"Any union member who wants $6 back … write to me"

Bob Ellis

Bob Ellis has offered to repay $6 to each HSU member. Picture: Renee Nowytarger
Source: The Australian

LABOR figure Bob Ellis has offered to repay members of the embattled Health Services Union the $500,000 allegedly misused by Independent MP Craig Thomson.

Mr Ellis has posted the offer on his blog arguing that there are 85,000 HSU members, equating to a refund of $6 each based on the findings against Mr Thomson in the recent Fair Work Australia investigation.

“Since the maximum amount of HSU funds Craig might have spent dodgily was half a million dollars, and since there are eighty-five thousand members of the union, and since the money he cost each member, if he did it, was six dollars, no more than six dollars, six dollars only, I will make the following offer,” Mr Ellis wrote.

“Any union member who wants his six dollars back, will he write to me, including a photo of his union card and a stamped addressed envelope, and I will send it to him. Is that fair enough? Will that sort it out? Okay?”

Mr Ellis has previously offered to pay back readers of a post on an ABC opinion website last year but did not pay up.

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