Yellow Journalism Targets A Real American: The Pointless Opinion of Martin Bashir

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In a major development in his probe of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 presidential ballot, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has dispatched his lead Cold Case Posse investigator and a deputy detective to Hawaii.

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2 Responses to “Yellow Journalism Targets A Real American: The Pointless Opinion of Martin Bashir”

  1. Fuk england ! It seems we always have to listen to Parliaments determinations about anything, screw King George ! This land belongs to China now ! Boo how !

  2. Martin Bashir is a ” paki-christian”? Is that the same thing as a bisexual cocksucker? Perhaps a “pakistani Christian” is the same species as a lesbian cocksucker: possible , but not existant in real terms. Miss Bashir is the kind of cocksucking pig that is attracted to the amerikkan left and Barry Soetoro, 042-68-4425.
    How about that Facebook , amerikkan slaves. Are not investments where teh smart people put their money. Enjoying everyday this nlgger shithole goes deeper down the rabbit-hole.

    Equality is Slavery. Debt is Wealth. Travel is Privelege. Slavery is Freedom.

    P.S. Harrison J. Bounel wants his socialsecurity number back, Barry.

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