Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America?

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Michael Snyder
The American Dream
July 19, 2012

Have you ever wondered why things have been going so badly for the United States in recent years?  Our economy is falling apart, we have been plagued with heat, drought and endless natural disasters, our cities are absolutely crumbling, we just keep getting involved in even more wars and Americans are more anxious and more overweight than ever before.  So why are so many bad things happening to America?  Why do we lead the world in so many bad categories?  Why does nothing seem to be going right?  Are we under some kind of a curse?  It is almost as if we have entered a “perfect storm” that just keeps getting worse.  In the old days it would seem like something bad would happen to the United States every once in a while, but now massive problems seem to be hitting us in rapid fire fashion.  At this point, many Americans have “crisis fatigue” because our problems never seem to end.  Each new crisis just seems to overlap with all of the other problems that are still going on.  So why is this happening, and what is our country going to look like if our problems continue to multiply at this rate?

The following are some of the bad things that are happening to America right now….

Heat And Drought

This summer, thousands of new high temperature records have been set all over the country, and weather conditions are much drier than normal in most of the nation.

In fact, the drought that we are experiencing right now is being called the worst drought in more than 50 years.  More than 1,000 counties in the United States have already been declared to be official disaster areas, and there is no end to the drought in sight.

All over America this drought is killing the corn and this is causing the price of corn to soar.  The following is from a recentFinancial Post article….

Chicago Board of Trade corn for December delivery has soared 54% since mid-June, reaching a contract high of US$7.78 on Monday and approaching its record price near US$8.

Soybeans for November delivery soared to a new contract high of US$15.97 before slipping back a few cents.

Crop watchers were alarmed that corn rated poor-to-very poor jumped to 38%, versus 30% last week and 11% a year ago.

The record high for the price of corn is just $7.99 a bushel.  Many believe that the price of corn will soon blow well past that price and could eventually reach $10 a bushel.

Unfortunately, there is not much hope on the horizon.  It is being projected that these very hot and very dry conditions will persist well into August.


The extreme heat has also been responsible for an unusual number of wildfires in the western United States this year.  The recent horrific wildfires in Colorado made headlines all over the nation.

Sadly, these wildfires are part of a rising trend.  The truth is that the 6 worst years for wildfires in the United States ever recorded have all happened since the year 2000.

So what is causing this to happen?

What is causing so much of the country to go up in flames?


Earlier this year, many areas of the heartland of America were absolutely ripped to shreds by very powerful tornadoes.

More tornadoes happen in the United States than anywhere else in the world, and unfortunately we have seen a tremendous amount of tornado activity in this country in recent years.

In 2009, there were 1146 tornadoes in the United States.

In 2010, there were 1282 tornadoes in the United States.

In 2011, there were 1691 tornadoes in the United States.

Overall, 2011 was the worst year for natural disasters in U.S. history.

So where will 2012 rank when everything is all said and done?


Radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster will be affecting Americans for many years to come.

Most Americans do not think much about Fukushima anymore, but the truth is that Fukushima is still putting out a tremendous amount of radiation, and that radiation travels eastward towards us.

A couple of months ago, one reporter discovered that radiation levels in rain falling on Los Angeles were five times above normal.

But we don’t hear about this in the mainstream media, do we?

One recent study concluded that the highest concentration of Fukushima radiation in the Pacific Ocean will eventually be just off the west coast of the United States.

But our “authorities” tell us that there is no reason to be concerned, so most Americans will continue to ignore the incredible tragedy that continues to unfold at Fukushima.

If you are not sure what to think about what is going on at Fukushima, perhaps the following statistic will get your attention….

Recent tests have shown that 36 percent of all children living in the Fukushima Prefecture in Japan have abnormal growths on their thyroid glands.  After the Chernobyl disaster, less than 2 percent of all children living in the area surrounding Chernobyl were found to have abnormal growths on their thyroid glands.

Economic Collapse

The last recession was the worst economic crisis that America has faced since the Great Depression, and our economy has never even come close to recovering from it.

Now we are on the verge of another global financial meltdown that appears likely to be even worse than the last one.

Peter Schiff, the president of Euro Pacific Capital, says that the U.S. economy is headed for a crisis that will make the recession of 2008 and 2009 look like a walk in the park.

So what is going to happen if the economy goes into the toilet and unemployment skyrockets much higher than it is now?

That is frightening to think about.

Poverty Explosion

Even during this “economic recovery”, poverty in America continues to soar.

For example, since Barack Obama has been president the number of Americans on food stamps has risen from 32 million to46 million.

