Poll Shows Ron Paul Won Debate at Reagan Shrine

Kurt Nimmo
September 8, 2011

It’s embarrassing for the establishment. They keep holding these “debates” and Ron Paul keeps winning. The corporate media keeps posting polls and Ron Paul keeps winning. And yet we are told he can’t possibly win the nomination.

Following the dog and pony show at the Ronnie Reagan library last night, the “NBC News Political Unit” posted a poll on their website asking who won.

Ron Paul is the winner with 48 percent of nearly 100,000 votes (as of 7 AM CST). Mitt the Democrat who wants you to think he is a Republican came in a distant second at a mere 18 percent. Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party decoy came in with a pathetic 2.4 percent of the votes. Rick Santorum barely registered at 1.1%.

Polls are irrelevant to “pundits” who love the state, though. For instance, over at the “conservative” website Newsmax, Ron Paul is considered the loser “because he’s just so out of it” and because he dissed Ronnie at his very own shrine-library. Paul dared speak the truth – Ronnie talked the talk, but when the rubber met the pavement he turned out to be just another tax-and-spender, or rather borrow-and-spender.

The Washington Post didn’t even mention Ron Paul when it talked about winners and losers. Rick Santorum, John Huntsman and the veteran globalist insider Newt Gingrich warranted more coverage, even though they obviously are not considered serious candidates by the American people, or those who are not yet completely disenchanted with politics and still pay attention.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

USA Today and the rest of the corporate media ignored Paul as much as possible. They spent a lot of time discussing “job creation” and the exchange between the statist from Texas and the one from Massachusetts, both who actually think (or their wranglers do) that government can create jobs.

Perry attacked Social Security – in order to maintain his fake Tea Party stance – and Romney attacked Perry for daring to criticize the retirement fund at gunpoint program. Both “front-runners” spent most of the night worshipping the state.

Although the NBC poll showed Perry coming in a dismal third, the Los Angeles Times declared him the “the presumptive GOP front-runner” and said Paul and the other candidates “often seemed like extras, visible but silent much of the time.”

Ron Paul was “silent” because he was not asked questions by NBC news anchor Brian Williams and Politico editor John Harris. Ron Paul won the debate, “even though you gave him almost zero time to speak, and gave him questions designed to make him look like an idiot when you did,” a comment on the NBC poll page notes.

Mother Jones – the fount for “progressives” – declared the debate a toss-up between “Governor Goodhair” and the establishment Tea Party diva Michele Bachmann. They didn’t mention Paul, either, even though anti-war Democrats would do well to back Paul, the only candidate who does not support attacking small countries and militarily occupying them.

The “debate” was held in order to give the impression that the two front-runners are slugging it out and the others are merely stage props.

Millions of Americans are coming around to Ron Paul and his message. It is up to the establishment media to ignore him and get people thinking about Rick Perry and Mitt Romney who will if elected continue the charade of endless wars and a bankster dominated economy.

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99 Responses to “Poll Shows Ron Paul Won Debate at Reagan Shrine”

  1. Rick Perry was channeling the TSA, he was preparing to give Ron Paul an enhanced pat down.

  2. anyone with half a brain can see ron paul is the ONLY option. and even if he does gain power- he will probably be powerless.
    basically, you have to defend YOURSELF from EVERYTHING. and what’s more, that’s what REAL freedom is!, so it isn’t a bad thing at all- but we’ve spent so much time licking govn’t boots, it just SEEMS scary- to not have a govn’t.

  3. Perry for President!

  4. Give me a break. Kurt writes:

    Ron Paul … dissed Ronnie at his very own shrine-library. Paul dared speak the truth – Ronnie talked the talk, but when the rubber met the pavement he turned out to be just another tax-and-spender, or rather borrow-and-spender.

    No Reagan was NOT anothe tax and spender. I hate to break this to you Kurt but Reagan did NOT have control of Congress during his terms. He and the GOP only controlled one House of Congress briefly. To blame Reagan for spending when it was OUT OF HIS CONTROL is dishonest and lame.

    Revenues INCREASED 880 billion dollars 1981-1989, with Reagans Kemp-Roth tax cuts included.

