When Obama’s Numbers Start To Tank Here’s The Secret Weapon He’s Going To Rely On

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Glynnis MacNicol
Business Insider
October 18, 2011

Obama adviser David Axelrod and Joe Scarborough got into a fiery debate this morning over whether Obama was experienced enough to have been elected president.

The result, was essentially a condensed version of the stump speech we can expect to hear from Obama sometime next year, once the GOP picks their nominee and the election slog gets serious.

The last line is the kicker.  If the going gets rough this will no doubt be Obama’s trump card in the form of an attack ad.


Obama went and intervened, saved the financial system from collapsing.  This controversial with some people but it was absolutely necessary. Intervened, saved the auto industry from collapsing. There are many people working  who wouldn’t have been had he not done that.  It wasn’t popular. It was the right thing to do. So he took a series of steps so we’ve had 19 months of job growth.  Not nearly enough and we still have to address the bigger problem of wages and how we get housing back on track….

He said he was going to end the war in Iraq in a few months. we will have all our troops home from Iraq.  He said he was going to up the ante and go after al Qaeda in a serious way.  Osama bin Laden is gone.  So when you say he wasn’t prepared, maybe you should go ask Osama bin Laden if he thought he was…not only would a lot of lives had been lost if it went bad.  He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do.

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35 Responses to “When Obama’s Numbers Start To Tank Here’s The Secret Weapon He’s Going To Rely On”

  1. *rolls eyes*

    How “getting bin laden” a trump card? The economy is in the dump due in part to these jokers actions and Obama has done NOTHING to warrant getting re-elected. He has no plans, no ideas, no nothing except more or the same.




    American Dystopia Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 8:20 am

    He’s less popular than King Charles the First 😉

    raxzorx Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 11:45 am


    American Dystopia Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    He was King of England from 1625 until his execution for treason in 1649. Apparently they were none too happy with his ideas on taxation and ruling without consent of Parliament.

  3. When Obama’s Numbers Start To Tank Here’s The Secret Weapon He’s Going To Rely On

    AXELROD: “He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do”.

    Was obamas healthscare, “the right thing to do”?

    Was obamas TARP, “the right thing to do”?

    Was the war with Libya, “The right thing to do”?

    Were the “appointments” (sic) of obamas czars, “the right thing to do”?

    No point in going on, Obama has NEVER did/done the “right thing” for, “We the People”.

    He did the “right” thing for the NWO communist agenda.

    So, when “Axlefod” makes ambiguous statements like this, be sure to know that the “right thing to do” is how the NWO sees it being done.

    Nothing obama has done has been for the benefit of US Citizens.

    Proof? Where are the jobs he promised two years ago? Where is our economy heading?
    Where is all the “hope and change”?

    Where is the “transparency” of HIS government, (not ours), been, while making deals in the middle of the night behind closed doors?


    More of the same…from the same leftist group of bastards. Want more of the same? Pull the lever for obama again. It’ll get much worse. That not a promise, nor is it a threat, it is a statement of FACT.


    JoeSquanch420 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    “Hope and Change” … well i HOPE u americans can CHANGE presidents soon

    dhsn Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Come join the party. But only as an illegal alien. Then you’ll get 10 votes. Unless you’re in Obombers hometown Chi-town. Then it’s strictly “vote early vote often.” Heck even the dead vote twice.

    sbee1441 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    Couldn’t have said it better. The right thing to do for the NWO.

    nikita khruschev Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    TARP originated with the bush Administration. Candidates Obama and McCain were strongly on board. It was approved by the leaders of both MS parties. Some leading economists say that the trouble with Obama’s stimulus was that it was too little too late and was too heavily tax cuts and not strongly enough infrastructure spending.

    Don’t have to tell you that Obamacare was modeled on Romneycare do I?

    Obama is pretty much following in Shrub’s footsteps as far as war making and torture go. Humanity is facing an age of ignorance and cruelty unmatched in history. OWS is a sign of hope but probably too little too late.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 4:33 pm

    OWS is a sign of hope but probably too little too late.

    Really? Hope for who?


  4. This clown dosnt have a chance of being re-elected… If he is, we need to march on Washington declaring fraud… Hell, even the majority of black americans admit they will not vote for his dumbass…

    Willfull Endangerment Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 8:11 am

    The only, and I do mean, THE ONLY WAY Obama will sit past his term is if he can manipulate a concocted catastrophe, terrorist induced, or natural, and declare martial law nationwide and cancel the elections and remain seated in the white house …

    captain obvious Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 8:23 am

    thats what this OWS stuff is really about.
    against criminals in uniforms, its exactly what will happen.

    Plague of Smiles Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 8:34 am

    You’re wrong. Obama has a very excellent chance of getting re-elected because he is in with the people who control the electronic voting system; which IS rigged. That unelected elite party would be… The Federal Reserve, which isn’t federal at all, it’s a private bank. The only real CHANGE you’re going to get is if you FORCE the system to go back to pencil and paper. Good luck with that.

