Winning gold was my saddest day… I’d betrayed the team when I fell in love: Emotional confession of Olympic cycling star Victoria Pendleton

Padraic Flanagan

16:14 EST, 14 July 2012


03:45 EST, 15 July 2012

Cycling's Golden Girl: Victoria posing in a men's magazine

Cycling’s Golden Girl: Victoria posing for men’s magazine FHM

Standing on the Olympic podium in Beijing, cyclist Victoria Pendleton clutched the coveted gold medal as the crowds around her cheered and waved their Union Jack flags.

It was a stunning achievement for the golden girl of British cycling at the 2008 Games and it should have been a moment of personal – as well as national – celebration.

But the glamorous athlete now admits that she was left ‘almost numb’ that day after the squad reacted angrily to news of her relationship with coach Scott Gardner.

It is an unwritten rule in professional sport that coaches do not become involved with their athletes because of the risk it will undermine team spirit.

Although senior management had been aware of their romance, the  couple were warned to keep it a secret until the end of the Games.

When they went public with their relationship, the immediate fallout was devastating.

Gardner, an Australian sports scientist, had to switch to the Team GB swimming team and Victoria spent years isolated from her fellow cyclists who, furious that Gardner was no longer there to help them, made plain their sense of betrayal.

In a television interview due to be broadcast this week, Bedfordshire-born Victoria, 31, who is tipped for further glory at London 2012, says: ‘Winning the gold medal should have been the happiest day of my entire life and it just wasn’t.

‘It felt like the saddest day in  my entire life. I felt almost numb. I thought I really would feel different and somehow I would be overwhelmed by emotion, that I wouldn’t be able  to hold it back, but I didn’t feel anything.

‘Everyone was so angry that Scott and I had fallen in love. It was so unprofessional – we were a disgrace and had betrayed everybody.

‘We knew if we embarked on this then that would be the end. One of us would have to leave the job.’

As the news leaked out,  Victoria felt increasingly resented by her fellow athletes.

‘I can’t say I’m going to look back on the past three years fondly. I did feel at times that I was out on my own,’ she admits.

Betrayal: Miss Pendleton says the team were angry at her and felt 'betrayed' by her and fiance, sports-performance scientist Scott Gardner, for falling in love

Betrayal: Miss Pendleton says the team were angry at her and felt ‘betrayed’ by her and fiance, sports-performance scientist Scott Gardner, for falling in love

Hinting that the air has still not yet cleared ahead of the London Games, she adds: ‘I’m not disregarded but I’m not the favourite, shall we say.’

The fact that British Cycling bosses have invited Gardner back to the squad could be either a blessing or a curse for the pair, who plan to marry after the  Olympics.

Victoria is hugely reassured by his presence. She says: ‘He gave up everything to be with me and that means a lot.

why I need to do him proud at the London Olympics, so I can say that it
wasn’t in vain and to prove that it was all worth it.’

Winner: Victoria Pendleton celebrates her gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games four years ago

Winner: Victoria Pendleton celebrates her gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games four years ago

Victoria is now one of the country’s most decorated track cyclists. This will be her third Olympics and she has spent more than ten years at the top of her sport, winning nine world titles along with Olympic and Commonwealth gold medals.

She is also something of a household name and has used her enviable good looks to pose for men’s magazines. Such attention has attracted scorn from some areas, but Victoria is dismissive.

‘When I started there wasn’t any media attention on the team,’ she says. ‘Quite a lot of women in sport tend to take on an aggressive character. They want to be perceived as something strong and powerful.

‘I never lost that sense of being female and wanting to retain my femininity. I would never want to prove that I’m taking it seriously by making myself look different from the way I want to look. I wouldn’t be myself.

‘I’m going to win and I want to win with nice long hair. I’m going to straighten it and I’m going to curl it and it’s going to look lovely.’

She credits her father Max, a former national grass-track cycling champion, for her competitive streak. ‘I have been watching him race for as long as I was able, so it was inevitable that when I was old enough to race, that I would,’ she says.

Despite her impending marriage, Victoria’s thoughts remain fixed on going out in a blaze of glory in London.

‘The idea of running away with Scott and living happily ever after . . . that makes me happy.  I still like the idea of happy endings like that,’ she says.

‘I want it to be the most amazing exit I can have from the sport. To say, “Thank you very much, I’m done now.” ’

Victoria Pendleton: Cycling’s Golden Girl will be shown on  BBC1 on Wednesday at 9pm.

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Ah, Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire!
Would not we shatter it to bits – and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!
— Omar Khayyam

Well there goes all my respect for Britsh sports people. You don’t choose who you fall in love with it just happens!
BUT you certainly don’t throw your toys out of the pram and stomp your feet when it happens to one of your team mates. The word is TEAM but most of our athletes don’t know about that.

Arrrrrrgh, people will say just about anything in order to have some half naked photos of themselves published. What a waste of lives,dreams hopes of suffragettes when women of today are not good enough unless we see them naked.Even BBC female news presenters are dressed like they are going to strip club. I despair!

Right thats a nice few quid in the bank for a non story what else can anyone think up to do with the Olympics . . . . . Next please. . . . . .

she breaks whatever rules she likes so it’s hardly surprising she’s not popular with her teammates

Goodness, I can see why she fell for him. He is absolutely gorgeous. Her female team mates were jealous, obviously. They should have supported her instead of trying to make things difficult. Petty minded people.

Loves herself so much

This is really going to make her team mates warm to her…..

Curiously unsexy for an attractive woman.

Sounds like a classic case of jealousy to me that he didnt fall in love with one of them.

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