Cleaners want better pay and conditions

Cleaners will rally at shopping centres in capital cities to demand better pay and working conditions from their employers.

United Voice, the cleaners’ union, called on the owners of Australia’s shopping centres on Friday to ensure cleaners employed in their retail centres are not exploited.

Union national secretary Louise Tarrant said cleaners working for some of Australia’s most profitable companies were doing it tough.

“Shopping centres … are cleaned by workers living on poverty wages with some of Australia’s worst working conditions and workloads,” Ms Tarrant said in a statement.

“The chief executive officers and managing directors of three of Australia’s biggest shopping centre owners earn wages which are astronomical compared to the $600 or less received each week by centre cleaners.”

United Voice wants employers to improve the pay and working conditions of cleaners who work hard to maintain property and to protect the health and safety of the customers in shopping centres.

“I urge these executives to take the time to think about the lives of the people working in their shopping centres,” Ms Tarrant says.

“CEO salaries can be as much as 200 times that of a cleaner. Maybe that’s what makes it so hard for these companies to understand the very real hardship of cleaners living on poverty wages.”

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