Beaconsfield set for new $70 million nickel and iron ore mine

Beaconsfield Mine

Tasmania’s Beaconsfield Gold Mine was shut last week, but a new $70m mine is set to open next year.
Source: AFP

Todd Russell and Brant Webb

Tasmanian miners Todd Russell and Brant Webb (obscured) wave as they emerge from the Beaconsfield gold mine.
Source: Supplied

BEACONSFIELD, the town made famous by the Todd Russell and Brant Webb rescue, has struck gold with a new $70 million mine.

Just a week after the Beaconsfield gold mine closed, with the loss of 150 jobs, a new company has revealed it will start work on a new mine in the town next year.

Proto Resources and Investments says its nickel and iron ore mine will employ 100 people and about 150 during construction.

Tasmanian executive officer Andrew Heap said the company’s $70 million Barnes Hill nickel and iron ore mine was all but certain to go ahead by the end of next year, The Mercury reports.

A final feasibility report was completed last week and confirmed the mine would be highly profitable at existing prices. It would have a life of at least 25 years.

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It would be an open cut operation, in contrast to the underground BCD Resources mine made famous by the rockfall in 2006 that killed miner Larry Knight and trapped Mr Russell and Mr Webb for more than two weeks before they were rescued.

Proto managing director Andrew Mortimer said the Tasmanian Conservation Trust had asked for extra environmental monitoring work around the degraded mine site, about 3km from the BCD Resources gold processing plant on the edge of the town.

“We are perfectly happy to do that,” he said.

Proto plans to dig down through an iron ore cap before it reaches its target, nickel and cobalt-bearing laterite ore.

Mr Heap said the company saw itself as a “new style” of miner.

He said a company priority was to spread wealth and good-will around the community, and to be highly profitable.

Read more at The Mercury

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