Driver clocked at 199km/h with boy, 9, in car

A MAN had his car impounded after police allegedly recorded him doing almost 100km/h over the speed limit with a nine-year-old as a passenger.

The 33-year-old driver from Boronia was allegedly rocketing along a 100km/h zone when he was caught in Gippsland, country Victoria, yesterday afternoon.

Police were stunned to find the boy aboard.

They immediately impounded the car and its driver will be interviewed over dangerous-driving allegations.

Two other drivers were caught this morning speeding through heavy fog in Melbourne’s suburbs.

A P-plater with a car-load of mates was booked travelling at 132km/h in an 80km/h section of the Monash Freeway at Glen Iris.

He allegedly returned a blood-alcohol reading of .076 when pulled over at 9.45am.

The driver, a 21-year-old from Cranbourne, had his car impounded and his licence was suspended.

Two hours earlier, police intercepted an overloaded van nearby.

That driver was doing 102km/h on an 80km/h stretch of road with three people in the two-seater.

He is expected to be charged on summons.

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