China’s Shenzhou-9 space capsule set to dock with Tiangong space lab

President Hu Jintao has said the operation would mark a “major
breakthrough in the country’s manned space programme”.

The team have rehearsed the procedure more than 1,500 times in simulations.

Docking manually requires huge accuracy and is necessary in case of any
problems with the automatic docking, such as in the event that control
centre cannot do it remotely from Earth.

The crew is headed by Jing Haipeng, a veteran astronaut on his third space
mission, while Liu Wang, who has been in the space programme for 14 years,
will be in charge of manual docking manoeuvres.

Liu Yang, 33, who has created a stir in the media and online for becoming
China’s first woman to travel to space, will conduct aerospace medical
experiments and other space tests during the 13-day mission.

Source: agencies

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