Overall, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the federal government according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  That is an all-time record high.

The Death Of American Cities

The United States once had dozens of great manufacturing cities that were the envy of the entire globe.

Today, many of those cities have degenerated into crime-ridden, drug infested hellholes.

Things have gotten so bad in Detroit that thousands of homes are literally being torn down in an effort to “make the city safer”….

As the next step in an April deal between financially strapped Detroit and the state of Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder is finalizing a plan to tear down thousands of abandoned houses in a bid to make the city safer.

Detroit has been hard-hit over the past four decades by a steep drop in population, a steadily eroding tax base and crippling budget deficits, resulting in countless barren streets punctuated by vacant lots and burned-out buildings.

Increase In Crime

Have you noticed that crime is on the rise in many of our communities?

The murder rate in Chicago is up 38 percent so far this year, and justifiable homicide rose by 79 percent in Detroit during 2011.

Criminals are getting bolder and are doing things that we have not seen before.

For example, on Saturday night a mob of 300 teens invaded a Wal-Mart in Jacksonville, Florida and went absolutely wild.  They started stealing stuff, breaking stuff and throwing food at each other without any concern for what the security guards would do.

When have we ever seen stuff like this happen in America before?

America already has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population on the entire planet by a very wide margin.

How many more people do we plan to lock up?

Meanwhile, even many Americans that are not considered to be “criminals” are becoming very cold-hearted.  Just check out what happened in Arlington, Virginia recently.  A video surveillance camera captured footage of numerous people walking right past a man that had just been hit by a car and was dying on the sidewalk.  He was lying face down and bleeding and nobody even went up to him to see if he was okay.

If you were in a similar situation, would you stop to help that man?

Gang Violence

All over America gangs are taking over local communities.

According to the FBI, there are now a total of 1.4 million gang members living in America.  Just since 2009, that number has risen by 40 percent.

To get an idea of how deeply Mexican drug cartels have infiltrated our cities, just check out the maps on this article.

As I wrote about the other day, there are only 200 police officers in Chicago’s Gang Enforcement Unit to go up against an estimated 100,000 gang members living in the city of Chicago right now.

With numbers such as those, it is easy to see how violence in many of our cities could spiral out of control very, very quickly.


The United States continues to get pulled into more wars, and the conflicts that we are already involved in never seem to end.

Just today, 22 NATO supply trucks were destroyed in Afghanistan.  The war in Afghanistan has already lasted much longer than World War II did, and there is no end in sight.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama has gotten the U.S. military involved in conflicts in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and a whole bunch of other places.  The following is from a recent Wired article….

The center of the US drone war has shifted to Yemen, where 23 American strikes have killed an estimated 155 people so far this year. But you wouldn’t know about it — or about the cruise missile attacks, or about the US commando teams in Yemen — by reading the report the White House sent to Congress about US military activities around the globe. Instead, there’s only the blandest acknowledgement of “direct action” in Yemen, “against a limited number of [al-Qaida] operatives and senior leaders.”

The report, issued late Friday, is the first time the United States has publicly, officially acknowledged the operations in Yemen and in nearby Somalia that anyone with internet access could’ve told you about years ago. But the report doesn’t just fail to admit the extent of the shadow war that America is waging in the region. It’s borderline legal — at best. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 requires the president to inform Congress about any armed conflicts America is engaged in. Friday’s report isn’t just uninformative about Yemen. It doesn’t even mention the US campaign in Pakistan, even though the Defense Secretary says America is “at war” there.

So what is next?

Well, there are endless headlines warning that war with Syria is coming.

Other headlines warn that war with Iran is coming.

Where will this all end?

Anxiety Epidemic

Americans today are more unhappy and more anxious than ever before.

The following is from a recent Business Insider article….

According to a recent World Health Organization study, 31 percent of Americans are likely to suffer from an anxiety problem at some point during their lifetimes — compared to 25.3 percent of those in Colombia, and 24.6 percent in New Zealand, the countries that rank second and third. You’d think people in developing or unstable states — those preoccupied with concerns farther down on the Maslow Scale — would be more anxious than we are. Not so. “According to the 2002 World Mental Health Survey, people in developing-world countries such as Nigeria are up to five times less likely to show clinically significant anxiety levels than Americans, despite having more basic life-necessities to worry about,” writes Taylor Clark, author of Nerve: Poise Under Pressure, Serenity Under Stress, and the Brave New Science of Fear and Cool. “What’s more, when these less-anxious developing-world citizens emigrate to the United States, they tend to get just as anxious as Americans.