    Willfull Endangerment Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 10:42 am

    I am wrong??? Don’t follow you here… I said that he does not have a chance at being re-elected other than by a fraudulent election… Please explain how I am wrong… Thank you…

    exexpat11 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 9:09 am

    No need and no chance. They’ll rig the machines and toss the military vote into the dumpster. Straight up vote without dirty tricks and no elected official would be elected in these times. Democrat or Republican.

  5. wheres a real birth certificate bungholio?
    wheres the body of bin laden bungholio?
    who’s been jailed for fast and furious bungholio?
    wheres the congressional authority for Libya bungholio?
    thanks for the Fukushima fallout bungholio.
    is bogus crap about a used car salesman reason for another war bungholio?
    do you hate Gibson guitars bungholio?
    should healthy foods be illegal bungholio?

    exexpat11 Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 9:11 am

    Why the Gulf of Mexico’s water is tar bungholio?
    This is the idea of clean water if you are a Democrat?

  6. I can just imagine a certain someone walking down the halls of the casablanca with his jockeys pulled up over the back of his head.


  7. True Representation and F.C.R. and Centralized Banking – Article 8, Sect 1

    THE OCCUPY WALL STREET and The Agenda??

    “THE GREATER Republic. ”

    I’ve been watching Fox News all morning…

    I agree with your news network, on a lot of issues, However, we completely disagree about occupy wall street.

    True Representation and F.C.R, and Centralized Banking System.

    I will give you $ ONE MILLION DOLLARS $ , In Fact not Re-Distribution Of Wealth; or Trickle Down economics like Obama, or Reagan, the same with a new label.

    All monies borrowed by the people and it’s reserves % rates collected , pays back, directly, into the Federal Reserves and is represented by the Centralized Bank.

    Preventing price gouging and illegal taxation of the wealth and middle-income class, small business. , and actual protection under the laws, of its state government; and to regulate the market to prevent the monopolies’ from targeting by an unrepresented social economic class. . . therefore , opening a true free trade enterprize … not globalization of world economics.

    Challenge anyone?

    Find The Word CAPITALISM – anywhere in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights – and or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    I will Give You Another, $ ONE MILLION DOLLARS $

    Find The Word – DEMOCRACY – Anywhere, in the US Constitution, Bill Of Rights and Or The Declaration Of Independence ?!

    What is the Legal detention and or dictionary – THE Common Wealth?

    The Interstate commerce, By the People – Article 8 sect, 1, and Article 10 Us States Constitution, by the “elective bodied representatives,” that means of the (50 states) not a global agenda, such as Nafta- and Illegal Unlimited Campaign Funding by Corporate Trade Polices.

    The Republic and it can be an elective bodied government., to prevent corruption, and the control illegal by Corporate Trade Commissions, by creating Dictatorships.

    The Fact is EVERY COUNTRY- has a Constitution – and different laws that govern it society.

    If Fact, You DO NOT Loose Freedom., it embrace’s the Constitution The law!

    In fact, it clearly says a “community” of its government of its “Greater Republic” that it is the sole authority, the laws of an aristocratic natural rule, of its true authority, by true delegations; and enterprize over its commerce by its true elective body of representatives, of the Peoples Republic.

    To Prevent The Corporate Monopolies; Wall Street ; from ruling over powering its government by the People, and creating financial dictatorships that dictate the laws of society. Such as a non elective dictatorship by giving unlimited funding; used to promote by bribery; deception; and pork projects, and other bail outs to fiance the commissions by stealing from the Federal Reserves.

    The Articles of Confederation, of The US Constitution and the States Independence, for the true representation of the greater republic, and the people of all natural-born united states citizens, thus to prevent the disparage of you American Freedom.

    1776 – General George Washington, Tomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton.

    The Clean Election Act.

    THOSE Interested – read the declarations follow me at Word Press, Tea Party and Ron Paul Revolution by, We the American Peoples Republic.

    End Of Report.

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/18/2011

  8. Henry Cain?

    Reality, is 9-9-9- a Bad Deal, Why? It Really Lacks Funding For All Programs.

    In addition, Yes, it’s a rip of from 10-10-10 by Ross Perot – Flat Tax Agenda Who ran against, George Hershel Walker Bush – the 41st president, Perot, he who later admitted his running for office was deliberate because he didn’t want to see another year of him as the president of the United States of America.

    “That why – Liar – Liberal , Draft dodger Bill Clinton, became the 42nd President, who, was in fact, impeached by Us Senate for having committed Grand Perjury.”

    Henry Cain ?? Small Government? Yet, limited, or no more public funding – and higher cost for education, and other local, your local programs in your communities.

    What the real cost to you?