    The problem in the 80s was similar to now in that we had big government people running Congress and loading up the spending bills. Reagan did what he could to reduce spending. You notice Ron Paul only DEFENDED Ronnie in the debate. WHY? Because he knows that Reagan did what he could.

    Blaming Reagan alone for the deficits is like blaming Ron Paul for there not being a Fed audit. Its silly.

    Reagan is NOT Bush. Before you write your next tome making fun of Ronnie and his debt, why dont you talk about how many TRILLIONS he saved by putting the USSR out of business in 91? How come you can only talk about his military spending in the 80s and not about how that saved us 4 times as much later. Clinton could balance the budget in 90s because REAGAN won the cold war for him. Why do people only mention what Reagan SPENT on defense and not what he SAVED?

    Reagan was a good president. He was sold out by fascist scum traitors all around him but I believe he was a GOOD man. I will defend him ANYTIME when I see him attacked. Reagan was the man and still is.

    If Ronnie Reagan was as bad as you claim all the time Kurt, then I expect you will be writing your next column about how RON PAUL SOLD OUT because he sure as hell supported Reagan in the debates last night and NOT your position.

    Ron Paul agrees more with ME about Reagan. Hopefully the truth movement will DEAL WITH THAT REALITY.

    Kyle J. Merriam
    REAGANITE in 81 and still so today!

  5. Ignoring Ron Paul may have back fired on the media clowns. The other contenders had much opportunity to step on their di**s and Paul had only a few minutes to speak. The more people heard of those other idiots, the less they liked.

    The last I saw of that poll, Ron Paul had over 51% — over half of all the votes in a field of eight contenders. If this had been the actual election, Ron would be president now (and assassinated by CIA-Mossad operatives).

    • I hope that’s not what it takes to wake people up.

  6. ron paul/ alex jones 2012! Go Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I saw this on the original comments. Pretty funny:

    1. Ron Paul took a lie detector test. The lie detector tapped out.
    2. Ron Paul is an element on the periodic table.
    3. Ron Paul could lead a horse to water AND convince it to drink, but he
    doesn’t believe in government intervention so he refuses.
    4. King Midas shook hands with Ron Paul once. Nothing changed.
    5. Studies by the World Health Organization show that Ron Paul is the leading cause of freedom among people.
    6. Ron Paul wasn’t born. He liberated himself from the womb.
    7. The chief export of Ron Paul is liberty.
    8. When fascism goes to sleep at night, it checks under the bed for Ron Paul.
    9. Ron Paul eats Total Gyms for breakfast.
    10. If Ron Paul had lived in Sparta, the movie would have been called “1″.
    11.When Chuck Norris gets scared, he goes to Ron Paul.
    12.Ron Paul lost his virginity to Susan B. Anthony.
    13.Ron Paul doesn’t cut taxes, He kills them with his bare hands.
    14.Ron Paul delivers babies without his hands. He simply reads them the Bill of Rights and they crawl out in anticipation of freedom.
    15.If you pull Ron Paul’s finger, a band will march by playing Yankee Doodle Dandy.

    • retards say what?

  8. I watched the debate last night. Anyone else? I have to say, I wish RP had a better delivery, for the sheople’s sake, but he is bringing up issues that probably wouldn’t see the light of day if he weren’t involved in the discussion. Few times I wish he would have answered differently though, there is a time and place for everything. Thought Herman Cain did pretty good, surprised he scored so low.

  9. Wow. These numbers are totally cooked (surprise, surprise!) I checked out the poll after the debate and it was over 77% Ron Paul and Santorum was at 0.9% and 115 votes. There’s no way this could be correct.

    Also note the distortion of the chart. Ron Paul at almost 50% and Romney appears close to Paul? at 18%? You’re talking a 31% spread. The way the chart is distorted, it looks like Romney is A LOT closer than he really is. The propagandists know 80+% of people are visually-oriented. They’ll look at the chart before they look at the numbers. If they even look at the numbers. People are so damned stupid these days, most wont.

    So I stand my previous statements about these “polls”. Whatever they’re saying about Ron Paul’s popularity, its under reported by about 30%. F**k these MSM turds.

    • I agree. There’s no way he’s running in the “teens”.


