Chinese microblog services Sina and Tencent resume following ‘coup’ rumours

Tencent, China’s biggest internet company by revenue, rose 2.3 per cent to HK$221.60 as of 10:07am in Hong Kong trading today, compared with a 0.6 per cent gain in the city’s benchmark Hang Seng index. Sina fell 2.1 per cent in New York trading yesterday, the lowest closing price in more than a month.

The closing of Sina’s comment function is “negative, as we believe that comment functionality is key to Weibo user engagement,” Qi Guo, a San Francisco-based analyst at ThinkEquity Partners LLC, wrote in a research note yesterday.

Speculation on the internet on March 20 of a coup attempt helped spark the biggest jump in four months in the cost of insuring against a default on Chinese government bonds. That was five days after Bo Xilai, earlier seen as a contender for promotion to China’s top decision-making body, was removed as party secretary of the municipality of Chongqing.

On March 30, Beijing Police announced the detention of six people for “fabricating and spreading rumours” on the internet and forced 16 websites to close.

Sina and Tencent had been “criticised and punished accordingly” by authorities for a number of rumours, Xinhua said.

Government oversight of microblogging services has tightened as they’ve grown in popularity. In December, China began requiring users in cities including Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to register their real names. That rule will be expanded to other regions, Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office, said in January.

Sina accounted for 65 per cent of China’s microblog market by pageviews in December, compared with 27 per cent for Tencent, according to a Jan. 12 report by BOCOM International.

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