic-lights at 4:30 PM caused them trying to follow like lemmings whereas Creative persons driving old clunkers, knew immediately;It is now a four-way stop intersection…Cross-minded, I could tell in City of Edmonton, in abo 1992, as I had only just researched the phenomenon as I watched with giddy-horror, the office towers mainly bureaucrats, govt. workers were pouring-out in newer cars. The regular folks, driving 10 to 20 yr old cars knew immediately. The Buros. just kept trying to go irregardless the lights were OUT! Get it???

      THIS IS A MAINSTAY-PROBLEM, a severe issue with our governments and other systems,….You all know like when you need to get your needs met via one of these and they just seem so acinine…They are poor sad dears…They can remember and use formulae, but reaching outside of the box….NO WAYs!

      Now see if this will post…better copy in case it goes bezerk, when I attempt posting.
      If you ask me, there needs to be a creative leader in all departments where so-called “professionals” are harboured be they government industry or private sector;Don’t get me wrong as the highly-educated are necessary….BUT, by these above-noted abuses, the practical “get er done” guys are all locked-out, so lefties and cross-minded, do tend to be tinkers at times! Meaning they mess-up LOTS OFTEN…Like Cops for instance, detectives and other so called smart puds.

      Okay? Dear NERDGIRL…I hope you are still with me…It’s not easy;but there are truly two-basic-kinds-of-people;Just like it used to say in a little booklet when you purchased a brand new Winchester Rifle…That is when I bought a new 30-30 Win “94 in 1979, working for Cantex Drilling. But NOT when I bought a brand-new Winchester Big Bore “94 in 1989…They stopped giving the booklets out! But it said there are two basic kinds of folks…

      THe above is all science dear NERDGIRL…I hope I have outlined it well enough for all to comprehend, this time, as it IS a SERIOUS DEFICIET in our present WORLD!!! It really ought to be amended NOW THAT WE KNOW!!!! Yes Virginia,…some people are educated -idiots as they say. (idiot is a bad word=RACA, in Holy Bible). Ever heard the Bible saying “Too much learning hath made him mad!” It’s there in the HOLY history BOOK, of GOD’s good folks….history-lessons Scriptures…

      The cross-minded thingy,…is a compilation from many sources as I recall it may have been SCientific American I used to subscribe when in classes before kicked-off retraining, fro injuries,. Or was it Omni, also subscribed then…also as I recall it was on AE perhaps….

      Take my word these are true science not balderdash! Learn also from John Elliot Bradshaw~we all should! Ought to be standard curricula(hey BIG JOHNNY!!!!Howdy if your there…) That little alcoholic-Professor is amazing!!! A very nice man to meet greet!!! Loving Amadora….Disciplinae…He did not realize “cross-minded” to my knowledge;though he will likely be greatly relieved to learn this….may clear-up a lot!!!

      So this all stems from emotional-mental-abuses suffered by those determined come (literally) HELL or HIGH Water; ugh that they pass their corriculae, even with very high standards or marks…But ask them to check the oil or change a flat…Or ask them how one ought to best determine limitations upon overbearing scholars…they will react (SADLY) as U of Oregon Prof Noordgaard did the other day, mere days if not weeks ago! AND AND AND: The entire Faculty will back-up THE LIE! Just like the Intellectuals all saluteing Herr Hitler with the fascist-salute when told they would be given RPGs as civilians and sent to defend Berlin! OR given their cynide capsule and told to take it if captured…likely 75% would do as ordered. It is very rampant!!! It’s whats wrong,..mainly! Now we have one with his finger on the NUclear Button.

      Forgive my graphic portrayals, but it is true…I’m sure your mom dad are very “nice”…

      They are-not going to accomadate your newfound knowledge and wisdom, shall I add…?
      I hope this helps. Even regular-family is the hardest-to-sell, just as AJ says…Listen to him;He is very apt very knowledgeable and he will bring you the best guests…He ought to be President, along with Ron Paul.