“The United States has transformed into the planet’s undisputed worry champion,” Clark adds.

Obesity Epidemic

Of all the major industrialized nations, the United States is the most obese, and a recent Gallup survey found that Americans are more concerned about our obesity epidemic than ever before.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

And nobody can deny that we are getting fatter.

Back in 1962, only 13 percent of all Americans were obese.

Today, approximately 36 percent of all Americans are obese.

Drug Addiction Epidemic

The United States has a higher percentage of drug addicts than any other major industrialized nation does.

We love to escape the pain of our every day lives.

At this point, the United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use in the entire world.

The United States also has a higher percentage of people addicted to prescription drugs than anyone else does.

So what does that say about us exactly?

Child Abuse Epidemic

In the United States, we treat our children very badly.

Sadly, there are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year, and the United States has the highest child abuse death rate on the entire globe.

Teen Pregnancy Epidemic

When our kids grow up they tend to be very sexually active as teens.

Amazingly, the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet.

And all of this sexual activity is rapidly spreading disease among our teens.  According to one study, one out of every fourteen girls in the United States has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

Divorce Epidemic

We like to make movies and television shows about families, but the truth is that the family structure in the United States has been breaking down for a very long time.

Today, the United States has the highest divorce rate in the world by a very wide margin.

Some example for the rest of the world we are, eh?

16 Trillion Dollar National Debt

Right now the U.S. national debt is $15,884,155,929,632.05.

We will shortly cross the 16 trillion dollar mark.

This is the greatest debt in the history of the world and it is beyond criminal that we plan to pass this debt on to future generations.

Our greed has destroyed the future for our children and our grandchildren and yet we continue to borrow trillions more because we just can’t help ourselves.

Political Nightmare

On top of everything else, we have a horrifying lack of leadership here in America.

Our last four presidents have been four of the worst presidents in U.S. history, and in 2012 we are faced with an incredibly depressing choice at the polls.

Is Barack Obama really the best that the Democrats can do?

The American people elected an incompetent con man to the highest office in the land.  Virtually every decision that he makes is wrong and virtually everything that he has tried to do while in office has been a failure.

The Republicans dislike Barack Obama so much that they picked the candidate most like Obama out of the entire Republican field to go up against Obama.

What kind of sense does that make?

Is Mitt Romney really the best that the Republicans can do?

Right now the best selling point that Republicans have for Romney is this….

“You better vote for him or you will get another four years of Obama”.

But Mitt Romney would certainly also be a bad president and would lead us down the exact same road that Obama has.

This fall, Americans will either get to vote for the worst president in U.S. history or another guy who will almost certainly be one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.

How depressing is that?

So as this nation continues to fall apart, we are guaranteed to have an absolutely horrible leader in the White House.

Perhaps we are really cursed.

So do you have an opinion about why so many bad things are happening to America?

Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below….

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27 Responses to “Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America?”

  1. Man, am I getting censored.

    I mentioned one particular small group of people and blamed them for societies ills. It started with a “j” and ended with “ews”. They have hook noses and are very greedy.

    Can’t say the n word, can’t call out a group of slimy people, just how are you suppose to recognize your enemies when you are prohibited from uttering their names? Stop the censorship. This is still America. Right?

    Startover Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:22 am

    Ha! – I know how you feel Phil –

    Speaking the obvious truth is illegal
    But you can use their “approved” lingo to say what you want:

    For instance:
    An angry Flash mob of decendants of former slave families are refered to as: “YOUNG PEOPLE”
    The 6 million illegal immigrants that were flooding Germany before 1940 are called “BANKERS”

    So changing your sentence structure is all that is required:

    “Bankers” were being crushed by a gathering of “young people” so I plowed my SUV into the mass to help clear a path for the ambulance.

    See… Not so hard

    PhilStapley Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:42 am

    I got banned for a week after calling some guy from Kenya a traitor for opening the borders to all illegals 30 and under. Not to mention the providing of thousands of assault rifles to narco terrorists. I thought providing aid and comfort to the enemy is the definition of treason. Since that is what our president and attorney general have done, they should be arrested, tried, convicted, and hung.

    The closer I get to hitting the nail on the head, the more I get censored. If you are dead on like I was a few weeks ago, you will get banned.

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:27 am

    banned from what Phil??? PP ?? I don’t think alex censors the site like that.
    There would have to be a good reason. You didnt’ say you wanted to kill anybodies kids did ya or Roast their dog????? Post it again……..Lets see what ya said. lol

    Cnsay Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:37 am

    Sad but true Phil. I’m thinking that there’s just as much hype, drama and misinformation here as the MSM. Alex is turning into a drama queen or a Kardashian.

