Chinese Elite and Political Leaders Spying On Each Other

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 29, 2012




The Elite in China are wiretapping phone calls and spying on each other.

The President of China recently noticed special devices being used to listen in on his phone conversations.

Chongqing has become the center of an investigation into wiretapping that is causing a stir into anti-corruption exposure.

The exposure of the populist agenda in China has become aggressive; involving an argument that ended in a wife ordering a murder of a British consultant.
Prior to this incident, the Communist Party was the only group being surveyed.

However, China’s President being monitored unveils the rampant mistrust among factions in the Asian nation. The leaders of different parties are using advanced surveillance technology against one another.

This likens to historical communist rule.

‘This society has bred mistrust and violence,” said Roderick MacFarquhar, a historian of Communist China. ”Leaders know you have to watch your back because you never know who will put a knife in it.”

Sources are anonymously coming forward to speak out about the surveillance and program imbedded into the country’s budget.

The Chinese government and different factions are eavesdropping on each other trying to accurately anticipate their moves as there is a move toward a reshuffle of power and leadership positions.

These spying monitors were set in place years ago, gathering intelligence under the guise of maintaining local and political stability.

Even law enforcement has joined in on the spying. This goes beyond routine monitoring, as the police gather intelligence for as many calls as they can monitor.

This has led to political leaders and the Elite meeting in person or writing letters as a safe form of communication.

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