EPA targets families that generate heat off the grid using traditional wood-burning stoves

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Jonathan Benson
Natural News
November 17, 2011

Traditional wood-burning stoves are still one of the most cost-efficient, sustainable, and renewable sources of energy production that families can use to heat their homes. But the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not a huge fan of them, as was evidenced by its recent decision to push those who use traditional models to convert to EPA-approved — and oftentimes much more expensive — alternative models.

Throughout history, civilizations have relied on the burning of wood to cook food, warm water, and heat places of dwelling. After all, trees are an abundant and renewable source of wood, which means that the costs associated with obtaining energy and heat from burning wood are minimal. This, of course, is why many cash-strapped folks today are turning to wood-burning stoves rather than their local utilities.

But the EPA is now expressing concern about the 80 percent-or-so of wood stove users that still rely on non-EPA approved models. Most of the wood stoves manufactured before 1990 do not contain the EPA’s certification stamp of approval which, in the eyes of the agency, means they are an unnecessary contributor of excess environmental pollution.

This is debatable, of course, as EPA-approved models can still emit excess smoke just like the others, and may not necessarily provide any pollution-reducing benefits at all. Because of their altered designs, many of the new EPA-approved models do not work as well as the older models, either, especially when used in severely-cold weather (http://www.energybulletin.net/51578).

Most wood-burning stove companies in the US actually went out of business shortly after the EPA established its original certification requirements for wood stoves back in the 1990s. Many of the companies simply could not develop a complying product that actually worked. Today, the EPA is once again revisiting these New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) guidelines in order to push even more people away from the old stoves.

At the same time, EPA spokeswoman Alison Davis recently tried to whitewash the agency’s position against wood stoves by claiming that the EPA is “not in the business of telling people how to heat their homes.” No, it is actually in the business of restricting the types of wood stoves manufacturers are allowed to produce and sell, which ultimately does tell people how to heat their homes by robbing them of their freedom of choice.

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One Response to “EPA targets families that generate heat off the grid using traditional wood-burning stoves”

  1. The current wood stoves would be nasty in the city. Even when people just throw a few logs in their fireplace you can smell that for many blocks. But, it these stoves had smaller or ground up wood for fuel and maybe a catalytic convertor it might be ideal.
    I see that most of the farmers or farm families including my parents have big wood boilers which heat the house very nice. Really the only times that these things smoke excessively is immediately after some new wood has been put in the stove.
    Wood is a renewable resource and really is ideal for heating the house. It is dirty but then again if the home is set up to burn wood then much of the dirty can be kept out of living areas.
    Now external wood boilers are very popular and I see those all of North Eastern Wisconsin.

    One of the few things that the liberals did right in Wisconsin was a power station fueled by bio mass. Governor Walker killed it off.
    Wisconsin has 5,000,000 acres of public land and there isn’t any good reason why the forests could be used to harvest wood to supply our power and hot water needs.
    The crooks that are in jail could work in the woods cutting and loading wood and keeping the power plants running.
    To me it sounds like a great job. Who doesn’t like working in the woods?
    But, I am certain that the fake labor unions would cry foul because they would want those jobs to be filled by $100,000 a year stooges the same as bus drivers, garbage men, grade school teachers and deputies.

    Between bio mass, wind, solar and natural gas we would never have to import anything from f*cker Hugo Chavez or the other big pricks in the world who are using their oil revenue from us to wipe us out.

    Let them eat cake? No, let them make wood.

    Remember that water and wood products are renewable resources.
    Wash your car often and use paper towels to dry it off.
    Renewable resources are good and importing strategic materials from your enemies is bad.



    Wisconsin Task Force


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