Current TV Gives Keith Olbermann the Boot Claiming Sabotage



The Cable network Current TV has fired Countdown host Keith Olbermann
claiming he sabotaged the network announcing plans to replace
him with Elliot Spitzer. ~ Video

Countdown host Keith Olbermann has been fired by Current TV who claims he sabotaged the network, a claim he denies.

Keith Olbermann, host of the progressive show Countdown with Keith Olbermann has been fired by Current TV.

He has been an outspoken critic of controlled media and both political parties with an extreme and almost repugnant bias toward republicans.

However some of his special comment sections, like the video below,
have been some of the greatest pieces I have seen and will be missed.

In fact, I wouldn’t not doubt if his outspoken political views are part of the reason for the fallout with the network.

Must Watch: Incredible Speech On Why We Need To Fight The
Unconstitutional Super Congress And Take Back Our Government From the
Politicians, The Media, The Rich And The Corporations.




Current TV founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt say that Keith has been
fired breach of contract claiming he “sabotaged” the network, according
to a report from Politico.

Keith denies the claims stating implying there has been a pay dispute
and the network though it would be more economical to relieve him of
his contract promising to sue the network over the incident.

The network will be replacing Olbermann with former New York governor and CNN host Eliot Spitzer.

Current TV has released the following statement saying the situation has devolved into an unsustainable relationship.

To the Viewers of Current:

We created Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to
rely on corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic
progressive outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever

Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness,
collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are
no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we
have ended it.

Source: Politico

Keith has issued the following statement using twitter:

I’d like to apologize to my viewers and my staff for the
failure of Current TV.

Editorially, Countdown had never been better. But
for more than a year I have been imploring Al Gore and Joel Hyatt to
resolve our issues internally, while I’ve been not publicizing my
complaints, and keeping the show alive for the sake of its loyal viewers
and even more loyal staff.

Nevertheless, Mr. Gore and Mr. Hyatt,
instead of abiding by their promises and obligations and investing in a
quality news program, finally thought it was more economical to try to
get out of my contract.

It goes almost without saying that the claims
against me in Current’s statement are untrue and will be proved so in
the legal actions I will be filing against them presently.

To understand
Mr. Hyatt’s “values of respect, openness, collegiality and loyalty,” I
encourage you to read of a previous occasion Mr. Hyatt found himself in
court for having unjustly fired an employee. That employee’s name was
Clarence B. Cain.

In due course, the truth of the ethics of Mr. Gore and
Mr. Hyatt will come out. For now, it is important only to again
acknowledge that joining them was a sincere and well-intentioned gesture
on my part, but in retrospect a foolish one. That lack of judgment is
mine and mine alone, and I apologize again for it.

Source: Twitter

Politico reports more on the specific reasons current claims they are firing Keith over:

Current TV fires Keith Olbermann

Current TV has fired Keith Olbermann, citing a lack of “respect” and
“collegiality” in its relationship with him, following months of open
warfare between Olbermann and Current executives in the press.

He will be replaced by Eliot Spitzer, the former New York governor
who had been a frequent guest on “Countdown” since its earliest days on
Current — and whose own show on CNN was canceled last year.


The move comes just over a year after Current hired Olbermann amid
great fanfare, announcing its plans to build its new identity as a more
progressive alternative to MSNBC around him. But it also comes little
more than a year after Olbermann abruptly left MSNBC,
announcing his departure during his final show in only the latest in
the string of stormy departures that have marked his career.


Signs of trouble first appeared when Olbermann did not participate in
the network’s coverage of the early primaries.

Although he appeared in
later broadcasts, the tension leaked into increasingly tough stories
detailing Olbermann’s unhappiness with the technical limitations of his
New York studio and lack of input into Current’s programming

Current executives had hoped to head off this kind of warring
by giving Olbermann an equity stake and the title of “chief news
officer” — making him, in essence a boss. But in the end, that was not
enough to keep him from fighting with the network’s top brass.

