Car hits boy in South Gippsland

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD boy has died after an accident at a holiday park in Inveloch in South Gippsland.

The boy, who was riding a bike, was hit by a car at the Big4 Inverloch holiday park just after 6.30pm last night, the Herald Sun reports.

Paramedics battled to resuscitate the boy but he was pronounced dead at the scene shortly before 7.50pm.

Emergency services were called to the park and police cleared the scene to allow an air ambulance to land.

Rural Ambulance spokesman John Mullen said: “He had head and chest injuries.”

Mr Mullen said the plan had been to fly the boy to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne but paramedics were unable to revive him.

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident.

A Victoria Police spokesman said: “He approached a T-intersection within the park and collided with a Jeep Cherokee.

“Emergency services were called to the scene but the boy could not be revived.”

The driver of the Cherokee, a 43-year-old Rowville woman, has been assisting police with their investigation.

A report will be prepared for the coroner.

The tragic accident comes after a horror year for toddlers and cars.

In Victoria in the past 18 months six children have been killed in driveways.

In September a three-year-old boy playing with a ball became the third child in a week – and the eighth in less than two years – to die after being run over by a vehicle at their home.

And earlier this month a 13-month-old girl was forced to spend Christmas in hospital after an accident in a Lilydale carpark.

Read more at the Herald Sun.

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