Congressman Says He Was Targeted For Grope Down By TSA

You have morality, ethics and philosophy. Traditionally, Americans are all about morality and ethics with a gradual ascent to philosophical views over a lifetime of experience.

On the other hand, neos are principled on philosophy only with no clue about why they think and behave the way they do other than to say they like things on their own terms; morality and ethics not a part of the neo equation, hence if they want to grope you they want you to stand there and allow yourself to be groped. You feeling me? Feel this…



Neoconservative – Allegedly a supporter of return to conservative values: somebody who, during the mid-1980s, began to support conservatism in society, and in politics in particular, as a reaction to the social freedoms sought throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. You’ll no doubt have to think about this for a while to see the paradox here.


Neo – new.

Conservative – Relating to, characteristic of, or displaying conservatism; desire to preserve current societal structure: an ideology that views the EXISTING form of society as worthy of preservation.

Neoconservative Correctly Defined – A new desire to preserve existing form of society.

The politics behind neoconservatism is it’s advocate politicians are allegedly pressing an agenda of a three decades old fight to preserve pre 1960′s post industrialized America. Reality is neoconservatism is actually functioning to sustain a UK inspired legislative sedition agenda which needs YOUR support to proceed, is an application of doublethink and master suppression and because you can’t understand this you are considered dumb and therefore exploitable according to neo preeminence. Predation, anyone?


Neoliberalism is the political view, arising in the 1960s, that emphasizes the importance of economic growth and asserts that social justice is best maintained by minimal government interference and free market forces. If you’ve been paying attention to neoliberal politics in the Obama administration, this neoliberal politician has been INCREASING rather than curtailing interference in the free market system. Paradox, or outright lie?


People hear familiar words and phrases and connect in a superficial way with the rhetoric believing if they go along with the con rather than think for themselves something good will come from this, and if it’s not good it will self-correct. They mistakenly believe US government is self-sustaining. In fact, where liberty and freedom are at stake, vigilance is your ONLY barrier to neo usurpation. Neos serve the British monarchy but when confronted with this reality will laugh at you. You vote for them, and as far as they are concerned they subsequently own and can buy and sell you.

Notwithstanding, knowing there will be those among you who will attempt to think, a cheat will throw a double bind at you in an attempt to suppress your desire for clarification that could potentially discredit the neo agenda. There are 14 common techniques (see end of missive) used to evoke the double bind, and YOU probably haven’t ever heard this word before let alone have any clue about how it works

You DO have a sense when you’re getting fucked, but rather than pull away from your perp you hang in there figuring you’re doing service to your country when it’s not even your country that’s doing you. It’s a proxy called a neopolitician. Again, this is a UK inspired project, the mission is your repatriation and the mechanism to achieve this is circumvention of the Bill of Rights and collapse of US domestic and economic infrastructures, you having been WILLINGLY defrauded and stripped of your freedom and Liberty in the process, BECAUSE YOU AREN’T WILLING TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

Neo politicians hail from Atramental Lodge 23, and their debauchery gurus are Machiavelli, Albert Pike, Aleister Crowley and Leo Strauss. They make up laws they need to defraud you, and you feed this beast by voting for them. Neos are neither democrat nor are the republican. They affect and exhibit superficially identified with our two party system, but they serve the American public principled on the soft dictatorship of the UK.

In reality, neo politicians are a single party parliamentary entity having superimposed upon our bicameral system neoliberal for democrat and neocon for republican, and they are working with great determination to repatriate the US to the UK. They have offered you Entertainment and alternative religion to distract you, neither of which are valued by them, and while you may temporarily FEEL inspired by them you are learning how these distractions are becoming meaningless as neos are collapsing your world around you, you too psychologically medicated to understand this and unwilling to become vigilant to self-protect. You are reactive and armed, which neos are hoping to exploit so they can force NATO and NORAD on you. You lack a fucking brain – NO MILITIA – to fight back, nor would you possess the physical stamina to throw off such an assault anyway. Unless state leadership begins organizing evocative militia, the US has very little chance of sustaining a full on confrontation with the UK over these issues. You left the back door open. You’re fucking punch drunk on your life style and resources. You’ve got a visitor you are going to regret you ever let in. YOU CAN NOT DOMESTICATE A FUCKING SNAKE? WHY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?

