European History & The Origin of Gender Roles

My original question was: “What was the origin of the idea of gender roles in our society?” Below is a compilation of what I found, and basically the idea that women should stay home and be the caregiver because they are the weaker sex, while the men, because they are stronger, would run the home, rule the tribe and then the world, does not reflect the attitudes of our Ancestors. My sources mostly include books which cite historical accounts of the people encountered within our race and our pre-Christian lore.

I will begin with a non-peer reviewed scientific essay (which cites peer-reviewed sources) that describes how the introduction of the plow within communities over time, changed the view of the community regarding male and female “roles”. What this research shows is that there is a correlation between agriculture advancement (the introduction of the plow) and the eventual subjugation of women and that it originated in the middle east around 4,000 BC and not in Europe. In fact we do not see this ideology (gender roles) reflected within Europe (and especially within tribes that had no contact with the Arabs) until after 1,100 AD and the introduction of the plow during the Roman Empire days.

Here I will give some quotes from the paper.

…We find that, consistent with existing hypotheses, the descendants of societies that traditionally practiced plough agriculture, today have lower rates of female participation in the workplace, in politics, and in entrepreneurial activities, as well as a greater prevalence of attitudes favoring gender inequality…

…Men tended to work outside of the home in the fields, while women specialized in activities within the home. This division of labor then generated norms about the appropriate role of women in society. Societies characterized by plough agriculture, and a resulting gender-based division of labor, developed the belief that the natural place for women is within the home…

…A particularly interesting example is Fernand Braudel’s (1998) description of how gender relations, culture, and society were impacted by the adoption of the plough in Mesopotamia between 4,000 and 6,000 BC. He writes: “Until now, women had been in charge of the fields and gardens where cereals were grown: everything had depended on their tilling the soil and tending the crop. Men had been first hunters, then herdsmen. But now men took over the plough, which they alone were allowed to use. At a stroke, it might seem that the society would move from being matriarchal to patriarchal: that there would be a shift away from the reign of the all-powerful mother goddesses. . . and towards the male gods and priests who were predominant in Sumer and Babylon. . . and was accompanied with a move towards male domination of society and its beliefs”…

You can download the paper here.

So within the paper we can see the research that links plow use between 4,000 and 6,000 BC in Mesopotamia, to when ideologies started to change regarding women. It should be no surprise that within the cultures present in “Mesopotamia” (Modern day Iraq and surrounding areas) where the plow was first introduced, that women today are treated the worst in the world, in fact they are quite literally 2nd class beings, sometimes regarded as less than “human”. These ideologies are well rooted by time… we are talking some 8,000 years.



This idea that women are less than their male counterparts is reflected within all of their religious belief systems. According to the Old Testament and/or the Torah we are told that the MALE god created man first and from man he created woman to be man’s servant (help mate).

The Creation of EveThe Creation of Eve
The Creation of Eve

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 2:21 … but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.

Genesis 2:22 The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.

Genesis 3:16 To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you.”

This attitude that man is first continues and is expounded upon within the Christian books:

1 Corinthians 11:8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man.

1 Corinthians 11:9 Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.

1 Corinthians 14:34 women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.

1 Timothy 2:11-13 A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, and then Eve.…

Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled, pure, managers of their households, kind, and subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be discredited.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.



To summarize the above:

  1. We learn that the idea that there should be gender roles is linked to the introduction of the plow and men working in the field, women spending more time within the home.
  2. The introduction of the plow has its origins in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq, not Europe.
  3. The ideology that women belong to men is reinforced within the desert dwelling peoples “Laws” and religions all the way to today (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). I quoted the Christian scriptures because our people are mostly under its influence, however, you can find in each of the three the same ideology regarding females, ie: Sharia within Islam.
  4. We already know that the Semitic god (Jehovah, Jesus, Allah) is male and has no female counterpart.

Note: I think it is absolutely deplorable that we as a people know more about these nasty non-white invaders’ history than we do of our own history. And what is even more disgusting is that some (well a fair majority anyway) of our race actually believe that the history in the bible is their race’s history.

Now when we look upon our history, the pieces that were not destroyed by the introduction of Christianity, we see an entirely different view of women, a view that does not reflect “gender roles”. Below I will offer proof, though limited in scope, for which I do believe counters the above and leaves no doubt in my mind that our folk never thought of our women in any way like the Semitic people do, in fact it is completely opposite.

Note: The introduction of the plow and the introduction of Christianity are, get this, during the same time frame. The heavy plow came to Europe in the early Middle Ages from around year 900 to 1300 AD. [Source]

Christianity, as we all know, even though it was introduced to our folk starting in the year 350 AD, didn’t take hold of all of our people until around 1200 to 1300 AD.

