Egyptians hold demo against junta

On Friday, the protesters, shouting slogans against the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), called for the downfall of the country’s de facto ruler Field Marshall Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.

“We don’t trust the army anymore. We said this before and we came again to reiterate this: Down with the regime and down with the SCAF,” a protester told the Press TV.

Many demonstrators said the interim cabinet is incompetent and loyal to the previous corrupt regime, which was ousted following a popular uprising in February of last year.

“The government has done nothing for us. The economy is paralyzed and there is a security vacuum on the streets,” said another demonstrator.

The military rulers say they will hand over power after the results of a presidential election slated for June.

The 83-year-old former dictator Hosni Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for some three decades, is facing trial for authorizing the use of force that resulted in the deaths of over 800 pro-democracy protesters during the revolution.


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