Bipartisan support for airport: Albanese

Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese says there is bipartisan support for a second Sydney airport and has blasted NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell’s opposition to the plan.

The federal government says a second airport must be built within the Sydney basin to bolster the economy and relieve pressure on the existing airport at Mascot.

It favours a site in Wilton, southwest of the city, but needs the support of the NSW government before planning can begin.

Mr O’Farrell refuses to support a second airport within the basin, preferring instead to see Canberra Airport expanded and a high-speed rail link to Sydney.

Mr Albanese told reporters in Sydney on Saturday that Mr O’Farrell was out of step with his federal colleagues.

“What I have ensured is that there’s bipartisanship at the federal level,” he said.

Senior members of the coalition met recently to discuss a “constructive response” to a recent joint NSW-federal government report into the second airport, he said.

The report, published in March, recommends Badgery’s Creek, in Sydney’s west, as the preferred site for a second airport with Wilton in second place.

“Anyone who has read this report has to conclude that we need a second airport sooner rather than later,” Mr Albanese said.

“That’s what federal coalition members have concluded, that’s what the federal government has concluded, that’s what Qantas and Virgin has concluded, that’s what the business community have concluded.

“It’s time for Barry O’Farrell to actually read his own report and get on board.”

Mr Albanese refused to confirm reports that the May federal budget will contain money for a scoping report examining the Wilton site.

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