    Meanwhile, Mitt Romney, until recently, and Ron Paul – who gets little public air time fair election?

    The Clean Elections Act – Ron Paul 2012 ,

    A Strong, second place Mitt Romney or future Cabinet Member, if Romney, doesn’t run with John McCain as VP ticket.

    End Of Report ,

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/18/2011

  9. Is Obama Osama? I believe so.

    The only difference? Is the BS.

    Oh Alex, the dirt online on you is sure piling up there boy. You can’t hide much longer.

  10. I dont think any of that is going to be his secret weapon… but his not so secret weapon is going to be when obama hijacks this OWS movement, riding that wave right into the white house for a second term… maybe a permanent term.

    dhsn Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    His election permanent? Too many ticked off people would effect a permanent solution.

  11. I agree, And I simply can not believe this guy Axelrod said Odumda did the right thing by “letting” these companies not fail…when clearly they should have been extinct,…I am so tired of greed running my country, tired of BIG CORPS making rules for their benefit and our demise, GOV trying to be Hitler and of course…BANKS…they sucked 20 yrs ago, and just like a rebellious teen…it hasn’t gotten better….when is there going to be a tax for breathing, walking, talking…Im sick of it

  12. …Macy’s Parade float of ‘The Nutty Professor’ to demonstrate fuel aerosol’s wmd alternative.

  13. Obama said a lot of pretty words. His eloquent speech jerked many tears from a change ready population, and his voters were elated when he took office. The Troops were finally going to come home from this unnecessary war in Iraq, and the people would finally have a voice in the White House. Obama could feel the pain, and the Heartbeat of Mainstreet. We were all saved from Government run amuck.
    Now, I can understand that Obama had a real Pile of junk to pick through, left over from the Bush administration, and that was going to take time, and I was certain some time would be involved in moving toward that “Change” we all heard so much about. I just never expected that The Obama Administration would do the exact opposite of each Campaign promise. I wasn’t ready for a continuation of the previous Bush Presidency.
    But Bailing out the Banks, extending the Iraq war, deepening the Afghanistan Conflict. Hiring Wall Street Thugs, and now expecting America to be ready for another endless war in Iran, Especially after expanding military operations in Libia, Africa, etc…
    It’s ridiculas to expect anything but more of the same if Obama gets another term, so don’t be surprised when the entire country goes down behind him. He’s a man that can look straight into your eyes, tell you the sun is Green. Unfortunetly his followers are hooked on nice speeches, and not actual deeds. Most Obama fans will vote based on his ability to give them a warm and cozy feeling, while he takes every action against the peoples interrests. Their all so happy and satisfied to feel included in his thoughts everytime he mentions Main Street, They don’t see he’s pandering to Wall Street.

  14. I believe Axelrod said it. it’s a payroll thing

  15. I think we should pay a carbon tax to someone, no one specific, but anyone that invested in that idea. We should have pay toilets installed in our homes, offices, each equiped with electronic fart counters, and overtime meters. Our Refridgerators should all have electronic door counting devices. Since our cars emitt more carbon dioxide when started, not only should there be a mileage tax, but a car starting tax can be applied.
    We could also regulate waste in heating fuels by installing devices to the doors and windows of our homes that would enable the government to accurately tax those who open their doors, and windows during winter seasons. This would stop the abusive, and excessive, and unnecessary opening and closing of our pnemonia holes which taxes our grid. Our animals can be taxed by weight since fart counters are expensive. test studies can be performed to asess proper measurements when dealing with perticular diets, and Police should investigate indivdual cases to insure people are honest about the diets so the methane tax can be as accurate as possible, and added correctly. There has to be a way that each and every action humans take whereby causing any type of dioxide can be properly taxed. What all this will do for the economy, I have no clue, but the banks sure will be laughing all the way to work. And think of the job creation enforcing these measures, and insuring all types of dioxide fraud is severly punished, and second offenses can carry up to 5 years in prison, and 50,000 maximum fines are collected. All this will make me feel so safe in the future, I can hardly wait. Vote Obama 2012. MORE OF THE SAME, PLUS.

    emdragon Reply:
    October 18th, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    right arm!

  16. Dicator Obama killed Osama so Osama’s dirt on Obama would O’blama

  17. He’s probably got a Mexican buddy named “Gladio” that might help him out ?

  18. FIRST CLUE WE WERE IN TROUBLE WITH CLINTON: brainless, unimaginative and sex addiction to children.

    FIRST CLUE WE WERE IN TROUBLE WITH BUSH: brainless, unimaginative and sex addiction to children AND the double entendre, which means we were making progress here.

    FIRST CLUE WE WERE IN TROUBLE WITH OBAMA: brainless, unimaginative and sex addiction to children, the triple entendre, black and we were hoping for change we never got!


  19. I know someone else that needs to be executed for treason. Guess who?
    ( wink wink )

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