  11. Join one of Ron Paul’s “Young Americans for Liberty” chapters on over 500 college campus’. “WE” are going through the process of becoming the delegates that will see the public’s choice chosen. You’d be amazed how he has influenced our youth over the years. These “whipper-snappers” are infiltrating the system with Libertarian integrity and studying Austrian economics. WOW!!! They also welcome old farts like me. We even have young professors in our meetings. It took the Good Doctor to get me off my arse. I hope you all do the same. At least wave some signs with a few buddies and put a bumper sticker on your car. Every little bit helps the cause. I’ll be waving locally for 9/11 Truth this weekend, too. “Pull” this, mofo’s!!!

    • P.S. The bars in that graph sure are deceptive… Mitt’s should be 2/5th’s the size of Ron’s, and on down the line.

  12. Intelligent people will vote for Ron Paul. The problem is that we need the support of the ignorant masses. Remember that most people get home from work, sit down, and watch TV. If they watch Fox News or CNN, they think that they are being intelligent. They don’t read and they’re taken in by what they see. If a candidate is presented well, then the sheeple will vote for him/her regardless of what is being said. Supporters of Ron Paul know all of this and I sincerely hope that we all realize that this election will be trench warfare. We will win by educating voters one by one. We need to dedicate a lot of time to this. Each time you wake someone up, teach them how to wake another and so on. It is essential that we maximize the votes for Ron so that the government can’t pull anything crooked with the ballots. Ron Paul must win this election. The time to stand up and stop the tyranny is right now and everybody has to do their share. Visit Ron’s Website and volunteer to knock on doors. Here is another idea (one that I’m doing), make up business cards and leave them with your tips. The cards should tell the waiter/waitress about Ron Paul’s legislation to stop taxing tips. Four more years of a dope, any dope, in the White House is going to put the last nail in our coffin.

    • Its gonna be futile if he doesn’t leave his party.

      The damn man is running a grassroots, anti-establishment campaign and suceeding, so why the holy fuck would he run in THEE establishment party, one that by the way SELECTS who they want, a selection made by leadership and not voters?

      It ain’t a serious campaign until its independent or third party.

      • how will he get on debates on tv then? he won’t be able to as last night’s debate was for republicans. The tv debates are designed not to allow candidates from other parties or independants.

      • I understand what you mean. Ethically, I would love to see him dissociate himself with the republican party. However, logically, it would ensure that almost nobody would hear his message. Granted, his following would still be firm with him, but it has been clearly explained many times and in many forums, that this would simply split the votes. Without the republican forum, he could never get enough votes to be successful. His popularity would cause the loss of votes for repubs to be extreme. This would do nothing but ensure a second term for Obama. Besides, his views ARE republican, in the sense of what the party was built on. But, this is the point. People are fed up with flip-flopping politics as usual. He is simply sending a powerful reminder to HIS party of what they traditionally stood for.

        • As for the selection of candidates, this is true, but political pressure is an effective weapon and that’s where WE come in.

        • Free intx has explained the gameplan well, you see this media blackout of paul? That’s to be used later to explain that he was barely a competitor, and that only his fanatics were supporting. They will use their own behaviour of ignoring him as evidence that he wasn’t a serious candidate. This means our pressure won’t work because they already have the counter move. The stupid majority won’t wake up in time to sway the message of the press in any nationwide amount, so the book is written on the nomination already.

          If this grassroots movement is in the millions, and if paul can generate money as fast as he has so far, I see no reason why he can’t afford ads on tv throughout the next two years. Hell, he can plaster the airwaves with ads simply stating that they refuse to allow him in any debate. If the movement isn’t big enough to generate this cash flow then its doomed to begin with I’m afraid.

          I know its the hard way to run independent, but if you ever want to see paul as president, then that’s what he will have to do. If not, come back in a year or two and see who was unfortunately right

    • “Intelligent people will vote for Ron Paul.”

      Oh crap! We’re doooooomed!!! (LOL!)

  13. This explained why fox news never showed the actual poll results!!

  14. MSN.com put up a new poll today to fight the other one! Get over to MSN.com and vote for your winning candidate – They changed it from “who do you think won” to “who do you like”!!!!!!!

  15. You can add NPR to the list of news sources for zombie sheep. they showcased slick rick and good ol’ mitt kicking each others vagina and never mentioned paul

  16. Ron Paul number one in internet polls. Too bad they don’t mean anything. Bawwhaaahaaa.

    Enjoy your new master:


    • You mean Obama part 2?