From The Huffington Post:

Keith Olbermann Fired By Current TV; Replaced By Eliot Spitzer


Olbermann had hosted “Countdown,” which he brought from MSNBC after his exit there, since June. His short tenure began with fanfare, but ended, as many of Olbermann’s previous jobs have, with deep acrimony on both sides.


It was also announced that
Olbermann will appear on David Letterman’s show on Tuesday to discuss
his departure. Olbermann’s firing leaves what was supposed to be his
triumphant return to television in tatters.

After his bitter departure
from MSNBC, Current sought to make him the centerpiece of its rebranding
as a progressive news network. It granted him the title of Chief News Officer, gave him an equity stake in the company,
and promised that his uncompromising brand of television was more than
welcomed there.

Announcing the beginning of the partnership, Al Gore
said that he was “extremely honored and delighted” that Olbermann was
joining him, and called it “a great fit in every way.”

It was not long, though, before the tensions between Olbermann and his superiors exploded into the open. In January, his sudden absence from Current’s coverage of the Iowa
caucuses led to open warfare between the two sides.

Olbermann fired off a
statement saying that he was “not given a legitimate opportunity to
host under acceptable conditions,” adding, “They know it and we know it.
Telling half the story is wrong.”

There were also reports
that Olbermann was incensed by repeated technical problems with his
show, and miffed that he was not being given a greater say in deciding
which shows were going to precede and follow his.

Olbermann, citing throat issues, also began missing more and more days of work, something that apparently was used against him in his firing. One of the people who had filled in for him? Eliot Spitzer.

As one executive said rather presciently during the height of Olbermann’s conflicts with the network, “Everybody is replaceable.”

Source: Huffington Post

Think Progress Reports:

Current TV Fires Keith Olbermann, Replaces Him With Spitzer Immediately, Olbermann to Sue.

The New York Times’ Brian Stelter breaks the news that Current TV has let go Keith Olbermann,
and will replace him starting tonight with Eliot Spitzer, denying
Olbermann to give a send-off or special comment to his viewers. Spitzer,
like Olbermann, also had experience at MSNBC, where he appeared as a
guest anchor.

Olbermann had been suspended
by MSNBC for violating its rules on campaign contributions, an event
that soured his relationship with the network, before his departure from
MSNBC opened the door to his deal with Current.

He was at one point a
high-profile acquisition for the network, founded by former Vice
President Al Gore to provide a more progressive take on the news. But his ratings fell and his relationship with Current quickly foundered.

In an open letter
to Current viewers, Gore and co-founder Joel Hyatt wrote

“We created
Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to rely on
corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic progressive
outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever before.

Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness,
collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are
no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we
have ended it.”

Olbermann had complained about technical issues on his
set and squabbled with the network over his role in its coverage of the Republican primary, though he ultimately agreed to anchor those segments.

A source familiar with the decision-making process at Current said
the choice to terminate Olbermann was based on what the network felt
were violations of three tenets of his contract: a series of unathorized
absences, a failure to promote the network, and disparagement both of
Current as a network and of its executives individually.

The source said
that Olbermann missed 19 of his 41 working days in the months of
January and February, and that Olbermann was told that if he took a
vacation day he had requested for the night of March 5, it would be
considered a breach of his contract.

Olbermann took the day off, and
former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm ran a two-hour edition of her show,
the War Room, in his place. The charges that he disparaged the network
likely stem from the disputes over election coverage, when Olbermann
said in a public statement:

“I was not given a legitimate opportunity
to host under acceptable conditions. They know it and we know it.
Telling half the story is wrong.”


Olbermann’s longtime attorney Patty Glaser has vowed a tough fight with the network after negotiations over a severance payment for Olbermann failed. And Current has hired a team of crisis public relations experts to help guide their response.


March 31, 2012 – DarkGovernment



Video – Uploaded by
on Aug 4, 2011

Source – Think Progress



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