Know that although attorneys, special groups and cohorts of increasing numbers are confronting these issues through process of law, if you’re too fucking stupid to know better then to vote for a neo any effort to stop them is going to met with increasing resistance from people like you will elect them and turn around and complain about the trouble they cause. That’s virtually EVERY neo you elect to office, Romney and Gingrich included.

Their neoliberal cohorts under siege, neos are groping back for stability through identification with their neocon contemporaries hoping you are stupid enough not to see through this blanket party, enter neocon advocate, Rush Limbaugh, AND his press to GET ROMNEY ELECTED WHEN HE KNOWS FUCKING DAMN GOOD AND WELL ROMNEY’S A NEOCON. DO Y-O-U KNOW ROMNEY’S A NEOCON. DO YOU KNOW YET WHAT NEOS DO TO US GOVERNMENT? Romney’s all. “I believe people should have responsible ownership of firearms,” something like that. HELLO? He’s not quoting the 2nd amendment. HE’S TELLING YOU HE’S GOING TO REWRITE IT! And of course this is all good with neocon radio host promoters such as Rush Limbaugh. IS IT OKAY WITH YOU? You won’t vote for this fuck and then be able to turn around later and claim you didn’t know what his agenda was BEFORE you elected him. HE TOLD YOU HE’S GOING TO REWRITE THE 2nd AMENDMENT. Do you NOT know what this means? Circumvention of the Bill of Rights? Have you learned anything about this following the last four presidents? Good fucking God, that’s 30 fucking years and you still don’t have a clue about neo politics!

Obama burned his bridges openly and diffident to the possibility his reputation might interfere in his bid for reelection, and he’s out talking to college student’s about his own education and pitching for their votes. Remember what I said about neo fraud? If Obama is actually educated he’s got no records to prove it! Is college educated America paying attention? FUCK no! Obama’s proving people are not only not paying attention, they capitulate when seduced by a panderer! Works for neos if it works on you! Here, have a Mac Donald’s value meal manufactured from pureed human fetus (China)

So, IF YOU VOTE FOR A NEO, virtually ANY neo, no matter how friendly, good natured and seemingly endowed with saintly preeminence, NEOCON Mitt Romney, for example, THAT individual is going to run wild over the Bill of Rights and US domestic and economic infrastructures, because that’s what neos do. Neos eat meat. YOU ARE MEAT!
I know, Romney’s a Mormon. For your information, the Mormon church was Britain’s first repatriation project in the US, but because that’s not what YOU think it’s not truth in your mind. Just remember, Britain is occult government, and the LDS having issued in Her desire to use this bizarre religion to bait YOU to Her is not only patently undeniable, it’s also cause for alarm when such Church notables as Thomas Monson are implicated in the disappearance of kidnapping victims such as Natalee Holloway. Didn’t know THAT either, did you?

This is a case of an American world every moment bathed in stimulation and a seemingly endless flow of reward, even if you don’t work, what trip evoking your superficial and careless inattention to your duly elected neo officials is a ride off the edge of a neo flat earth that drops into a Twilight zone oblivion, but you DID vote, just you ALSO didn’t know the electronic voting machine memory cards neos use to tally your contribution are likewise electronically stuffing the ballot box. Too much information? Get fucking used to it. Your brain is offline. Reboot, and rout Mac Donald’s in the process. Good God, Christians all, you people are eating human remains manufactured by this monster IC, and your best move is to order a fish sandwich instead of a pink slime Big Mac? You’re sick.


The US is a constitutional republic with a very aggressive Bill of Rights which curtails occult AND tyrannical government.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy, or soft dictatorship, and although parades human rights and democratic process as preeminent features of it’s regime is actually only after one thing, institutionalized necromancy and the right to use YOUR children for ritual sacrifice. Shocking as that may seem to your naive mind, it’s completely true, and they’ve been very active harvesting human products in the US since 1888 at a rate of 3300 child victims per year.

