25 Years for Politically Incorrect Speech in Arizona

Kurt Nimmo
April 3, 2012

A bill approved by the Arizona House last week will make “telecommunications harassment” – speech others find offensive or threatening – a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to 25 years in prison.

photoBill awaits Governor Jan Brewer’s signature.

Arizona House Bill 2549 passed both legislative houses and is now awaiting signature from Arizona governor Jan Brewer.

The legislation will make it “unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use a telephone any electronic or digital device and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.” (Emphasis added.)

If enacted, the law will fundamentally change the way the internet is used in Arizona and make what is now considered normal – if annoying – behavior illegal. Trolling and nasty comments on blogs will become punishable offenses.

It will also undoubtedly close down political commentary – much of it offensive and even profane – in Arizona. It will be interesting to see who the government of Arizona selects to persecute after this unconstitutional legislation becomes law.

According to the founders, political speech is the most highly guarded form of speech. Its free exercise is essential for a functioning republic.

Arizona House Bill 2549 is another example of a nanny state intruding on the private affairs of citizens under the guise of protecting them. It also represents a Trojan Horse that may be used to rob the people of Arizona of the ability to challenge the tyranny of the state.

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47 Responses to “25 Years for Politically Incorrect Speech in Arizona”

  1. Hey Ptolemy!
    Your slip is showing and you don’t have a “genesis” of a clue what I do.

  2. Why those darty,fargin, icehole, basstergs !

  3. LADY DO THE RIGHT THING; WILL YOU? IF this WOMAN signs this; this will be the new way of griping.
    Those….ing son…. b….. can k…. my GD … f … of …. and…
    AND THE REPLY WILL BE “F’n …… Bro!”
    “yeah… that’ll ….. em to mess with us”
    and that goes for the ………… ……….. as well. SO…..s all of em.
    …………./…..***……..///? you know what I mean?
    ANSWER: ummmmmm well… no!

  4. ANYONE KNOW ABOUT “Geolibertarian” user on prisonplanet forums???

  5. http : //www . vote4vic . com / index . cfm / article_58 . htm
    You guys may want to look at this.

    • Yeah. This bill is just adding language to a law that’s already in effect. Under the bill, section B states clearly that it does not include constitutionally protected activity or other activity authorized by law.
      Read the bill guys.

  6. WELL; I THING THIS IS WONDERFUL. LETS MAKE IT RETROACTIVE and dig through all the political comments any cop has made any politition has made anyone we don’t like and hang em while we’re at it.
    First lets review all TSA agents, all federal agents, all government folks. They alway want to be first in line.

  7. Well, Does that mean if the bill collector calls and threatens you you can have them thrown in prison? If so, I’m for it!

  8. While “The legislation will make it “unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend… any person.” it will NOT include the FDA, TSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, CDC or CPS – these agencies do that as a matter of course.

    • Don’t forget Obama

  9. There’s a reptilian overlord beneath her dry leathery face mask.

    Thoughts for Incurable Kinds of Images.
    Click hotlink.

    • Just Say No To Vaccines?

      Hows that for a bumper sticker?

  10. I’m hoping to be the first in the nation for this breach of the law. It would be an honor. I will be sure to annoy and offend someone who represents Arizona’s state government electronically, immediately upon this legislation taking effect. They will have to ship me from The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but I’ll try to enjoy my trip. I’ll report to all of you as often as I’m able to. I’m very hopeful to be the one person to challenge this. Yes, I am willing to face the maximum 25 year long sentence to “annoy” or “offend” someone in Arizona. You don’t believe me? I’m all in!

    Domari Nolo †

  11. Is that the face and oppressive legislation that launched a thousand counter-Revolutions?

    The face offendeth me

    Connected to the body of Frankfurt School cultural Marxist commuo-Bolshevik attack on the west

  12. Something is not right about her…. This bill is illegal. Nuff said.

  13. by that definition, you know “lewd, licentious, threatening, harm…” they’ll have to get rid of like 80+ percent of the internet. good luck with that. maybe we should spam their inbox with material which will “harass,” and “annoy.”

    • Spam her inbox with grandma porn.

  14. I find her statements a violation of the law she wants to pass.

    Arrest her now!!

