New CIA Scanner Rolled Out Soon by TSA Can Surveil You on a Molecular Level

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Kurt Nimmo
July 12, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security and the national security state are determined to convert the nation’s airports into Gestapo zones where citizens are subjected to the latest high-tech surveillance technology.

The latest example: the CIA’s technology front group, In-Q-Tel, has subcontracted with a cutting edge company to develop a molecular-level scanner that Homeland Security plans to install in airports.

“Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away,” reports Gizmodo. “From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you.”

The new system is ten million times faster and one million times more sensitive than the current naked body porno scanners the TSA uses. Because of its range, the device can be used on everybody who enters or leaves an airport – and, as Janet Napolitano has promised, at the local mall, sports stadium and hotel.

In fact, the system developed by Genia Photonics is so effective it can allegedly detect cancer cells and record other spectroscopic information. Once implemented, it will undoubtedly trickle down to law enforcement the same way drones have. Imagine cops using “suspicionless checkpoints” and discovering with the help of this new technology that you had a martini last night or smoked marijuana at the Christmas party last year. It will be a boon for the prison-industrial complex in the United States, now hosting the largest prison population in the world.

Gizmodo notes that the laser will be a perfect tool for the cops and will serve as an ideal pre-crime unit in squad cars: Since “it’s extremely portable, will this technology extend beyond the airport or border crossings and into police cars, with officers looking for people on the street with increased levels of adrenaline in their system to detain in order to prevent potential violent outbursts? And will your car be scanned at stoplights for any trace amounts of suspicious substances?”

New CIA Scanner Rolled Out Soon by TSA Can Surveil You on a Molecular Level original

According to Genia Photonics and Tara O’Toole of Homeland Security, the technology will be “transition-ready… in the next 12 to 24 months.”

That does not mean it will be installed within two years in cop cruisers and at entry points at the local mall or restaurant. It does mean that the CIA and the government are working at breakneck speed to turn America into a nightmarish high-tech prison that makes anything imagined by George Orwell pale in comparison.

Married with a crop of new technologies under development by the Pentagon – roachbots, humanoid robots, quarter-sized kilobots, and DARPA-developed cyborg insects – our impending Brave New World will indeed be unlike anything we have witnessed before and will closely resemble Philip K. Dick’s The Minority Report dystopia, only tenfold.

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14 Responses to “New CIA Scanner Rolled Out Soon by TSA Can Surveil You on a Molecular Level”

  1. What do you want to bet it causes cancer and we’ll be zapped literally dozens of times a day depending on where we live?

    And for any of you remaining Ron Paul supporters: his biggest donor Bilderberger Peter Thiel’s company Palantir Technologies was financed by In-Q-Tel.

    Startover Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 10:31 am

    I just hope it won’t detect all the dog urine on the soles of my shoes
    That would be embarrassing

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Can this machine explain why I have to shit all the time?
    Can it diagnose the type of staph infection I get,
    and can it also tell me if I need a phlebotomy?

    Otherwise, it’s useless!

  2. Just another reason, to AVOID any and all Public Transport.

    And- Dr. Paul, gets most of his donations, from INDIVIDUALS, not MultiNationalMegaCorps.
    Since NOTHING will stop the fast-approaching worldwide econiomic collapse (and the ensueing Dark Ages), I’d prefer to let Barry, take the credit.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:27 am

    If by most you mean 52% comes from small donors.
    And if you don’t think Obama and Paul are playing for the same team, I own a fantastic lighthouse on its own island and I can give you a bargain price.

  3. it is blatant treasonous violation of our 4th amendment rights.
    search without warrant WILL be called “probable cause” with this BS.
    YOU wont be victimizing anyone, but THEY WILL BE VICTIMIZING YOU.
    this IS warfare against the people.

  4. If this super technology is being used now and being made public, you can only imagine what is being used behind the scenes and classified top secret. Imagine the newest weapons of war we know nothing about. Imagine how powerful the latest satellites are and their camera’s.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 9:56 am


  5. Watson remember that cartoon Danger Mouse? Every night he tried to take over the world.. Danger Mouse, he is the strongest he is the fastest he is the best,,,

    VanHelsing Reply:
    July 12th, 2012 at 10:02 am

    I’m gonna watch some british cartoons today…..

  6. We all lost rights when the first sheeple was forced to piss to prove his/her innocence to some freaking control freak.

  7. my friend’s step-aunt made $13096 the prior month. she makes money on the internet and got a $464200 condo. All she did was get fortunate and put to use the steps reported on this website N U T T Y R | C H . C O M

  8. This technology to totally bogus. I work with OCT (optical coherence tomography) and near infrared light medical diagnostics technologies. OCT is a laser based imaging technology that has about 1 mm of tissue penetration but in order for any of these imaging technologies to work the light/laser source must be placed on the tissues. There can be on “remote” delivery from any distance. The reasons are that not enough light particle will reach the target. Additionally that the instruments must read the in 1 out of several million particles that are reflected back to the sensor. The amount of scatter makes it impossible. The same is true for near infrared technology as well. These are great technologies but they can’t work without being in or on the body.

  9. Er this is bullshit story!

    Applying what is essentially medical LASER Photoplethysmograph technology as a scanner will NOT pick up individual molecules. Thats what Mass Spectrometry is for.

    Having essentially worked in the same field as these fellows;

    w w w. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov / pmc / articles / PMC3159638 /

    carrying on the work of Wilson SB, Spence VA. Dynamic thermographic imaging method for quantifying dermal perfusion: potential and limitations. (Ref 10) about 15 years ago I can assure you that this technology doesn’t exist in any form of pragmatic use.

    The problem of statistic false positives hopefully would never be countenance’s in any form of criminal evidence. But then again were talking about the USA. 🙁

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