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 6:06 am

    Disinformation? Naaah, I can’t go along with that……..Alex has to much of a conscience, it would beat him up in his sleep if he ever even thought about doin that…….Anybody would know this, having watched him since he’s been online. No, Alex is True Blue……dont’ get me wrong, he’s a character and he might jap some stuff up a little bit sometimes, but it’s to prove a point or stab ya in the mind………..I don’t watch or read or listen to anybody elses news …… I watch alex alone because i believe in him, after over 10 years he’s not give me a reason not to………………….Rock On Alex Jones!!!

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:53 am

    We are all to hell because the politicians we trusted have caved in and either been bought off or threatened into compliance with the NWO satanic scum that want us all dead. Is this put clearly enough?

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 5:49 am

    im gonna have to agree with the satanic scum thing…….ugly demo aint it?

  2. US has been actively implementing its plan for world domination since the end of WW2. Maybe all the evil stuff they have done to humanity is finally coming back to bite them!

  3. treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists, have been running things for decades.
    poisoning the air-food-water-medicine for (offshore!) big pharma-medical-insurance corps,
    is just another aspect of the saboteurs warfare against us, its ALL related, on all fronts.

    founding fathers wouldda gone hunting a long time ago, if they were alive and knew.

    doomcroaker Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:23 am

    This is certain to rile the atheists and agnostics that patrol this site, but there is a direct, unmistakeable correlation between kicking God out of America and the destruction of America. Pure, plain and simple. “The Get God Gone” movement started in our colleges and universities under the protection of academic freedom, cancered its way into our judiciary, then went hog wild when bow legged, cross eyed legal decisions like removing prayer from public schools and legalizing, even protecting, the hideous crime of abortion became the norm. Our doom as a nation was complete when Satanists took over our public schools to convert them into socialist indoctrination centers. It’s all there, friends, a 100 percent, direct correlation.

    What does it all mean? Real simple. As a nation, we are dog meat. We have strayed from the principles the Founding Fathers gave us and are on a path to complete, total and utter destruction, coming in the form of a surprise nuclear attack from Russia. Soon, as the pieces rapidly fall together in the Middle East: a war between Israel and her enemies that drags Russia and China into the fray. A hammered Russia, knowing who really is behind all the trouble starting in Afghanistan and moving through the entire area, throws everything nuclear they have at us.

    Read it. Revelation 18, up front, where we are Babylon the Whore. No nation other than the US on earth, past or present, fits that description. And nothing short of nuclear can destroy America in one hour. Furthermore, modern prophets have seen the same, as I have in two awesomely frightening dreams, one in 1987 and a second in the early 1990s.

    Reptoids. Seeds of Satan. Zionists. False sons of Abraham and Isaac. The Illuminati. Bildebergers. Central banks and the Federal Reserve. Mortal enemies of both God and free men.

    Laugh at and ridicule God, if you will, atheists, agnostics, socialists and other Satanists, but your action changes nothing. There is a God and as a nation we have spit in His face. He is not a happy camper; He will no longer bless America, or lift a finger to stay our execution. We are getting what we deserve for our religious stupidity. End of story; end of America. Period.

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:57 am

    doomcroaker, I have to agree………The get GoD outta everything………yep, the further and further we get away From GOD and his Commandments…..the further and further into DarkNess and Chaos we Go……….and Yes, in the bible it says that a third of mankind and a third of the earth will be burnt up along with a third of the oceanlife……Also, it says the Kings of the north, east and south will march down on Israel……..”funny, the west isn’t mentioned” probably because we wont be here………makes sense.

    The beginning of Knowledge is the Fear of GOD…..I guess until we fear GOD and do what he told us to do……….we’re all Dummies and Doomed. WOW!!

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:44 am

    yeah, the Founding Fathers would be livin in Canada, or DeaD …… nobody wants what these assholes want for a future……..They want us Pussified, like most are today, too scared to speak the truth or speak their minds, and the people doin it all are the ones that didn’t get laid in highschool and dogged by everybody for lookin like a TroLL……what a bunch of freakin dummies……..clintons?? HA! Dummies…..Bush’s HAAA! Even Dummer…..Obama?? lmfao!!!
    These people are the downfall of our beautiful republic that once stood tall and proud, they are the ones that want us dead, so that they can be Kings and Gods, so they can have the grooming of the Stool … FFS!!! What a bunch of retards…..bottom line, ACTORS, Playing the role……We’re so F**ked……The frustration of it all….sheeeesh!!! WE JUST WANT JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN WAY BAAAAAACK~~~~Can we Citizen Arrest any of these asswipes for Treason or Anything??? I say Arrest them ALL then have a big TRIAL for these parasites.
    Where’s Judge Roy Bean when ya need him??? Sheeeesh!!!