Now I will attempt to show that before the introduction of the plow and Christianity our folk valued women. Women were leaders, priestesses, warriors, and sought after for healing (doctors) and were highly respected for their counsel. I will show by example that men and women worked together, fought together and ruled together, and that we had Priestesses as well as Priests. That the old Gods, the True Gods of our folk, included both Male and Female and that the Feminine is what rules our lives and determines our fate. That the aspect of our “higher self” is female, yes even if you are a male.

I’ll begin with a few excerpts from a book entitled “History of the Northmen”

Things I noted: Both men and women hunted together:

men and women hunted togethermen and women hunted together
men and women hunted together

We all know of the infamous “Berserkers”, well women also became “mentally diseased” with what they describe as an illness…

Martial Insanity = Berserker


Even the female sex did not escape the "martial fury"Even the female sex did not escape the "martial fury"
Even the female sex did not escape the “martial fury”

From this one source we can see that men and women shared work, and shared the battle field both on land and at sea. We were together.

The above is just one source, we have others. The “myth” of the Amazon Women actually has historical basis, as we can see with the blonde hair, blue eyed people who ruled a vast area of Europe for many thousands of years. They were known as the Sarmatians. Historical documents tell us about these people. One thing to note is that women played a prominent role in warfare.

The Sarmatians emerged in the 7th century BC in a region of the steppe to the east of the Don River and south of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Europe. For centuries they lived in relatively peaceful co-existence with their western neighbors the Scythians. Then, in the 3rd century BC, they fought with the Scythians on the Pontic steppe to the north of the Black Sea. The Sarmatians were to dominate these territories over the next five centuries. Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD) wrote that they ranged from the Vistula River (in present-day Poland) to the Danube.

Herodotus (4.110–117) credits the unusual social freedoms of Sauromatae women, including participation in warfare, as an inheritance from their supposed Amazon ancestors. Later writers refer to the “woman-ruled Sarmatae” (γυναικοκρατούμενοι).

Hippocrates explicitly classes them as Scythian and describes their warlike women and their customs:

Their women, so long as they are virgins, ride, shoot, throw the javelin while mounted, and fight with their enemies. They do not lay aside their virginity until they have killed three of their enemies, and they do not marry before they have performed the traditional sacred rites. A woman who takes to herself a husband no longer rides, unless she is compelled to do so by a general expedition. They have no right breast; for while they are yet babies their mothers make red-hot a bronze instrument constructed for this very purpose and apply it to the right breast and cauterize it, so that its growth is arrested, and all its strength and bulk are diverted to the right shoulder and right arm.

Another tribe called the Cimbri who were classified as a Germanic People (tall and blue eyed) that lived in the North, aka: Jutland, shows a similar relation between men and women, and that the women accompanied the men on their expeditions:

Cimbri footnotes, Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob GrimmCimbri footnotes, Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm
Cimbri footnotes, Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm

Strabo gives this vivid description of the Cimbric folklore (Geogr. 7.2.3, trans. H.L. Jones):

Their wives, who would accompany them on their expeditions, were attended by priestesses who were seers; these were grey-haired, clad in white, with flaxen cloaks fastened on with clasps, girt with girdles of bronze, and bare-footed; now sword in hand these priestesses would meet with the prisoners of war throughout the camp, and having first crowned them with wreaths would lead them to a brazen vessel of about twenty amphorae; and they had a raised platform which the priestess would mount, and then, bending over the kettle, would cut the throat of each prisoner after he had been lifted up; and from the blood that poured forth into the vessel some of the priestesses would draw a prophecy, while still others would split open the body and from an inspection of the entrails would utter a prophecy of victory for their own people; and during the battles they would beat on the hides that were stretched over the wicker-bodies of the wagons and in this way produce an unearthly noise.

The Cimbri are depicted as ferocious warriors who did not fear death. The host was followed by women and children on carts. Aged women, priestesses, dressed in white sacrificed the prisoners of war and sprinkled their blood, the nature of which allowed them to see what was to come.

Something we need to note here is the age of the women priestesses – they were OLD, they had long GREY hair. This counters the argument I hear all the time that a woman is all washed up by the time she is 30 definitely by the time she is 40 because she can no longer bear children. Such a shame that the Semitic thought footprint is so engraved upon our folk that our men would actually think the only thing women were good for or best at was furthering the race.

Next we can enter the Icini tribe of Britian who led by their Queen Boudica, attacked the Romans.

Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, was campaigning in Wales, Boudica led the Iceni and the neighbouring Trinovantes in a large-scale revolt:

…a terrible disaster occurred in Britain. Two cities were sacked, eighty thousand of the Romans and of their allies perished, and the island was lost to Rome. Moreover, all this ruin was brought upon the Romans by a woman, a fact which in itself caused them the greatest shame… But the person who was chiefly instrumental in rousing the natives and persuading them to fight the Romans, the person who was thought worthy to be their leader and who directed the conduct of the entire war, was Buduica, a Briton woman of the royal family and possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to women… In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips; around her neck was a large golden necklace; and she wore a tunic of divers colours over which a thick mantle was fastened with a brooch. This was her invariable attire.

Statue of Boudica by Thomas Thornycroft near Westminster Pier, London, with her two daughters upon a chariotStatue of Boudica by Thomas Thornycroft near Westminster Pier, London, with her two daughters upon a chariot
Statue of Boudica by Thomas Thornycroft near Westminster Pier, London, with her two daughters upon a chariot

In the above I have used just 3 sources that show before the Christian influence was forced upon our folk (from all regions of Europe) that men and women worked TOGETHER especially when it meant defending one’s tribe or community. It is plain to see that no one scoffed at the idea of a male leader or warrior, nor did they scoff with a female leader or warrior. Why should we scoff at this idea today? Have we been looking at the relationship between men and women with a Semitic lens?

What about the Vikings? Well, in my opinion, the Vikings arrive near the end of our folk, right at the cusp of complete Christian takeover. We know the Vikings were a well traveled people. We can see within their laws (from 920’s called the Grey Goose Laws) the Jewish and possibly Islamic influences, which were, get this, introduced by an immigrant. Even so, we can however find bits of the Heathen way within the Sagas. Here is one example:

In the first few chapters of Laxdæla saga tells the story of Unnur djúpúðga (the Deep Minded), who was already widowed when she left Norway for Scotland with her father and son. When they, too, were killed, she felt that she had to leave Scotland and join the remainder of her family in Iceland. She arranged for a ship to be built, gathered her family and followers, and sailed for Iceland. Once in Iceland, she claimed land, settled there, arranged for a farm to be built, and then ran the farm. Over the years, she gave away portions of her land holdings to supporters, and arranged marriages for her daughters. When she died, she was laid in a ship in a burial mound, an honor by that time, usually reserved for men.

What about the rest of our lore, our Native Spirituality? What examples does it give us on how men and women regarded each other? Does it show a submissive female, one who is bound to the duty of her husband? One who if it was not for the man would not have been created? Or does it show and promote strong women, women who were not just beautiful but also revered for their wisdom?

In our creation story we are told that the first two humans were created out of trees. In case you think this is a wild concept, remember that trees represent DNA. They were both created at the same time from different types of trees. One was not made from the other. In reality and within all of nature it takes a male and a female TOGETHER to create human life, (in fact all animal life) which proceeds forth only from the female. The whole idea that woman came out of a man is absolutely ludicrous, is totally unnatural and serves only one purpose.

The creation of Ask and EmblaThe creation of Ask and Embla
The creation of Ask and Embla

All of our Ancestor’s major Gods were married to Goddesses and they all brought forth children. The fact that they had children did not hinder in any way the role of either God or Goddess.

For instance, Odin was married to Frigg and both sit TOGETHER on the high seat that overlooks the world.

In Grímnismál, Odin and Frigg are both sitting in HliðskjálfIn Grímnismál, Odin and Frigg are both sitting in Hliðskjálf
In Grímnismál, Odin and Frigg are both sitting in Hliðskjálf

Next we will look at what is known as Sedir, a Norse term for a form of Shamanism. We can see that the “gender role” has crept in during the Viking Age because supposedly it was unmanly for a man to be a Sedir; it was looked at as solely a woman’s job (as part of her “gifts” from the Gods). But what does our Godly example show? Two of the Aesir and Vanir deities are noted masters of seidr: the Goddess Freya and the God Odin. Both can be seen as the Godly models of seidr practitioners among their respective genders. That Odin was seen as a master also shows us that there was not a distinction between male and female roles, especially godly ones until a later time within our lore.

The roles of the Seidr The roles of the Seidr
The roles of the Seidr

We also have a term for the Chief and Priest of the klan or folk. Again this position was not limited to men. We know this because of the words used, a A goði or gothi is the Old Norse term for a priest and chieftain. Gyðja signifies a priestess. Again we see no separation between males and females.

