Women claim discrimination by Virgin Blue, Brisbane court told

Virgin Blue

A Virgin Blue manager allegedly told a new mother she was a “square peg they were trying to fit into a round hole'” when making her redundant, a court has been told / File
Source: AFP

A VIRGIN Blue manager told a new mother she was a “square peg they were trying to fit into a round hole'” when making her redundant just days before the end of her maternity leave, a court has been told.

Giving evidence in the Federal Magistrates Court in Brisbane today, former Virgin Blue sponsorship specialist Kirsty Aitken said she was “devastated” when she was told her position was no longer available on June 28, 2010.

“I was in tears, I was distraught, I couldn’t understand what was happening,” said Ms Aitken, who had been preparing to return to full-time work on July 10.

She and public affairs officer Leonie Vandeven, both in their early 30s, are taking court action against Virgin Blue, alleging they were discriminated against after confirming they were pregnant or when returning from maternity leave.

The women had worked together as part of the airline’s public relations team until mid-2010, when they were told their positions were no longer required.

Ms Aitken and Ms Vandeven say their positions were immediately filled after they were forced to take redundancies.

Ms Aitken said she worked part-time for several months during her year-long maternity leave and was given no warning she was to be made redundant.

“I was told that my position was no longer available, that I was a square peg they were trying to fit into a round hole,” Ms Aitken said.

She said her position was terminated about seven months after a senior member of the human resources department expressed his belief that companies should be able to fire women when they fall pregnant.

“He said all females should be put on contracts, and that way when they get pregnant it’s easier to get rid of them,” Ms Aitken said.

Previously lawyers acting for Ms Aitken and Ms Vandeven have indicated their clients want to see penalties imposed on Virgin Blue for alleged breaches of numerous sections of the Fair Work Act.

They claim Virgin breached the parental leave and redundancy policies, and other obligations as an employer.

The maximum penalty for breaching the act is $33,000.

Ms Vandeven is also expected to give evidence during the hearing, which is set down for several days.

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