Cultural Warfare: Judaism Against Humanity?


May 11, 2012

155038602.JPGIlluminati Jewish Bankers and Freemasons have undermined Christian civilization and are replacing it with a world police state dedicated to Satan.
Humanity is being inducted into their satanic cult under the guise of being
“sexual liberated” and “progressive.”

Jonas Alexis documents this process in his book,  Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism:
Surprising Differences, Conflicting Visions, and Worldview
Implications–From the Early Church to our Modern Time
. This is an excerpt from Chapter Two, “Prostitution, Sexual Liberation Cultural Warfare.”  

The real cause of anti-Semitism is that Cabalist Jews are at the forefront of advancing the Luciferian principle –  the denial of mankind’s highest aspirations (the soul and spiritual ideals)  and instead defining man as an animal. Culture now celebrates man’s lowest instincts and satanic behavior. Culture used to uplift and inspire; now it degrades and destroys. Like their god Lucifer, the Illuminati are in rebellion against God, and are leading humanity to destruction.  


The first prerequisite for healthier human and sexual relationships is the elimination of those moral concepts which base
their demands on allegedly supernatural commands, on arbitrary human regulations, or simply on tradition…We do not
want to see natural sexual attraction stamped as ‘sin,’ ‘sensuality’ fought as something low and beastly, and the ‘conquering
of the flesh’ made the guiding principle of morality!”
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957, Austrian Jewish psychiatrist)

By Jonas Alexis ([email protected])

The bottom line is that sexual liberation is viewed as one of the most
effective ways to counteract the Christian principles that still remain at the
heart of American culture.

Let’s look at Wilhelm Reich … When
he set out to attack Christianity–and Jesus Christ in particular, as his blasphemous book The Murder of Christ demonstrates–he envisioned a complete
sexual revolution. Reich not only placed his sexual energy (which he called
“orgone”) and Christianity on equal footing, but, based on what he called a
“self-repressive side of Christianity” that was in total opposition to his sexual
revolution, decided that Christianity had to go.

“For Reich,” biographer Myron Sharaf said, “Saint Paul, the organizer, was to Christ what Stalin was to
Marx–the distorter of the truth.”

Reich’s principles of sexual liberation have had a widespread impact on
the Jewish community in Hollywood. Many of today’s rising stars see no
problem with promiscuity and homosexuality. Jake Gyllenhaal, after the re-
lease of Brokeback Mountain, declared, “You know it’s flattering when there’s
a rumor that says I’m bisexual. It means I can play more kinds of roles. I’m
open to whatever people want to call me. I’ve never really been attracted to
men sexually, but I don’t think I would be afraid of it if it happened…As an
actor, I think we need to embrace the times we feel most uncomfortable.”

joallen.jpegScarlett Johansson, who has worked with Woody Allen on three films, appeared in Vicky Christina Barcelona (2008), which is another of Allen’s psycho-analytic explorations of sexuality, marriage, infidelity, and existentialism. The
core theme Allen presents here is that life has no meaning, so you should
enjoy it while you can, particularly through sex.

When Johansson was asked

to defend her real-life promiscuity, she responded, “I do think on some level
we are all animals, and by instinct we kind of breed accordingly.”

It seems that being Jewish, to many, is a form of liberation from moral
and ethical restraint. So when we watch films like Dirty Dancing, the product
of Jewish writer Eleanor Bergstein, or those produced by the Coen brothers,
we are reaping a Jewish worldview that has more to do with anti-Christian
ideology than art.

Although the Coen brothers say that they aren’t pushing a
moral (or amoral) worldview in their work, their movies tell a different story.

coen.jpegWilliam Rodney Allen writes in his book The Coen Brothers: Interviews,
“The bedrock of the Coens’ intellectual world is really good old-fashioned
existentialism. Princeton philosophy major Ethan Coen, in addition to writing his
senior paper on Wittgenstein, certainly seems to have absorbed his Sartre
and Camus. Both of those philosophers argued that man finds himself in an
absurd world, where he must act despite having incomplete knowledge, with
no moral absolutes to guide him…This bleak metaphysic underlies the film
noir of Blood Simple (1984), the gangster milieu of Miller’s Crossing (1990), the
theater-of-the-absurd cosmos of Barton Fink (1991), the mechanical though
superficially comic landscape of The Hudsucker Proxy (1994), the morose, end-
less midwestern snowscapes of Fargo (1996), and, most purely, in the black-
and-white existential gloom of The Man Who Wasn’t There (2001).”

 If they truly don’t intend to weave messages about morality into their
movies, why then do the Coen brothers so frequently make derogatory references to Jesus Christ (The Big Lebowski) and even openly mock Christianity (O,
Brother, Where are Thou?
) in their movies? Why does the main character in The
Big Lebowski
keep referring to Nazi Germany as nihilist, but then commits
nihilistic acts himself?

Logic dictates that this is an obvious contradiction that
the Coen brothers must explain; Talmudic reasoning says they don’t have to.

In general, art has become a weapon aimed at the heart of Western Civilization–its Christian principles. This generation’s Cronenberg appears to
be Eli Roth.

 roth2.jpegIn reviewing Roth’s film Hostel, Jewish writer David Edelstein
of New York Magazine opines, “Certainly television has become a place for
forensic fetishism…Some of these movies are so viciously nihilistic that the
only point seems to be to force you to suspend moral judgment altogether.”

 Precisely–when moral judgment is deconstructed, everything is possible: rape, sadistic sex, pornography, and even sexual torture.

The age of Bar
Kochba is over; the age of manipulation through the arts is here. The subtle
difference is that Bar Kochba used weapons that could only destroy the body.
Roth and others use weapons that can destroy the mind–a much more dangerous battlefield, since mind control is the highest form of manipulation.
The battle has become spiritual and mental, rather than physical.

Jonas E. Alexis studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate
and has a Master’s degree in education. His research interests at
present include history, most particularly the history of Christianity,
the history of science, and the conflict between Christianity and other
religions (in particular Islam and Rabbinic Judaism).


Book available here:

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Comments for “Cultural Warfare: Judaism Against Humanity? “

Brian said (May 12, 2012):

I take great offense at the author’s characterization of Wilhelm Reich. His take is a gross misrepresentation of his work, and I can only wonder how much of this indictment stems from Reich being an “Austrian Jewish psychiatrist”, as if this portrayal of the man automatically puts him in league with the Satanists. His assessment is woefully lacking and totally misunderstands where Reich was coming from. It is irresponsible and gives him away as being a poor researcher on the subject.

Reich was a brilliant innovator who was on to something so important for the benefit of mankind that he ended up dying in jail, broken and discredited by the real enemies of the true Christ Consciousness that the author claims Reich to have been. To simply say sexual energy is orgone, and that it is on an equal footing with some incomplete definition of “Christianity” doesn’t explain anything . There is no elaboration and it is extremely misleading, especially when alluding to it’s influence on the scourge of Hollywood.

As far as I’m concerned, all this amounts to is the author’s own brand of dogma on display.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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