Would you choose a salad over sex? How one in three singles would rather give up between-the-sheets action than their favourite food

Victoria Wellman

13:28 EST, 2 July 2012


01:44 EST, 3 July 2012

They say chocolate is an aphrodisiac but for some, any kinky action that follows is just ancillary. 

In a surprising new study conducted by Today and Match.com, one in three singles admitted that they would rather go without sex for a year than their favourite food.

And of the 4,000 who participated in the Love Bites: Dating and Dining survey, some were happy to sacrifice action between the sheets for salad.

The best thing: In a new study, one in three singles said they would go without sex for a year rather than give up their favourite food

The best thing: In a new study, one in three singles said they would go without sex for a year rather than give up their favourite food

Disappointingly, 32per cent of those people were women compared to 16per cent who were men.

But in an extraordinary twist, it is not just singles, in potentially unsatisfactory sexual relationships, who were willing to relinquish a year of loving.

An extra 3,500 married individuals were interviewed and despite being in a committed long term relationship, 28per cent chose their perfect meal over fun in the bedroom.

As if the results were not depressing enough, while a majority of respondents willing to sacrifice sex did so for steak and chocolate, some were comfortable depriving themselves for the sake of a caprese salad, sushi and fresh fruit.

The puzzling results raise questions about the quality of the sex that those who answered in favour of food, are having.

In reaction to the comments made by the interviewees, sex therapist and author Ian Kerner told MSNBC: ‘People often say things like they’d pick money or sleep or food over sex.

‘If you find yourself picking food over sex, you need to approach sex a bit more like food and vary your diet’

‘I think this shows that people take sex for granted, or that they’re not enjoying sex enough to really value it appropriately.’

What’s more, he pointed out, food might just be the reason they’re not getting the most out of their sexual experience.

While chocolate and steak both have ingredients known to lift spirits, some food groups make us full and lethargic so what starts as a romantic candle-lit meal, ends in a night in front of the television.

Kerner suggested: ‘If you find yourself picking food over sex, perhaps you need to approach sex a bit more like food and vary your diet.’

In fact a sense of adventure around food proved to be an important factor in attracting a mate as 66per cent of singles said they were put off by fussy eaters and 35per cent were unimpressed by someone who lack food knowledge.

And an ever so slightly more encouraging 93per cent were adamant that they would prefer someone bad in the kitchen over a partner with no skills in the bedroom.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Another so called expert telling us we ought to be doing things differently. Both food and sex are immediate and often intense physical pleasures that can leave you feeling relaxed and satisfied. So the news is a third pick one of these pleasures over another. Big deal!

Sex is ok, but you can’t beat the real thing !!!

Give me a good curry any day. Over rated past time. Red arrow me. A bet if a lot of people were honest they would say something similar.

Sex is soooooo over rated. Everyone talks about it. Everywhere you look it’s there reminding us that we should be doing it and swinging from the chandeliers etc. It’s like if you don’t particularly want it or care for it, there’s something wrong with you which is a load of rubbish in my opinion. I get more pleasure from eating good, yummy, scrummy food and I don’t care what anyone thinks. It’s MY life. *blows huge raspberry at everyone*

Dumb question. NO, never. I can eat my salad and still do it.

I’d rather go down the pub!

I hate salad

Not a chance!!!!!!!

Well maybe for a lifetimes supply of pasta carbonara and Ben and jerrys, then I’d consider it, but definitely not for a whimsy salad!!!

Answer to headline: ermmm no.

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