      Do you actually believe idiots like Perry or Romney can beat Obama?

      The self labeled MSM hasn’t even scratched the surface on the dirt on these two scumbags. If Perry gets the nomination, he will likely fall on his sword to get Obama another 4 years. He is more dumb than Bush.

      If RON PAUL did get the nomination, he would avalanche (sp?) Obama because the media would be forced to cover him as a legit candidate for 3-5 months prior to the election, and the people would choose the obvious, but they will throw it, no matter how bad it looks, and Obama will get another 4.

      My bets are RON PAUL gets screwed with BLATANT election fraud, Chris Christie gets the nomination, but Obama gets another 4 years. Then comes Hitlery!

  17. If voting actually changed anything, it would be outlawed.

    Paul will not get the GOP nomination. And it doesn’t matter who is sitting in the oval office or if there is a red or blue lightbulb on the front porch of the white house. The plans that are in place now will continue regardless of the outcome of the election.

    • You’re right, the plans are in place. But, a variable exists that they were not planning on. People are waking up from their long slumbers in front of the TV. Now is our chance to take our country back. We have to hurry and wake up everyone that we can. If we lose the election, we’ll still be awake and able to fight. We’ve never had a better chance than now. Even if it’s predetermined, that doesn’t mean that we have to give it away. I think that, for the time being, there’s still hope.

      • Become a delegate to ensure our voices are heard. Join a “Young Americans for Liberty” chapter. (Young at heart is all that matters… I’m 51 and was welcomed with open arms.) It sure beats sitting around feeling helpless. My inner peace has been restored.

        • Ooops! meant to reply to Urbexi.




    • LOL Rick Perry sneaky neocon did it during a commercial break.


        • IT’S TRUE!

  21. I vote for Obama to stop the wars and to be honest. So far he has failed. I could vote for Ron Paul but none off the other ones. If Obama just told the truth about the whole stinking mess, nobody could bet him,but then again he would be dead. O hell, better just keep growing food something I understand. peace

    • If Obama “told the truth about the whole stinking mess,” they would shoot him, call it a suicide, and leave a bunch of tapes that were made in Rahm Emmanuel’s BP flat in DC! The country would be so busy talking about “pickup games” and crack smoking bi-sexual presidents to even think to question the timeliness of his death.

      Or we would put him (Obama) in PRISON for CRIMES AGIANST HUMANITY.

      Either way, don’t bet on hearing any truth from the White House any time soon.

    • Ha! “So far he has failed”. When do you suppose that will change and what would be the results? “If Obama just told the truth about the whole stinking mess…” he would never have been elected, given that elections are honest.

      Soetoro, aka Obama, never, ever stated what was, and is, meant by his “change you can believe in” crap. Actually, such jingoism causes for dummies to assume Soetoro’s meaning for “change” to be the same as what they have in mind for “change”. Any changing that has happened occurred during Soetoro’s election campaign when his promises continued to change, such that, in the future nobody would be able to affix, with certainty, what those promises were allowing him to say, yes, I said that, but then I also said …

      I still can’t believe the stupidity of this nation but the proof is in the pudding, isn’t it, and the pudding is Soetoro, the Bushes, the Clintons, blah blah blah and yuk.

  22. Everyone Please go vote for you winning Candidate on MSN.com! They are trying to over come Ron Winning Last night!

    • MSNBC, right?

  23. Gloves off said: Ron Paul needs to have Russle Means for a Running Mate …

    I agree. And as soon as the lights come up for another debate, Russel Means should walk over to the two Obots and scalp both of them. Then set their scalps up on a pedestal to view while the two braves who replace them conduct a fair and honest debate.

    I don’t see any other way to get a fair debate.



        • If things keep goin’ the way they’re goin’ it’s going be like Deadwood around here at election time anyway. Folks can get real nasty when they get a belly full.

        • hey shenanigan and vn count me in just gimme a couple days notice in advance. i got somewhat of a drive

  24. as of 9:30 ron paul is at 50% romney at 17%… thats almost 3 to 1 for paul. last night when i voted, after the debate paul was at 45% romney at 22% and the graph for each of the canidates was at equal length making it look like they were getting the same amount of votes. Hopefully the lack of media coverage despite the overwhelming support for dr. paul in polls opens more peoples eyes to the corrupt meida they are being force fed.