  15. Hey Jan, just remember the first two letters in FUN!

  16. Damn this Whore bitch is ugly, that is what she gets for giving McCain the Nazi Traitor his blow job!

  17. i’ve commited well over 500 misdemeanors then! the “government” is a CRIMINAL CARTEL being run by scumbags and using a TRAITOROUS Puppet to do so- Bush and Cheney are War criminals and should be arrested- Kissinger is a traitor and should be arrested
    there’s about 3 or 4 crimes i just commited

  18. I understand the need for having “terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass” and “threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.” be unlawful but i’m sure it already is. Including those things that are already illegal to do is just a buffer to make the bill more palatable to the less discerning population of Arizona.

    It’s clear this is nothing more than to open the gates to cracking down on free speech on the internet when a public figure gets their feelings hurt by truth.

  19. Shutting this Whore Bitch down is like closing her Whorehouse run by her PIMP McCain! Arizona is just a PIMP STATE ran by the Repugnant Party dope heads and Demon-crats of the Satanic cults! Like Texas, they can dump the State in Fukashima.

  20. The fact that this bill passed both houses should tell the people of Arizona what needs to be done.


    • rEVOLution…………………………….

    • rEVOLution………

  21. I posted this before, I don’t know why it didn’t stay……

    You can bet your bottom dollar the Hour of the Time crew and the other patriots out west in Arizona will be speaking out and doing everything possible to get this stopped. I know they fight hard for freedom out there, I think they’re barking up the wrong tree.

  22. probably planning to go after Sheriff Joe.

  23. The legislation will make it “unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend…this is on the net put out by Arizona and I am offended by it…does that mean they all go to prison for 25 years? I also see some intimidation and threats here, Will the govenor sign it is the big question…

  24. What if someone Hacks into her Facebook Account, and send’s E-Mails to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use a telephone any electronic or digital device and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to her Political Enemy’s ???
    Would SHE go to Prison???


    • What exactly are you doing, WinningTheInfoWar? Are you some kind of elite effete fart genius? What the fuck are you doing besides tip tip typing away at your little pussy keyboard. Maybe YOU should grab a gun and go jesus apeshit.

      • You don’t know what you are creating for yourself. I do. And I want to watch you experience the mess that you are creating for yourself. Other people I give the advice to think of ways they can survive all of this, but for you I give the advice: Keep on doing what you are doing. If you want to walk off that cliff into Military Dictatorship with a smiley face, it’s a free country, free world. Do as you wish.

      • And really, I’m doing my things. I’m doing my things to protect myself. I’m doing my things to organize people and to defend the freedom of people around me and myself. I’m already walking the walk. I’m just surprised at so many people still only talking the talk. And people like you who aren’t even at the point of talking the talk.

    • Wait until next month when all the refunds are back. ROLLS EYES

    • rEVOLution………………

  26. By golly she has deep connections to the privatized prison systems.. she will sign that bill to create more clientele.

    If it looks and smells like a nazi…one must get out the Nurnberg trial methods…dust off the ropes ,grease them a bit, find some stately redwoods

  27. Jan Brewer is a pill poppin’ drunk who sits on Obama’s governors counsel doing what she is told for fear of being exposed for corruption.

    But hey Joe Arpaio isn’t any better. He will take your @ss to jail for breaking this law just as fast as any other former 25 YEAR DEA vet!

    • Jan makes mONEY when her subjects go to jail… why is she in this job? the same reason they reselected McCinsane eh!

    • Nice photo. Did she have a cameo as one of the reptilians in They Live, back in the 80′s?

  28. They need to consult their legal counsel on this one! It is NEVER constitutional for a state to pass a law that makes annoying or offending someone by speech illegal!

    Let’s hope someone with an iota of competence steps in before this makes it to their code!

    • do not hold your breath, it WONT happen. She will sign it asap. SHe makes MONEY off people being locked up… CONFLICT OF INTEREST HERE !

      • Where are the watchdogs making noise BEFORE these damn things pass?!


  29. another demon possessed governor, look at her geeez

    • You can see the demons jumping off of most of these people. They’re demon possessed to the gills!

    • She looks ver troubled, yet mildly bitchy cruella deville

    • Lol, That look has been around for a long, long time.

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