      GOD BLESS ALL…It’s Sabbath and Closing the Passover tomorrow…Semper-Fi, as the late INfowarrior Nord Davis of Topton NC VFW, used to say…even though he was gone before Infowars got started. He was black-helicoptered, then ridiculed, for shareing his trials with the CIA! etc.

      God-Bless, keep Bro Nord in his goodly-rest…

      So long…”we’ll meet again! (Vera Lynn)”
      “When the lights go on again……ALL over the world…and Johnny will go to rest in his own little nest once more….and Mary will go to sleep……in her own little bed once more…..There’ll be love and laughter……and PEACE EVER-AFTER…..Tomorrow…..when the world is FREE!!!!……..”

      WAR IS OVER HAPPY CHRIST-MASS….”Keep MY Passovers” “Sabbaths” “Commandments…and ‘believe…’…”

      Toodles…(now to copy in case it don’t load-remember….he he he)….

    • nerdgirl–ck out my below essays–Fed is COUNTERFEITING, literally. And it’s this COUNTERFEITING which is their basic weapon, making our culture so affected by this fraud-complex–a culture of lies, becoming a culture of DEATH.

    • Listen for some of Lindsey Williams’s crazy predictions that always come true, like the coming “arab spring” overthrow of the Saudi Arabian monarchy, and get them out to everyone who will listen.

      When his predictions do come true (because they come from the people who are making them happen)… if people don’t wake up then, they never will.

  20. I don’t think we need to ask ‘what if’ anymore.

  21. Do you remember the movie Rollerball with James Cann? Are we moving that way? NWO owned by the Corporations. The game Rollerball to keep the people distracted. The world in 2018. A global energy monopoly which deals with peer corporations controlling our lives on a global basis.
    While the premise is entertainment, it is a sport designed to show the futility of individual effort.

    • Over-Populated Fools And Dupes Pushing Lies–Must Be Opposed By Truth, Honesty Of Kidsoes
      (Apollonian, 13 Apr 12)

      “Are we moving that way?” We’re over-populated w. hubristic people (“metro-sexuals” and “trendies”) who think, collectivistically, they’re God, capable of creating reality–capable of being “good” and “virtuous” and not “evil” (whatever these mean–which no one bothers to define).

      Specifically these fools, dupes, and scum have abided and now defend and accept a gross criminal conspiracy and enterprise–COUNTERFEITING, as of the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), which obviously provides incredible and exclusive power to CRIMINALS, founded upon lies–the Fed fraud.

      Note then the ENTIRE culture is evermore determined by and dependent upon this great COUNTERFEITING fraud. Thus a culture of lies is a culture of DEATH, never doubt, which Alex Jones never tires reporting upon in great detail.

      CONCLUSION: Thus Lies must be opposed by TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, and there’s no one better to deliver this truth and info to the adults of the world than the kids who are honest enough to understand what COUNTERFEITING is. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    • That is an exact hit! Good observation!


      Yep, in other words, the decline of our civilization, instituted by a criminal and illegal president with forged birth certificate, selective service cards, etc. It is sad, so very, very sad …

  22. I news for you the shit will hit the fan sooner than you think. Spain is going to leave the Euro soon. When it does so goes the Euro in value. Then the European Banks will go. This will cause the American Banks to go in a domino effect. The motivation will be more than enough to set off an armed revolt and the evecutions of most of the congress, the president and his entire staff. Do not fear it will come but It will be ugly. They cannot print money indefinitely to stay in power.

    • The bottom line is; bankrupt the world country by country and then create food water shortages and wait for the people to beg their governments to save them. Then the corporations, NWo step in rescue the populous, forgive all debt and start the NWO with new rules, regulations guidelines to control the people. Those who don’t or won’t conform, FEMA for you or some other devilish dungeon never to be heard from again so you don’t contaminate the NWO.

  23. For those who have posted they don’t get the “what if”, the writer knows this has already happened and he is provoking thought for those who are still asleep!