  25. “No country has ever voted its way out of a Tyranny”—-JK

  26. “Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you.” – Bill Hicks

    • Quoting a great man, a genius even. Good one!

  27. I signed up to comment on MSNBC’s website just before the debate. I mentioned how their article which was discussing the upcoming debate was typical in that it bearly mentioned Ron Paul at the bottom of it, just a few words after going on and on about Bachman who was behind Paul in the polls.

    It’s clear what they’re doing …. business as usual for the Presstitutes of the Media. But I quickly got a reply from a guy who doesn’t support Ron Paul was nonetheless disturbed at the way he’s being ignored and mistreated by the media. At least, the Lame Stream media is paying a price in credibility with more than just us, although they didn’t have much to begin with.

    • All we can do is swarm the Internet with civil and informed comments that encourage others to open their eyes to the truths behind people such as Rick Perry.

      We cannot give up the fight.

    • Didn’t have much?

      They told Americans that a ICBM missle, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, launched without warning to the public off the coast of California, was an airplane and an optical illusion, and brought on “experts” to express that opinion, and call anyone who didn’t believe them, a kook.

      They would let you spend the last 30 minutes on Earth working at your job, instead of getting home to your family, and call you a ‘kook’ for not believing the big fire ball in the sky was harmless!

      Remember, THEY told you that the Anthrax attack was Muslim terrorists!

      • Actually it was a Jing 2 nuclear missile that was launched off the coast of California from a Chinese nuclear submarine and what was so shut up about it was that it was certainly detected by the Pacific SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System) and relayed to Naval headquarters in San Diego. No one was surprised because they knew about it in advance. Just so you know.

    • What I want to know is why the Hell does the Regan library and the Republican Party let Obots host the debate in the first place? I know they don’t like Ron Paul, but it doesn’t help the other candidates when all those clowns do is try to make Republicans look bad, control the time of answers by setting up a back and forth answer/reply round between Romney and Perry , the lesser of Evils as far as the two Obots are concerned.

      Obots control both Republican and Democrat debates with how they run the debate. And if Fox hosts anything they have proven that they are no better and probably in the tank for either Obama or the chosen Bilderberger candidate, so no fairness there.

      We sit here helpless while all of this control is taken out of the hands of the people who are supposed to be deciding this election. But, what’s new. I guess that’s the problem, I’m getting really really tired of it.

      • Ronnie Ray-Gun was a spokesperson for GE! That’s why MS-GE-NBC hosts the Ronnie Ray-Gun debate.

  28. Fox News story on the debate barely mentioned Ron Paul near the end of the article.

    So much for “Fair Balanced”

    • Just remember FAUX SNews has mroe to fear from RON PAUL than MS-GE-NBC or CIA News Network.

      He directly challenges the RIGHT side of the false paradigm. FAUX SNews is the NEO-CON Bush and Cheney supporting WARMONGERS. They can’t have their candidate (since they pretend to be republican and conservative) be someone who wants to end the wars, get out of the UN, and halt all foreign aid.

      “Fair and Balanced,” according to their own talking heads, simply means that they put out the right wing B-LLSH-T to counter the left wing B-LLSH-T of CNN and MS-GE-NBC. To the people at FAUX Snews, “fair and balanced,” is what they believe they are doing when they put a right wing (their version of right wing) spin on things to “balance” the liberal press, thus making it “fair.”

  29. These ARE the facts:

    1. Our country was given a mission statement by it’s Declaration of Independence.
    2. Ron Paul is the only current candidate that has consistently sought to achieve that mission.
    3. The remaining candidates constantly negate, confuse and distract voters and others from that mission.
    4. Our government, in fact, went and has been communist since 1928. Tax codes prove this is true.

    Given that the above statements are true (and they are), we know exactly how to evaluate the other candidates who refuse get behind Ron Paul and use their talents to help America succeed.

    But NO, they are still scrambling to become Boss Communist.

    • The key is to stop electing Foreign Agents into office. Upon acceptance into “The Bar” lawyers are awarded the British title of ESQUIRE (above gentelman and below Sir Knight). It is unlawful for anyone holding a foreign title to serve in any office of the United States.

