Bandits raid house, tie up woman in Qld

Gun-wielding bandits have raided a house and tied up a woman west of Brisbane.

Three men armed with a rifle and hand-guns went to a Gowrie Junction home, near Toowoomba, at 9.30pm (AEST) on Monday, police say.

The woman, who was on the front verandah, was tied up. A male occupant was threatened with a hand-gun, but managed to escape and call the police.

The bandits ransacked the house before leaving without taking anything.

One man is described as approximately 175cm tall, of skinny build, black short hair, stubble on his face and a tanned complexion. He was wearing a black denim jacket, a red shirt and black jeans.

The second man is described as having a short, stocky build, with a tanned complexion. He was wearing long pants.

The third man is described as being 173cm tall, of thin build.

They drove off in a white van with no rear windows.

Anyone with information can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or

AAP dac/c

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