Sean Black stands by his wife embattled Logan Councillor Hajnal Black

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IN THE NEWSROOM: Alison Sandy (@alisonsandy) has the background on the bizarre story surrounding the Logan City Councillor.

NEWS: Sean Black Slams Journalists, the Labor party and pleads with the Attorney General’s office.

Logan councillor Sean Black

Logan councillor Sean Black (husband of Hajnal Black) handing out how-to-vote cards for Logan LNP candidate Michael Pucci. Picture: Nathan Richter
Source: The Courier-Mail

HUSBAND of embattled Logan City Councillor Hajnal Black said his wife was his “number one priority” despite the strain politics, law suits and family pressures have placed on his marriage.

Handing out how-to-vote cards for Logan LNP candidate Michael Pucci earlier today (March 24), Cr Black said Hajnal was resting at home after the previous day’s ordeal.

Hajnal Black was arrested on March 23 at a Bellbowrie address at about 2.30pm after storming out of the Beenleigh Magistrates Court on March 16 where she was facing charges of failing to declare a pecuniary interest while in public office.

Cr Black said he had not known Hajnal had been “picked up” and that if he had someone would have been at the court to support her. Instead she faced court alone and unable to get home afterwards.

Sean Black said he couldn’t deny the drama was placing his marriage under strain but that Hajnal was “the love of his life” and came first.

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hajnal black outside court


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“It’s a struggle. I cant deny that as a couple we struggle. We’re very much in love and we’re very supportive of each other.

“But I’d be lying if I said this didn’t put a strain on the marriage.”

Cr Black, who has publicly admitted to being treated for depression, said the ordeal had taken a toll on both he and his wife’s health.

“Ever since we started on the journey it really has dragged us both down into a spiral.”
but he said the election was helping him cope with the ordeal.

“I thrive on elections,” he said.

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