      • Even more clear than that!

        The JUDICIAL BRANCH issues the Bar Card, and it is UNLAWFUL to do work in two branches of government at the same time.

        Lawyers can’t be legislators! They are officers of the court!


  30. I lost interest towards the end of the “debate”. Ron Paul wasn’t himself last night. Attacking other candidates (Perry) is not what Ron Paul has been about, and it’s why I feel like he wasn’t on his game last night. He needs to deliver HIS message, not try to defame others.

    • His campaign probably told him to start getting after Rick Perry. I, too, didn’t think that was very wise of Ron Paul and wish he would have elevated himself from that.

      • He should fire whoever told him to do that, because they are obviously an agent of influence.

  31. You wouldn’t know there was a Ron Paul according to my local news.

    • Doctor WHO ???

  32. I think the reason why no one allows him to speak is because he’s too logical for all the other candidates.

    If you’re wondering why Sarah Palin wasn’t there it’s because she’s trying to dodge the media.

    This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Here’s what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot and learn the biggest story in the history of the world.

  33. Ron Paul needs to have Russle Means for a Running Mate ….

    • Nope.

      • Only Fools Reject Wise Men .

  34. IT’S DISGUSTING LISTENING TO EVERYONE SAYING IT’ BETWEEN MIT AND PERRY BLAH BLh blah but when on their own msnbc poll RON PAUL won hands down so why don’t they talk about the REAL WINNER of the debate? if they keep this up the people are going to UPRISE

    • And they gave Paul terrible questions…

    • Since I do not watch TV except for things like debates, sports, movies music.. when you say they I assume it is the Lamestream media ur talking about.

      • Lamestream media are irrelevant. Old people watch that junk and think it is reality. As in I was reading some crap about the some stupid show called Housewives of Beverly Hills and a suicide that happened to one of the husbands and how they endlessly debated whether it was correct. I was like whaa? I never watch that stuff. Keeping up with The Kardashians has turned to sewage.. Point being, Lamestream media is running out of influence and quality programming.. As if the media, controlled by 6 corporations are going to give Ron Paul a fair break. GE, liar Jeff Immelt, The Obama Jobs Czar, uh huh, sure.. now they tossed msnbc to Comcast… that is incest. BUAH

  35. your the thick skulled dummy!!!shut your hole you dummed downed piece of shit, you need to dump your ridlin down the toilet,i understand freedom of speech,and you have your right to say whatever you want,but your just a stupid asshole,you,ll probably be the first in your neighborhood to jump on the fema train,you,ll probably belive them when they tell you,dont worry,were taking you to disneyland,wont your jaw drop when you see the ovens and cell they have for you…WAKE THE FUCK UP..STEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!

    • Truth hurts?

      Counter what I said you idiot if I’m wrong.

      Your hope in an impossibility is stupid. I’m trying to show you the truth, if you can’t handle it, get out of the infowar, we don’t need stupid people on our side.

      • Right

        And so, the registered primary voters do not choose their candidate?


        Could you please just shut up and get lost? That’d be nice. And btw, you’re no Infowarrior, you’re either stupid or a shill. And the genie is out. Don’t matter what you do, Ron Paul will STEAMROLL the primaries, which are still a good time ahead, with popularity. Millions listen to AJ, do you get that? Your attempts at demoralization are pathetic. If you really were with us but too much of a pussy to get your hopes up, why not just sit back and let the men do the work, little boy?

        Yea, I know, it’s just so unbearable to have hope, and then possibly be disappointed. What a load of crap. How disappointed will you be when there’s no food? When they raid your house and rape both you and your wife? Sorry to get drastic here, but some morons still don’t get what we’re up against. Throw in your lot while there’s still a game to bet on. Ron Paul man – this is it! If you don’t get that, at least get out of the way. And if you don’t, then we’ll know what you are.

        • I love RON PAUL and all. I will vote for him, try to get others to do the same, and will likely be very politically active over the next 6 months in support of Dr. RON PAUL.

          That being said, Hope? You sound like an Obama-bot. Hope and Change, remember? And frankly, I believe the whole country will be voting for RON PAUL, but even so I also believe they are setting us up for election fraud.