Remember May 1, 2011? Knowledge of neo involvement in ritual human sacrifice was made public in April 2011 with subsequent fallout: 1) Obama’s PHONY Bin Laden capture, 2) Schwarzenegger’s PHONY illegitimate son, 3) Soros’ PHONY Strauss-Kahn, 4) Rupert Murdoch and Ariana Huffington having been implicated in kidnapping for torture in the UK with ties to David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Jose Manuel Boroso and British fucking monarchy, 5) The London riots and Oslo/Utoya, collective punishment in the UK, 6) Sorros having attempted a 2nd amendment insurgency in the US via his 1st amendment OWS protests, which of course Americans took the OWS bait hook, line and sinker: free food!

In other words, having officially been recognized involve in kidnapping for torture April 18, 2011, neos let go with a fusillade of retaliatory shock and awe the purpose of which was to shield those responsible for their crimes involving kidnapping for torture of US women and children with a full compliment of protection from DHS. Scratch your ass and burp at that.

Neos are attacking the US Bill of Rights through such legislation as FEMA, The PATRIOT Act, DHS/TSA and S.1867.1021, with the latter having been legislated to retroactively cover Obama for his involvement in kidnapping for torture of Brittanee Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer, but of course these were lone wolf kidnappings according to corporate owned and operated media, so you get the cover version so you don’t react in outrage at your president’s preoccupation with ritual human sacrifice involving children and young women, which is state of the art occult government of a constitutional monarchy. But this isn’t normal, is it?

Let’s revisit this phenomenon for a moment.

Once again, the US is a constitutional republic with a very aggressive Bill of Rights which curtails occult AND tyrannical government. Yes there’s an occult complete with clerics, witches, priests and whatever else sociopaths need to attempt to mystify and ennoble child sacrifice, but this is not a feature of US government principled on the great works of our founding fathers (Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights).

On the other hand, the UK is a government of occult authority. UK leadership and it’s aristocracy do practice necromancy, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual and ritual human sacrifice generally involving BDSM and pedophilia, just they keep it out of sight for the most part until a pervert like Rupert Murdoch gets caught with his hand on a kid which links to a myriad of Britain’s leadership elite, then they kill you in a tantrum of collective discipline (London Riots, Oslo/Utoya). The British monarchy is the mother of neo politics. Neo politics is soft Nazism.

Obama IS a neoliberal (SOFT NAZI), and practiced in the use of the double bind so he can bury you with rhetoric all the while he’s outright lying to you about his “sincere” desire to empower you with HOPE and CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN. Sounds good, until you read between the lines. If your good with Pythagorean numbers your can decode both of these for what they are: occult rhetoric conveying his hidden agenda, which is YOUR destruction, and you’re standing out there cheering this monster on like he was the real thing.

YES the British parliament is a voting entity, and YES Britain and the UK are a humanitarian culture, but only insofar as your human rights are voted upon, reformulated and periodically vetted to assimilate you to the neoculture of ritual human sacrifice which they are exercising now daily in the UK and US empowered by laws written by neo politicians in the US.

The British monarchy can not control US citizens except through policies which created by neo politicians permit this virulent government’s penetration into US boundaries for whatever purpose it deems correct and suitable. The big game at this time is having convinced YOU we are under attack by terrorists, which is a false flag effort but which has Americans falling into compliance with neo theater, which people will later become totally confused at how their own government could have betrayed them. IT didn’t. You betrayed yourself with your vote! You aren’t thinking, and such being the case, you consent to whatever agenda they have in store for you; be assured you are not going to know what that is until you are completely overwhelmed by it.


The double bind is a communication technique designed to put a respondent in a no win situation where it is impossible to make a clear choice between alternatives. It is backed up by pandering which attempts to mollify you into a state of confusion with a prefabricated solution which serves the interests of the person desiring control. People will oftentimes buy into the double bind seeking relief from the conflict which issues on antagonism, albeit this redirect can have destructive consequences upon the entity being manipulated. In the case of neo politics, this is the neo mainstream strategy for acculturating you to their repatriation agenda with an emphasis on master suppression and doublethink, both black propaganda techniques in their own right and too complicated for ordinary people to understand, unless you put your mind to it, which means you have to be willing to think for yourself to know what the fuck is going on in neo politics.

Zeno’s Paradox
Catch 22
Cognitive Dissonance
Loaded Question
False Dilemma
Mutually Exclusive Events
Ronald David Laing
Expressed Emotion
Four Sides Model


Ron Paul

Sources: Encarta, Wikipedia, Prison Planet

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