    I say “What if we impeach our liar in chief? What if we end the fed? What if we get our troops back home where they belong? What if we imprison those who have violated their oath of office to protect and defend the constitution? What if we do this sooner than later?

  24. He finishes that article with, “What if enough is enough? What do we do about it? What if it’s too late?”

    And, I simply take it, that it points out, the article, that at anytime “We the People” so choose, we are well within the Constitution to hold a revolution, and remove the criminals which HAVE DONE the actions, ALREADY, which his question pose and point at.

    Don’t you?

    • I agree, I want some others that have legal standing to get behind Sheriff Joe to get the lies out to the masses and impeach and throw out the criminals. We need to take our country back, now!

    • Reply to Winston Court:

      Anyone who is NOT a public servant who thinks the constitution applies to them . . .

      The constitution does not apply to the people. It applies to the government. The people do not operate “within the constitution.”

      The people do not have constitutional rights. The constitution is that set of laws which was originally intended to protect ALL of the rights of the people, not just those mentioned in the Bill of Rights.

      The constitution was handed down as the people’s law for the public servants who are paid to do the people’s bidding.

      Does any of this sound like a bleeding fairly tale?

      What if: the people had a set of simple laws for their public servants but didn’t even know what they said?

      What if they were all trained in government schools?

      What if they are told they get their rights from government?

      How can the people ENFORCE their laws? That answer should be fairly plain, at this point, but first;

      What if they had to learn what their own laws are?

  25. The answer to Tyranny in the USA is the end of the Obama Nation …

    July 4th, 2012 Impeach and Imprison the Impostor President. End the Obama Nation!

    • And make sure to incarcerate the PIGS that INSTALLED THE FAKE:


      Otherwise they’ll just PUT IN ANOTHER OF THEIR YARD APES.

  26. First thing you can do, support Congressman Walter Jones’ Impeachment of the banker-owned Obama. Pressurize the Impeachment.

    At least its a start.

    • Successful Revolution Begins With INFO: Fed Is COUNTERFEITING–Get A Clue, Folks
      (Apollonian, 13 Apr 12)

      Yes, indubitably, Last American: we start by starting–and that’s virtue of Alex Jones who does his Christian’s best w. INFO.

      (a) For in order to act, we need a PLAN.

      (b) And in order to get a plan, we need an analysis, based upon the necessary info.

      Thus we’ve very much and well Identified the enemy, thanks to Alex and others: they’re the “globalist” powers behind the Fed COUNTERFEITING scam, this “MONEY” being their principle instrument/tool.

      (c) Thus a great PLAN I propose is to make use of the dear kiddoes of the USA and world by emphasizing simple CONCRETE (not abstract) reality that the Fed is a COUNTERFEITING operation/mechanism, it (a) ripping people off by diluting value of money by printing of evermore money, (b) enriching incredibly the powers who are allowed the exclusive monopoly for this criminal enterprise of such COUNTERFEITING.

      CONCLUSION: And Alex is just the very guy capable of rallying our info-warrior colleagues and heroes to (1) getting the word out, generally, about this COUNTERFEITING activity, and (2) most specifically, to educating and mobilizing our dear youth and kidsoes to inform the adults to getting a clue–”hey, the Fed is not ‘rocket-science’–it’s just COUNTERFEITING.” Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

      • Would love to see Alex lead this revolution, but honestly, unless it gets covered by MSNBC of Fox News, nobody will take it seriously. Over 50 percent of Americans think theres something wrong with our President’s birth certificate, but nothing has been done. Spending has reached INSANE levels, but everyone is taking it in stride. I always believed that the revolution would start before those in power ever got this far, but nobody has “fired the first shot” either figuritively or literally, and nobody will!!!

        There are over 4000 independant militias around the country (37 just in the county where I live) just waiting for a call to arms, and a leader to unite them, but every one of them is afraid to step up and be first for fear of the retaliation of the government, but if no one will lead, then the government will just destroy them all without a fight.