          The media is not ignoring RON PAUL just because they don’t like him. The media is not ignoring him because they don’t like having their credibility anymore. They are ignoring him so when the election results are announced, any questioning of the results will appear to be THEORY, based on nothing. Any investigation into the election results will have the “main stream media” reflecting that RON PAUL was never a serious contender.

          The media is behaving this way, so in the future, when we are looking back with no memory of actual events, the “news” will show that RON PAUL was barely even in the race, and that the election results must be accurate. Anything outside the mainstream media will be considered biased, hacked, or rigged by RON PAUL fanatics.

        • Ok, that reply was well enough formulated to warrant a response.

          You’re right, I believed in Obama. At the time. Shoot me. And of course he is an establishment puppet (completely possible he was all the time). But do you think the movement behind him was all NWO agents? All the rallys were just CGR? The masses that voted for him, that is what hope can do. Do you not want that for Ron Paul?

          If Ahmadinejad says bananas are yellow, will that turn them blue? Obama used the word “hope”, so now it and it’s meaning need to be gone from our dictionary? Fuck that. Hope is power. Anything that helps you conquer your fear and doubt is power. It is crucial that we all keep our capability for action. Just smartassing about how we’re all doomed, Paul can’t win bliblablub is just crap. I always wonder: what’s the use in sharing the pessimism? If people were so sure about their despair, why not sit back and laugh at us who are still in the fight?
          It’s because despair is for pussies!

          I sound like an Obama-bot? You break my heart. You fear election fraud? Extremely likely, but will you just roll over and die because of it? Of course I know why the media ignores Ron Paul, it’s just the ability of telling their version, even if NOBODY BELIEVES IT.

          But do you not see, this is also what they are clinging to? They are running out if ideas! It is freaking them out that Ron Paul is gaining momentum against their propaganda. Even after being exposed by the Daily Show, they still have no other game-plan than trying to ignore him.

          Remember when Beck went after AJ with his rant on Charlie Sheen? It was so funny to see Glenn being too scared to even say Alex’ name lol. It is the same here now. They are making themselves ridiculous, and there is no plan B. You want to wake people up? Point out how the media ignores a candidate for president who is leading in the polls. Normal people cannot ignore that. The media are basically eradicating themselves, and it seems they have no choice.

          Hell yea that get my hopes up.

          Again: this is serious business. Since Fukushima, man, better believe the extermination plan. It means: they are going to kill you and all who matter to you. Stop wussying out and get serious. Smartassing about “Paul can’t win blablabla”, boy, will you regret that. Stop the crap or get the fuck out of the way.

    • You could have at least shown your intelligent enough to respond to me by hitting the ‘reply’ button when you want to ‘reply’ to me. Lol

      • you know you sometimes are a little neggy… that was hilarious.

    • Don’t be too upset at Steeeeeeeve for what he believes. He is probably right! Even if everyone in the country voted for RON PAUL, they won’t let him win.

      If you believe that RON PAUL could landslide this enough to force the self labeled “main stream media” to announce RON PAUL as the winner come election day, you haven’t really been paying attention!

      Go to the white house site and look at Obama birth certificate! If they really thought enough to give a damn about what anyone thought, would they have released something that is so fake a child could tell it isn’t real? The fact that they have the hubris to do THAT, shows that they will take that black box and choose whomever they want, and don’t care how bad it looks!

      The pre-election ignoring of RON PAUL is the prelude to the post-election fraud media spin.

      In 2012, after the primaries, when we are looking for proof that RON PAUL was more popular than anyone else by a long shot, we will go back on Youtube and see no mention of RON PAUL by “credible” media outlets, and they will claim that everything on-line was either hacked or rigged by RON PAUL “fanatics” and that he was NEVER a real contender.

      • Thank you for seeing things as they are freeintx.

        For rock the boat guy, I gave you a great 6 paragraph response, but the site decides not to post it, so the diplomatic points made by freeintx will just have to do. I wasn’t so nice to you as he was.

