With Gas Prices At An All Time High and Job Security At An All Time Low, Thousands Are Turning To The Internet To Make Money Online

With the National Unemployment rate holding at 8.3% and self-employment on the decline, Bryan Knowlton has created step-by-step tutorials teaching others how to make money online.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) March 27, 2012

Bryan Knowlton, a San Diego Entrepreneur and Internet marketing expert shares his information with the masses through step-by-step video tutorials with the goal of teaching others how to make money online.

The Internet has opened a wealth of money making opportunities to people that have always desired to be entrepreneurs and be their own boss. Bryan Knowlton is revealing all of his tips and advice on how he has earned money online for the past 20 years through his video series available on [iTunes : Your Boss Blows and ROKU TV Channel : Make Money Online Network.

With the National Unemployment Rate growing from 4% in 2007 to the current level in January 2012 of 8.3% you would think matters could not get much worse. Think again.

Forrester Research Inc. predicts that over 3.4 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages will be moved overseas by 2015. A recent University of California at Berkeley report also found that 14 million jobs are at risk of being sent offshore. A high tech forecasting firm, Gartner Inc., estimates 10 percent of computer services and software jobs will be moved overseas by the end of 2012. To make matters worse, Princeton economist Alan Blinder estimates 42-56 million jobs could be sent overseas overall.

If you still have a job, what about fuel and commute expenses?

A recent survey published by Salary.com found that the average commuter travels round trip 29 miles each day and gets approximately 18.8 miles per gallon. This amounted to an annual commuting gas cost of $1,483 per year which represents 3.6% of the national annual salary of $40,690.

Is it a good time to become an entrepreneur and work from home?

By working from home, not only will you save the commuting fuel costs as well as the .23 cents per mile for standard auto related wear and tear. Now is a great time to get stared earning money online and creating financial freedom.

The web portal located at http://www.yourbossblows.com is full of videos with subjects

from Ebay auctions, making money with the Amazon Affiliate Program, Local Search Marketing and Niche Blogging. Other videos assist on how to get organized and prepared to start earning money online.

Some of the video tutorials and interviews include:

  • Amazon Associates Program

  • How to become an Ebay powerseller
  • Best online marketing strategies
  • How to make money blogging
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Niche Website Creation
  • Local Search Marketing
  • Becoming a local search marketing consultant
  • Work From Home Strategies
  • And much more authoritative content on how to earn money online

Some of the latest video interviews feature the Legendary Affiliate Marketing Expert Jeremy ‘ShoeMoney’ Shoemaker and Local Search Marketing Expert Don Campbell, recorded at the recent Affiliate Summit West 2012 held in January in Las Vegas, NV.

Avoiding all the GURU hype, Bryan shares his ups and downs with earning money online over the past 20 years. He gives specific examples on his latest streams of income and how he created a full time income from only a few hours of work a week by creating a niche blog for real estate appraisers. Information is given on how to duplicate this process so others can make money online in almost any industry.

Videos, Resources and Breaking News articles are available on the website as well as a free Quick-Start Guide for signing up to the newsletter. The Quick Start Guide provides real answers for getting started immediately followed up by a newsletter that provides new video notifications, affiliate marketing news and money making opportunities.

Not short on information, the easy to navigate website features a helpful resource area that provides links to the best service and software providers geared towards making money online.

The influential wealth of information featured on http://www.YourBossBlows.Com is a powerful resource and Bryan is happy to help others begin their journey of making money online. He gladly invites contact via the website and offers his expertise and assistance with questions, referrals and comments. He is also available for guest speaking and interview opportunities.

For those who have thought of setting up a website or blog and don’t know where to begin, his videos will help people to get motivated and to just do it. To get started immediately, he recommends subscribing to the show in iTunes and also to sign up to the newsletter to receive the Quick Start guide.

Learn more by visiting http://www.yourbossblows.com

Subscribe to the Podcast for YourBossBlows FREE on iTunes


Bryan Knowlton
Your Boss Blows
(858) 232-3348
Email Information

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