Exposed… Google Spying On Laptops Using Microphone!



like to bring in this article a confirmed surveillance attempt by
Google of my laptop microphone around April of 2011. Note… Also before I am writing this my laptop was attacked by hackers
again. Now I have to restore my laptop again right around when I am
suppose to interview Dr. Michael Coffman via Webcam and Microphone. ~ Brian D Hill

It was even
admitted on The Register
in Sep 2006 that Google was developing eavesdropping software, that
uses Audio ‘fingerprint’ for content-relevant ads, and that as I quote
from their news website “to use the existing PC microphone to listen to whatever is heard in the background, be it music, your phone going off or the TV turned down.

The PC then identifies it, using fingerprinting, and then shows you relevant content, whether that’s adverts or search results, or a chat room on the subject.”

When I was sued last year by Righthaven LLC, after my attorney allowed me to be interviewed by the NYTimes reporter Dan Frosch in April then a photographer was hired to go by my home, come in and take pictures of me for the newspaper.

had my laptop upstairs which the photographer wanted to get photos of
me with. So after she took the photos I was commenting on how nice her
Cannon camera was and it looked like a fancy and expensive camera.

I am a
photographer myself and just love looking at cameras with more features
and that’s more fancy. Although I got a wonderful digital camera but I
just love looking at all these different cameras that different
photographers use.

After just a few comments about how I liked her fancy
and expensive camera comment then somehow later on after the
photographer left, I immediately saw ads in my GMail for my USWGO Admin
email account since I have a Google Apps account for my domain at

Those ads were tailored to expensive and fancy Cannon cameras same as
the one the NYTimes hired photographer was using when she took multiple
photos of me. It freaked me out as I never did any search on fancy
cameras like hers and yet GMail knew what I was talking about.

This had
only meant that the Microphone embedded in my laptop, as in almost every
laptop computer these days, was recording my conversations with the
NYTimes photographer without either of out consent to tailor ads as if
it recognized my voice patterns using advanced digital software in
server boxes.

I had no software or even GMail up and yet my microphone
was being tapped by Google. Back then I can’t remember writing an
article and probably because I couldn’t search the right keywords to
back up my story with evidence likely because I was in utter shock over
the spying.

I may have had the Google Toolbar but it’s insane that I
wasn’t even on GMail and yet GMail had ads tailored to the type of
camera that the photographer was using and more expensive ones.

this isn’t Big Brother spying on your own private laptop microphone
then what is?

This isn’t even the Government it’s a private corporation
such as Google that is conducting surveillance of users Microphones
without consent or even notification that every word the person says is
being monitored and that Google has algorithms to identify what words
come out of your own mouth.

The laptop was on, I was 1-2 feet away
from my laptop whenever I had a conversation with the photographer and
yet my laptop was able to capture audio fingerprints of my conversation
with the photographer.


Brian D Hill – March 8, 2012 – posted at DeadlineLive


Source USWGO Alternative News



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