Baden-Clay’s cause of death may remain secret

Allison Baden-Clay

Allison Baden-Clay’s body was discovered under the Kholo Creek bridge at Anstead on April 30, 11 days after she was last seen alive.
Source: The Courier-Mail

ALLISON Baden-Clay’s cause of death may remain a closely guarded secret until her killer is charged after investigating officers yesterday ruled out releasing the key detail.

How Mrs Baden-Clay died has been one of the primary questions since her body was discovered under the Kholo Creek bridge at Anstead on April 30, 11 days after she was last seen alive in her Brookfield home.

Police commonly withhold the cause of death in murder investigations and yesterday said they would not be officially commenting on how Mrs Baden-Clay died.

“We won’t be releasing any details in relation to the cause of death at all,” Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said yesterday.

But shortly after the grim discovery of her body police had clear views on how Mrs Baden-Clay died, people close to the case have told The Sunday Mail.

It is understood Mrs Baden-Clay’s body was cleared for release for burial only a day after she was found, with police confident they had the information they needed.

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In other developments, Mrs Baden-Clay’s husband, Gerard, is yet to gain formal approval for a relocation of his Century 21 Westside franchise from Taringa to Toowong.

In a rare public comment since his wife’s death, Mr Baden-Clay last week said it was “business as usual” in the new location.
However Century 21 owner Charles Tarbey yesterday said he was yet to receive the required application to relocate the business.

Mr Tarbey – who last week told The Sunday Mail he had spoken to Mr Baden-Clay a number of times since his wife disappeared – gave a routine statement to detectives in Brisbane on Friday.

Police also declined to comment on reports that NSW detectives had interviewed a Sydney woman who met Mr Baden-Clay at a Gold Coast real estate conference.

Investigations continue from Indooroopilly police station. Supt Ainsworth confirmed: “The major incident room is still continuing to run.”

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Baden-Clay Clues

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