Daily Kos Week In Review: Strange Brew of Tea

Though Kossacks detest the political beliefs of the Tea Party, they often acknowledge that they could learn something, perhaps related to organizational skills or enthusiasm or marketing, from tea-partiers’ example. This week, however, one Kossack went whole hog and asserted that what the left needs is a mirror-image or Bizarro World Tea Party-like movement that stands for “truly egalitarian democratic communism.”          

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger’s name or pseudonym.

diomedes77: Democrats should go back to the future

…[T]he Tea Party…was never anything more than a rebranding of the furthest right among the Republican party, aided and abetted by the so-called “liberal media”. But their power, their viability, pushed the center much further right…

The Democrats must take a page from the same playbook, if they actually want to shift that center away from conservative policies.

In the 20th century, primarily from the 30s thru the early 70s, the left was much stronger [than it is today]… 

Want to get back to that dynamic, those of you who consider yourselves liberals? Want a return to the days when liberal positions were seen as “centrist” in a sense? Then start supporting socialists, left-anarchists, Occupy folks, even those of us who promote a small “c”, non-political, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, truly egalitarian democratic communism…

I Hate Republicans: GOPers need a new motto

With their war on women, their war on the LGBT community, their war on the poor and middle class, their war on African Americans and Latinos, their war on the environment, their war on children, their war on wolves, polar bears and whales –my God, their war on practically everyone, I think the Republican Party should adopt this as their new slogan: “E Pluribus F**k ‘Em.”

MacDaffy: Some Republicans party like it’s 1899

…[T]here is a school of what passes for Republican Thought that says we should take government back to the dimensions it held when William McKinley was president–back when lynching, anti-suffrage, and mutton-chop whiskers were all the rage…


Vyan: White male GOPers are desperate saboteurs

 …[Republicans have] been deliberately sabotaging the country just to undermine the President…

It has to do with the slow, gradual, demographic realities that the core of the GOP – middle-aged, aggrieved, white men and their sycophantic trophy wives/mistresses (and their blind willful deluded cult of lickspittle lackeys who operate and listen to Right-Wing Radio and Fox News) – are no longer the majority in this nation.  They are becoming like the rest of us – a minority.

They are acting out, because they see their coming irrelevance staring them in the face…

Kos: Cain, racist Republicans exploited each other

…Herman Cain was the GOP’s “it” guy, having taken the frontrunner mantle away from a fading Rick Perry. It was a mutually beneficial relationship—Cain could pretend to put together a cabinet and ruminate about possible vice-presidential possibilities, while Republicans could pretend to like African Americans (i.e., “Some of my favorite politicians are black!”) Everyone knew that when push came to shove, there was no way those Republicans would ever vote for the black guy, but for a while, they could pretend…

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