        I know people on food stamps and on Social Security who are mad as he11, but are desperately afraid to speak out for fear of losing their benifits, and from what I understand, this has become the case all across the country. The government has “bribed” the population into it’s current docile state by intentionally destroying the economy, and thereby making a large percentage of the citizens dependant on federal aid, which they can easily take away. They even make public examples of people who do not conform in order to keep the rest of us in line.

        Individual states are starting to step up and legislate against some of the rediculous things this congress and president have done, and two or three are actually starting to again talk of secession, but at the same time it appears as if the federal government is preparing for war against the citizens.

        So tell us, what should we do? How do we take control again? Elections are NOT the answer, because they are controlled by money and media. If money were not an issue, and the media covered elections impartially, Ron Paul would be the GOP nominee, but we all know that THAT could never happen. Ross Perot scared the crap out of the establishment a few years back, and they will make sure that nothing like that can ever happen again.

        So again I ask, what can we do, right now, today, as individuals, that will start the process and turn this country around?

        • Incisive, Effective Action Requires Calm Consideration, Plan
          (Apollonian, 13 Apr 12)

          Pls read my essay:

          (a) Successful action must begin w. PLAN

          (b) Proper Plan must begin w. adequate ANALYSIS

          (c) Analysis must be informed.

          (d) Kids speaking honestly in all their innocense to stupid, befuddled adults can have most excellent effects, never doubt–it isn’t ‘rocket-science’; Fed is simply COUNTERFEITING, after all is said and done. Remove the Fed instrument, and u’ve effectively dis-armed the criminals; next is mere mopping-up.

          So we have excellent beginning w. Alex Jones, we only need now get this info out to enough folks. Never doubt our enemies have a serious weakness: for there’s “NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES.”

          CONCLUSION: The more the people know by way of accurate info, the more the topmost criminal masterminds will know it, and the more they will doubt and suspect their cohorts. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    • Reply to: TheLastAmerican;

      The impeachment you mention is reserved for someone who is the legitimate president. This guy is not the legitimate president.

      Congress will never impeach this guy.

      Focusing on impeachment is a distraction.

      He must be charged with impersonating an officer, and then dealt with.

      But then, congress won’t do that either.

      Time for some law enforcement.

      • WE need military enforcement to take them out and arrest them. They have taken an oath to defend against domestic enemies and to uphold the Constitution! If the military led by a general did this action and exposed their lies it would be historical! WE need a modern day Smedley Butler! They already have FEMA camps to round them up and put them until they can be sent to Gitmo for waterboarding. Other countries must step up to take their countries’ back amd punish the globalist that live over there. We must do this as a world effort to not be slaves for the globalist. There are more of us than them.

        • Reply to ByTheWay:

          The problem with trying to use the military: it is no longer under the jurisdiction of Congress.

          The armed forces were originally named: The Navy of the united States, and the Army of the united States.

          Now they are the US Navy (and its US Marines) and the US Army (and its US Air Force).

          Big difference, and a good example of why the military can now be used outside of law to attack sovereign nations for purely rapacious reasons.

          But still, it’s all fraud against Americans.

      • True. Congress will by shy about Impeaching Barry. After all, it only has a 9% approval rating and most of them are as crooked as Barry.
        Wouldn’t focus on the Impeachment. More like a wrench in Barry’s works.
        The goal would be for the Impeachment to morph into a PUBLIC IMPEACHMENT. Something like occupy Wall Street, only with the goal of PUBLIC IMPEACHMENT, with the focus being, illegal wars and the unconstitutional NDAA.
        As for law enforcement, ie, Oklahoma Eric Holder, Bernanke can’t account for 9 TRILLION dollars, no problem. Fast and Furious, no problem.
        So, back to the original thought, at least Impeachment is a start.

  27. What if leaders in the military said “Enough is enough! No more listening to some Buttfucking Butt Pirate of an unconstitutional President who is selling this country out every day and every minute in ways most people can’t even imagine. We took an oath and it is time we as leaders of our country’s military expose this pretender of a president for who and what he is before our country shares the same fate as Sodom and Gamora.”