While men were remembered for their deeds (Heroes) the females were highly revered for their wisdom in our history:

Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob GrimmTeutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm
Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm

In contrast the Semitic attitude is that woman should remain silent, especially in church and are not allowed to become priests. In fact it was our beloved, wise and much sought after Seidr who by doctrine (law) were made into witches and devils and burned alive in the name of Christianity. And since it was customary for this profession to be mostly female, it was a direct assault against our wise and gifted women folk.

Another example we have of teamwork is our Gods and Goddess of War.

Freya is a goddess of war (she also has other attributes). The name of her house in Asgard is Sessrumnir placed on the field Fólkvangr, which means “field of the host”, “people field” or “army field” It is a place where half of those that die in a battle go for the afterlife, while Odin will receive the other half. Freya is always given the first choice. After she had picked the ones she wanted, the rest were sent to Odin.

Odin is a god of war (he also has other attributes). Odin is in charge of a place called Valhalla, where the dead warriors that are chosen by the Valkyries go. These dead warriors train daily until the great battle arrives that they partake in called Ragnarok.

Valkyrie, a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the who were slain and of those, who were worthy of a place in Valhalla. While the theme is that Freya gets first choice and Odin second, it is only through the Valkyries that this choice is made. Odin does not choose these warriors himself.

Our beloved primordial beings collectively known as the “Norns” the weavers of fate are all female beings.

Also found within our lore is a primordial female being called a Hamingja (pronounced “HAHM-ing-ya”). Today she would be considered your guardian angel or your higher self (she is actually a combination of the two). She knows everything about you and she carries the memories of your ancestors. It is she who speaks for you at death. She is not bound to you. If you are a wicked, evil person she can rip herself away from you and when that happens you are basically doomed to the dark regions of Hel. (Note: our Hel, unlike the Christian hell has many regions.) This is the “SHE” that Miguel Serrano is referring to in all of his works, his “beloved”.

Your Hamingja is what can “reincarnate” today as one of your ancestors. Because of her, we are not only connected through blood (DNA) but through her we also connect our Higher Self – Soul – Guardian Angel to our Ancestors. It is she who has the power of restoring blood memory and gives guidance (intuition).

According to Serrano, men have a soul – their Hamingja and women ARE a soul.

Now even though we can see that within our history, men and women had shared duties including on the battlefield, that women were not created to be a man’s subject, and that women were revered for their wisdom even in old age, this does not mean that men were not required to be “Manly”. Men were expected to be strong “he men” warriors, not the sissified puff masters we see trolling the streets today. What the faggots call a “White Knight” or “Alpha Male” was normal for our men. We know this because of the 3 main swear words that if one was called unjustly would require the recipient to avenge himself by killing the accuser. Being too feminine was not allowed. Having male gay relations was not allowed. The swear words are ragr, strodinn, and sordinn, all three meaning the passive role of a man included in same-sex activities among males.

Our men also treated their female counterparts with the utmost respect and adoration. Never do we read within our pre-Christian history of men who mistreated, berated or placed their wives under subjection.

This should bring new light to the verse of the bible (a book from our enemy) which says at 1 Corinthians 1:19 For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate”. How ironic is it that our wise were our women? How ironic is it that these enemies of ours instilled a belief so strong that our highly valued women, women who were revered second only to the Gods for their wisdom and advise would be demoralized and destroyed?

Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob GrimmTeutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm
Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm
Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob GrimmTeutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm
Teutonic Mythology Volume 1 by Jacob Grimm

How could we allow as a people this foreign influence about women to poison our very souls? And we wonder what happened, how did things get so bad? Well when you take away the “wisdom” of the people, our greatest gift, and turn them into demons and sinners bound for hell it sure makes for a dumber society, doesn’t it? Enough is enough!

In conclusion I will say this, one of the most important duties a woman has is in bringing forth life and rearing her children. One of the most important duties of a man is in making sure his family is safe and is not wanting. Procreation is our #1 goal, second should be in rearing our children with our TRUE traditional values. Especially today, when we are facing extinction as a race. We must not allow our children to continue to fall into the Semitic cultural trap, a trap that was devised and perfected a long time ago to destroy the unity of family bond, and within this bond the working together of both male and female for a stronger family and by extension, race. Our men and women have, before the Christian influence, worked together in all aspects of life. No one was ever denied a position, high or low, based on their gender. No one, not even the Gods… and this is what made us stronger. Today we can plainly see that the effects of the Semitic “gender role” ideology the separation of the male and female that was forced upon our folk, has made us weaker as a family, as a folk and as a race.

You can download Jacob Grimm’s Teutonic Mythology and other great works by visiting this website.

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