  4. I think if our founding fathers could have seen what was to be, they would have put a match to what they had started after having built another “Mayflower” to sail away on……

    mancer Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:57 am

    Brilliant, bleeding brilliant.

  5. my buddy’s step-mother makes $71 hourly on the laptop. She has been laid off for 10 months but last month her check was $20473 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more here alturl.com/qhw96

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:59 am

    Noone pays her that much to give them head man.

  6. Yeah I got a comment for below…… ” Ummmm, It’s called the end of the world as WE know it”

    It’s no Mystery that they are setting the stage for you know who, ding ding ding, you guessed it !!
    Nothing will change and it will only get worse as the short days go by that signal THE END.

    We should All Read the Bible………then it will all make sense.

    Until then, we’re in the dark, period.

    mancer Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 4:56 am

    Ah, no, reading the bible will simply distract you, it doesn’t make sense, it’s like reading a novel.

    If you want to make a difference, get out on the street and do something. Action is the only option.

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 5:12 am

    No Braddah, The bible will tell the truth……it Does make sense to those that want truth.
    You or nobody else could make me think any other way…..

    Your action relies on Man……PffffT…….Man isn’t trustworthy enough, we have to rely on GOD and his Words……..But, it really doesn’t matter does it? GOD said what would happen, it’s happening and is gonna happen just like he said…..PERIOD! So, all we can do is PrePare.

    And Your anti bible and action on the street option sounds like you watch alot of movies…LoL
    Wake Up Man……….The best you could ever do is fall down on those knees and beg for forgiveness……..THATS the only Option ……. GOD knew you before you were even Born, doesn’t that tell you something? Even the hairs on your head are numbered…..what does that say to you???? Everybody knows it’s true, deep down……..Everyone…….so,deny it all ya want…….But the fact is…YOU KNOW and so does everybody else.

  7. Why? very simple My Dear Watson, No jobs–young men can enlist in Uncle Scam’s USA military. Too many freeloaders and low lifers on this planet. WWIII is in the plan.Like undesirable trees in forests–a good burn out cycle produces good growth. My advise to parents–hide your sons and get the h*ell out of big cities and that applies to USA’s side kick Canada

  8. Bible thumper — said 2us read the bible? Are you nuts!

  9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , you have to ask, ha ha ha ha, why, ha ha ha ha so many bad, ha ha ha things, ha hah ha, oh, too funny.

  10. You forgot to add religious brainwashing.

    TheGreatGazoo Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 5:32 am

    no religious brainwashin here dude, Just FACTS. and did that guy call ME a bible thumper?? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Man, this just all the more makes me know that this IS the end times……..I”M A SINNER!!! But, I’ve been shown the way…….Will my Pride take me to Hell or Will I give it all up to Jesus?? You know that GOD said his people will be called crazy in the end …… didn’t ya?

    Let me ask ya something, have you EVER been in a dire situation? Jail?auto accident?disease? Anything??? I’d bet the farm you prayed to GOD or begged for help from him or something along those lines….You ever cried out for GOD? or said, GOD HELP ME or Anything like that?? LOL HUH?…………Ever think about those flames lickin your ass?? weeping and nashing of the teeth??? prayin for a drop of water on your tongue??? Willin to take the risk of losing your soul??? are ya?? you willing to do that??? So, you say 0 percent chance GOD is there? Even if there was 1% chance a half a percent chance, You willin to take that? and risk losing your soul for eternity to hellfire??? FFS!!!!!!!! But Hey, Im’ talkin to myself as much as i’m talkin to you, so don’t take it personal…….im no TRUE christian, if I was i’d be doin what the good book says, but it’s on my mind lately and I have to ask myself those questions. i’m not tryin to brainwarsh anybody dude, Im just sayin what I believe……….

  11. Im just curios, when the time comes and if by some luck you may be standing on the neck of one of the turds responsible for the problems, and he is looking straight down the barrel of an American made shootin iron, would God forgive ya for sending him post haste to meet his maker, or do you think the commandments would come into play? Its his judgement but Im pretty sure alot of people would be interested in helping to expedite the process.

  12. It isn’t just America, I lived in Europe as a kid, and Europe is going down the toilet as well. In some ways they are worse than us….

    I think maybe in the future you’ll see the US break up into two countries and the EU will break up.

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