  28. Let’s not do the “What if”… Let’s do “Can you imagine.”

    Can you imagine what would happen if 30% to 50% of all working Americans decided to take off of work until Obama was impeached or left office.

    Can you imagine what that would do for the country?

    We the People are far more powerful than the total government ever thought of being.

    But alas, most of us are Total Cowards. Let’s shoot for 4th of July for the Obama Impeachment…

    Let’s stay home… no buying anything, no working for anyone, no watching tv… just get out the BBQ and the Lawn Chairs… Cook some hot dogs out on the block and meet yer neighbors like we did in the 50′s when we still had a country that we could live in peace with.

    July 4th, 2012 the End of the Obama Calendar !

  29. This country is a corporation and not the constitutional republic we all believe it is, it has not worked under the Constitution starting back in the Lincoln Era. Reinhabit the Republic. Check out republicoftheunitedstates.org. It is time to stop the corporation and restart this country.

  30. What if the government never really had any honest money it didn’t take from somebody else.

  31. what IF? Thats whats going on now. Shit

  32. What if . . . somebody has a set of laws, like the constitution, which are aimed strictly at the government so it does not overstep its authority, and NOBODY is around to enforce those laws? What if?

    • THAT will be the case the day the sh*t hogs CONFISCATE CITIZENS’ WEAPONS.

      Why do you think the hijackers of this nation are so desperate to get gun control?

      When Americans are DISARMED Americans CEASE TO BE AMERICANS and

      become wretched SLAVES like Chinese coolies or Mexican peons. In the end


      • And . . .

        What if . . . a whole bunch of ‘mericans simply don’t allow their expensive firearms to be stolen by the thugs, and instead exercise the right to use ‘em for the purpose intended by the founding Fathers?

        ’nuff said!

        • EXACTLY.

          Its come FULL CIRCLE.

          The DANGER the Founding Fathers envisioned of a rogue

          out-of-control gov’t is HERE. They placed the 2nd Amendment

          right after the 1st for the very real possibility that this

          would happen. If the IMPEACHMENT doesn’t work…

  33. Cultural Hubris Must Be Fought By Means Of Truth Truth Truth–Making It Clear Even For Kids
    (Apollonian, 13 Apr 12)

    Note this story/article ties in well w. previous InfoWars article on voting and what’s wrong w. American people. See my essays there in comments section.

    For note there is a problem w. a culture in “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler–no less than the “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”–success, wealth, and happiness breeds HUBRIS–the people begin to think they’re GOD and that they can CREATE “prosperity”–the practical worship of MAMMON.

    This is what has happened to USA where so many fools and suckers (“trendies” and “metro-sexuals”) imagine the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEITING scam has produced this “prosperity.”

    Thus the culture, now dependent upon a literal CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, the Fed COUNTERFEITING scam/operation, becomes a culture of LIES. And a culture of Lies becomes the culture of DEATH–much like Ayn Rand wrote about in “Atlas Shrugged,” the death-worshippers.

    Thus the Spenglerian “Decline of the West” began at least w. Immanuel Kant and Jeremy Bentham, in early 19th cent., who pretended humans could achieve “good” and “moral virtue”–in contrast w. basic Christian tenet that we’re all sinners who can and must do the best we can, always knowing we’re still wanting in eyes of God, no one being “perfect,” no, not one–according to St. Paul.

    CONCLUSION: But we still have a fighting chance w. heroes like Alex Jones who tries his Christian best–by, for example, getting word out to people, esp. the kids of the USA and entire world too, that the Fed is just a COUNTERFEIT scam/operation. The kids then could very well then inform the adults of this simple, really obvious fact about Fed COUNTERFEITING. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  34. WHAT IF!!!!! WHAT IF!!!!!! WHAT IF!!!!! Blind and dumb. WHAT IF!!!!! I don’t get it. What is the punch line here. Who is the joke on. WHAT IF!!!! Oh, wait. just toke me some time to get it. The whole country.

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