Ethnic tension rising in southern Kyrgyzstan says report

Ever since a revolution in April 2010 unseated the southerner Kurmanbek
Bakiyev as president, political talk and intrigue in Kyrgyzstan has focused
on the country’s north-south divide. In its report, ICG singled out Melis
Myrzakmaotv, the popular mayor of Osh, as the main figurehead for southern
nationalists and a powerful supporter of anti-Uzbek policies.

“Until the end of its term in late 2011, it (Kyrgyzstan’s post-revolution
central government) was largely ignored, and sometimes openly defied, by Osh
Mayor Melis Myrzakmatov, the standard-bearer of an ethnic Kyrgyz-first
policy and the most successful radical nationalist leader to emerge after
the killings,” ICG wrote.

“This did not change when President Almazbek Atambayev, a northerner, took
office in December 2011.”

Without official channels to funnel their frustration through, the main
beneficiaries of the rising tension are radial Islamic groups which have
been able to recruit Uzbeks to their causes, the report
said although it qualified this statement by saying that most of these
recruits were not interested in violence.

Kyrgyzstan is one of the poorest of the five Central Asian state. It is
mountainous with no natural resource and a reputation for instability.

Despite this, however, the West has been pouring diplomatic and military
resources into the country, which has becoming strategically more important
since the US-led war in Afghanistan began in 2001.

At the end of last year, the UK opened its first embassy in Bishkek.

ICG recognised the importance of maintaining stability in Kyrgyzstan and
dampening the ethnic tension in the south of the country which threatens
this stability.

“The situation can almost certainly be turned around, but it will require
assertive and long-term efforts by Bishkek to reassert its power in the
south and strong, visible support from the international community,” it

“Neither is currently apparent.”

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