$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA! – It’s Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion

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Zero Hedge
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Too sad for commentary, but here is some math: total US debt has increased by 41.5%, or $4.4 trillion, from $10,626,877,048,913 on January 20, to $15,033,607,255,920, under Obama as president.

$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA!   Its Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion %2415%20trillion

(as a reminder the most recently updated debt ceiling is $15.194 trillion)

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19 Responses to “$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA! – It’s Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion”

  1. It really is sad… when they are spending it… it’s THEIR FUCKIN MONEY!!!

    When the bill comes… it’s OUR FUCKING DEBT!!!!!

    You can’t make this shit up.

    billp Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    You would think we could get an itemized bill but I guess not.

  2. Woot Woot !

    What is that devided by 300 million ?


    billp Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    The debt clock is online (google it). It is fun to watch it grow by the second.

    billp Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    It divides out your share, a family’s share etc.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    Around $57,000 per man woman and child in the US.

  3. How to Profit like the Ultra-Rich in Times of Economic Chaos
    (click on my profile name to go to my blog to see my full video)

  4. At this point who gives a shit. 15 trillion, 5 trillion, 100 trillion, 79 quadtrillion who gives a rats ass. It’s just the federal reserve and the central banksters ordering money to be printed by the treasury, hording it, then “reselling” it back to our government using compound interest that we are supposed to repay.

  5. Because money is the key to becoming a Presidential candidate and any grass roots action by ordinary citizens to get a candidate on the ballot doesn’t stand a chance of even being recognized we continue to get candidates owned by special interests and set into place by the Trilateral Comission whose goal is the loss of sovereignty and diverting the wealth of America to foreign interests. Because even Ron Paul believes that we have to pay down the National debt which is the result of years of robbery by the Federal Reserve he also is advocating that this so called National Debt is legitimate. Also the gold standard is going to further give foreign banks the ability to confiscate what gold is left in our reserves by buying up our currency. Also there is not enough gold in our reserves to serve the needs of an economy as big as that of the United States. We need to go back to the Lincoln Greenbacks and repudiate the unlawful National debt. Then confiscate all assets of the Federal Reserve and nationalize the central bank going back to the system in place during John Tyler’s Presidency.

    dncholas Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    The Secret of Oz..


  6. Hey charlesbanks take your fucking spam and shove it up your ass.

  7. Its only money. You would think they would take all our money too pay the debt iof they really needed it that bad. The whole world is screwed, anyways just live, and hopefully one day we will all be pushing daisies up….The world prolly owes 3 Quadrillion dollars but who cares anymore… Can someone pass the gray poupon please?

  8. Really? Who cares it will never ever be paid off. I’m just waiting for China to stop buying our debt notes. Then where will the dipsticks in DC get the money for their government? The end of the empire is coming to ahead. History…always stuck on repeat.

    dncholas Reply:
    November 16th, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    There’s actually very interesting information on the actions of China in multiple ways responding to the collapse of the US dollar. Long story short..

    China has to keep giving loans because if they don’t it will scare other investors (loan sharks) and a run to escape the US dollar which would cost China trillions.

    China is taking the bonds they buy from us (aka loans) and are using them to buy up the world’s industries for two reasons. One the reserve currency is still the US dollar temporarily and the other is not to scare anyone but at the same time dumping an acceptable bond while the US still owns the reserve currency status.

    Eventually the US will lose it’s reserve currency status which is already in the works and why we invaded Libya to stop Gadhafi and his gold backed Dinar scheme in the Mid East. But until that point China has to play business as usual until the US loses this status which it’s willing to kill to keep (see Gadhafi’s corpse).

    China already is trading outside of the world’s reserve currency (US dollar) with Russia and having secret meetings with other countries on how to get away from the US control of the reserve currency. The US isn’t invited btw if you haven’t guessed so.

    Same reason the US (aka NATO) is taking over the Mid East is to control assets and protect it’s reserve currency status or better yet control the planet and especially oil.

    China isn’t going to do jack sh*t for now but there’s also something else to consider. What is the one way to wipe international debt? War.

  9. The scale of the debt is much bigger than that as 15 trillion is the official figure and take into consideration the scale of derivatives which makes 15 trillion small change.

  10. The Secret of Oz…


  11. Boycott all credit cards. Boycott the 6 major banks. Refuse to pay any credit card debt. Demand the Fed open up their books for audit and get rid of the Fed! Like Jesse says, get rid of all congressional pensions. Get rid of the SEC because they look the other way when members of Congress make multi millions on insider trading. Institute a 66% tax on all pharmacuetical companies and GMO food companies since they cause 66% of all heathcare problems, disease, sickness both mental and physical!!!
    Institute a law requiring all lawyers to charge a flat fee for services and get rid of billable hours.
    Follow Canada and Australian law requiring the losing party of a lawsuit pay both parties legal fees.
    We don’t want the Fed anymore. Bernancki should resign immeditately and dissolve the Fed. They caused and allowed this situation to become what it is today. Boycott all Pro and College Sports!!! The elite uses Sports as a tool to distract the working stiff from feeling what end he’s getting Gooosed ON!

  12. Well, I look at it like this, if Obama threw us under a bus why don’t we throw him under a bus !

  13. If China consolidates the entire Earth’s wealth in Gold, Debt, and Material Goods… Then we go to War with China and take it from them? Boxer Rebellion 2 – Giant Murder Hell, the beginning!

    I can see the US telling the rest of the World, “Is everyone tired of China? Paying them everything? Tired of them having everything? Let’s do them!” Europe, Russia, and the US.

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