Dmitry Medvedev says he and Vladimir Putin to rule Russia for ‘long time’

Medvedev once famously slammed the ruling United Russia party, which he will
now head as part of his September deal with Putin, saying it was “showing
symptoms of stagnation.”

But he conceded on Thursday that he saw nothing wrong with politicians who
changed their minds.

“I have always said that my positions are never set in stone,” said

“I think that is normal. And those who claim to have kept the same
position since they graduated from college are liars.”

Medvedev’s decision to trade places with the ex-KGB spy helped feed months of
street protests that only abated after Putin’s thumping March 4 election win.

The protest movement hopes to stage one more massive rally on the eve of
Putin’s inauguration before switching tactics and focusing attention on
local election campaigns.

Source: AFP

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