  36. These kind of results are going to fak up the MSM debate highlights I hope. Ron Paul CAN WILL WIN!!!!! You can definitely tell the difference between robotic puppets and an actual Human Being on that stage….THIS GUY IS FOR REAL AND IS FOR AMERICA
    RON PAUL 2012

  37. Of course Ron Paul won the debate hands down and the LAMESTREAM MEDIA will never report it out that way because he is focused and honest. Everyone should be infuriated. I suggest we start mega campus rallies all over the country. Then, when the campus rally is finished, say after a debate, squads of students go outside and protest at all the local affiliates in cities all across this country of the LAMESTREAM MEDIA and especially target the fully owned and operated stations.

    • Sky, if we had those kind of numbers, motivation, direction, and disipline, then we wouldn’t be a country of wage slaves and morons getting fucked in the ass and lied to IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!

      • Things are heating up and a lot of people are very angry in a good way about the lies lies lies and the lack of economic progress. I don’t tend to take anything standing down and I am up for a really massive wave of protest and fights. Yes I am motivated and I think my idea is excellent. We have the numbers, there is light at the end of the tunnel. imho

  38. Whoah, that’s quite an undisputed win for Ron Paul.

  39. If Ron Paul starts winning states in the primaries and the convention comes around and they DON’T pick Paul… that will really cause a backlash. Americans will take to the streets to protest. Bring it on NWO, we are NOT backing down!! And all you independents and anti-war, pro civil liberty dems need to wake up and get behind the only candidate that can and should win the general election.

    • We have to keep educating our fellow citizens and tell them to wake up to the MSM.

      All morning MSNBC and FNC are propping up Romney and Perry.

      We have to get Ron Paul through the primaries.

  40. Is that the official calling of the debate? Paul Wins.. Not seeing that anywhere mentioned but here and drudge. I know mainstream will not speak of it but if he did when then they have no choice, other than to outright lie.

  41. Fox Nation had a poll last night on who “won” the debate and Ron Paul was leading with 41% and Rick Perry was in the mid 20s.

    If you go and look right now, Rick Perry is now leading 33% and Ron Paul has dipped into the 20s.

    This happens every time. Ron Paul comes out on top on most debate polls and the next day. someone else is in the lead. This is tweaking at it’s finest.

    Ron Paul wasn’t too hot last night, but that’s thanks to the lame questions they gave him while tooting Perry’s and Romney’s horns.

    Swarm the message boards today and educate everyone who is criticizing Ron Paul for some of his comments last night. We cannot give up this fight!


  43. So, dr. Ron Paul won this poll with an overwhelming majority suggesting a shift towards Ron Paul in the polls but that does not guarantee he will win the elections we must wrig again.
    Ron Paul can not win!

    But seriously:
    Congratulations doctor Paul.

    By the way I am not really an N W O terrorist I just use that name because I did not see anybody else use it though it is clear from the methods they use and the fact that they undermine in stead of contribute to national and international security with tax payer money and with their official documents that prove they have a massive depopulation plant.


  44. I would like to see some intellectual honesty on this site in regards to paul.

    ‘They’ say he can’t possibly win, and ‘they’ are a 10000% CORRECT!

    He. Will. Not. Get. NOMINATED. Candidates in the big two parties are NOMINATED (selected) by the party to continue in the election, its not a public vote! When they say it isn’t possible the know what they are talking about because they know they will never select him.

    This site should only have this to say about paul: ‘paul NEEDS to run independent or in a smaller third parrty in order to make it to the primary’ that is the FUCKING TRUTH and that’s what this site is supposed to be about.

    Controlled opposistion…..I am a firm believer that it wouldn’t exist or even be a term if it wasn’t effective. It has to look good, feel good, sound good for the truthers and patriots in order to exist. This is why I conclude the high POSSIBILITY that paul is controlled opposistion, and also definitly aj. I didn’t accuse, I just suspect with a high dose of good reasoning.

  45. Ron paul was in the debate?
    Guess what, if you are the average person listening to the msm press, you are only going to think it was a two man debate between romney and perry.
    Grass roots won’t get him NOMINATED by the gop anyway, and the press just blacks out his existence. Its just going to lead to frustration and anger folks.
    Of course he COULD win, if he was an independant and had an advertising budget big enough to put him on the idiot box regularly, but whatever…. he is running republican, and that means NO NOMINATION! Get it through your thick, hopefull heads! The party SELECTS the candidate they want! Its got fuck-all to do with the voters and their desires. Show me a person who believes the gop will nominate paul all the way to the primary and I will show you a dummy.

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